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Upon returning with our food, I noticed two girls standing by our table. Lam looked really uncomfortable it appeared. For a very attractive guy, he doesn't have good communication skills. He seems to let his emotions do most of the talking for him. I've come to learn it's best to go with his body language than just his words.

Just as he claimed he wasn't hungry but clearly he was, based on all that growling his tummy was making. As I got closer to the table, I overheard his conversation with the girls. One of them asked him out on a date. He hesitated to answer her, but then said yes when he saw me. Hahahaha, oh my dear Lam;I don't know how long he plan on living in denial but I'll go along with the hoax.

" No, I'm GAY.." I said to the girl who went by Yihwa who asked me to go on a double date with Lam and her friend. Then she said, " Well, that's a bummer. If you ever want to switch sides I'm available" she winked at me. These engineering girls are very forward. In comparison to the other girls from the other schools, our girls are the most outspoken and has strongest personalities.

The girls were not shocked that I said I was 'GAY' but Lam definitely was. Once the girls left, he did all he can to avoid eye contact. " So!!! When is the big DATE?" I asked trying to break the ice. He responded not making eye contact. " Tonight, at the new Korean BBQ spot"-Lam... "She's a pretty girl, and the star of the campus. You definitely attract beautiful girls. Do you want me to lend you my car? I know you don't like driving yours"... He just nodded and said in a low voice "sure!!😔". For someone who willingly agreed on a date he didn't seem that excited 😏. I'll play along for now Lam, I will wait for you.


Lunch with Beam was great. We had Pad Thai right off the medical campus. Above all, I was glad that relationship status with Phana was a joke. But at the back of my mind, I still didn't believe Phana saw Beam as just a friend. I've been around long enough to know when a man yearningly stares at someone he is attracted to.

I'm glad to know it was just a hoax because my world came tumbling down. Hence, why I rushed to the medical campus to find out from him, but couldn't find the words to ask him. I mean the more I thought about it, it wasn't my place to ask. After all, he wasn't my boyfriend. I returned in time for the last block of the day with Lam. He was sitting by the window and looked like he was in deep thought.

" Hey, Lam!!! It was all a joke. Beam is still single hahaha"... I said but Lam just looked at me, smiled and looked back out the window. What is wrong with him, not this mood of his again. " is everything okay Lammie?"... while still starring out the window he said, " I told you not to leave me alone with Park!!! He makes me uncomfortable"-Lam. Oh that situation, I smiled. " Why the fuck are you smiling? The guy just give off this weird vibe!!! I really don't like it. Can he not come around anymore. Did you know he was GAY?"-Lam.

I looked at him, and I believe it's time he understood his feelings and that Park also liked him. " I didn't know you had a problem with GAYs? I've fucked cute boys all this while around you and suddenly Park identifying as GAY is an issue?"... "No!!! It's just that he always looks at me as if he is picturing me NAKED!And hearing him confirm it made me more uncomfortable."-Lam. " I'll let you in on a secret...Park does like you".... Lam looked at me in horror. "...and you know what else?.... I think you might like him just as much, you are just in denial".


I was more than shocked to hear what Forth said about Park liking me, but above all that I LIKED HIM TOO!!. Where the hell did he get such an idea from? "What makes you think I like Park?"... "Hahaha well the heart palpitations, the uneasiness, the constant blushing when he is around, and oh how jealous you get when he compliments others.... you my friend have been bitten by the love bug"-Forth.

I just looked at him and was completely lost for words. " Lammie, you don't have to come to terms with it yet. Sort out your feelings okay? Don't shy from it, it is okay not to be in control all the time. And you can't fight your emotions"-Forth. The lecturer came in and we started the lesson. I couldn't focus on anything, Forth's words kept replaying in my head. 'Do I like Park??'... I kept pondering on it.

After my lecture, I walked over to Lam and Forth's class which was almost over. We had SOTUS afterwards, so I decided to walk there with them. "Hey Guys!!!...", I yelled out to them and waving to get their attention. As soon as Lam saw me, he runned off as if there was an emergency. I walked over to Forth, " hey, what's wrong with Lam?"...
" umm, I think he really!!!have to use the rest room. Hahaha"-Forth.

How could he laugh right now? his friend could be having a belly ache for all we know. " Let's go, he would join us at SOTUS"-Forth. But he never showed up for SOTUS, Forth left early for his Moon and Star practice. So I ended up having to tell the Hazers Lam was sick. After SOTUS, I stopped by the Moon and Star practice to check if he went there. But he was no where in sight. I had texted him earlier on, but there was no response.

Forth was busy practicing so I called him on the phone and still no response. Okay, I couldn't wait around for Forth to finish, so I dashed off to the house. All the lights were off. Where could Lam be??? Did he check into a hospital. Finally,Forth pulled up to the driveway. " Hey!!! I think something really bad happened to Lam, he is not home, and he is not answering my calls..." Meanwhile, Forth stood there calmly listening to me rant on. " Did you hear me!!! Lam is nowhere to be found Forth!."...

" Umm, Park... Lam is okay I spoke to him, and I think you should stay away for some time"-Forth.
" Ai'Forth!, what do you mean? I don't follow!"... he scratched his head, as if trying to find the words to say ,what needed to be said? " Okay, so I told Lam that you like him.... and he likes you too. Perhaps, the realization finally hit him and he is avoiding you. Sorry, I couldn't help but tell him. He seemed really confused about his feelings for you and I believe you should give him time to sort it out"-Forth.

I felt like crap, after hearing that.I was eventually going to tell him, but he also realized he like me too? It was bittersweet, because he seemed confused about his sexuality and I was willing to admire in the shadows for a bit. Now everything is in the open, and all I wanted to do was console him and let him know I wanted to be with him.

Forth patted me on the back, " don't be too down... it's best he knows. Give him time to figure it out. I'll see you on campus tomorrow"-Forth. I just nodded my head and looked on into the distance. I felt so heart broken to know I am the cause of this. I'll give him time, " tell him to take all the time he needs. I'll be okay with any outcome. Bye Forth"

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