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It has been over 12 hours since I last saw or heard from Forth. He hasn't bothered to texted me since I dropped him off. What happened to the courting that he was talking about? I'm not saying I agree to him courting me, but why say it if he won't follow through? Arghh, why I'm I so irritated 😣 right now!!! I glanced at my phone in annoyance, and kept refreshing my text messages.

" Hey Beam,we are going to the Geography campus for their new Pad Thai stall... you want to come?"- Phana asked with Sheena the star of medicine.
" No, I'll eat here... where is Kit?" I asked since I didn't see him at this morning lecture and he was not in his room last night either. " He will be coming back today, he spent an extra day at home"-Phana.

I was going over my notes when I heard a voice from behind , " I brought food, you better not be skipping lunch"-Forth. I looked at him with wide eyes. He hasn't text nor called me, yet here he is all chipper with food? I folded my arms and said, " how come you never texted me?"... he just looked at me and smiled. " You was waiting for my text?😏... you could have texted me if you missed me that much hahaha"-Forth. Really!! so he didn't text because he was hoping I would? I just reached for the food and proceeded shoving it in my mouth.

After I helped Lam baked his cake, I wanted to call Beam that night and tell him about it. I reached for my phone and thought perhaps that was coming on a bit strong. I need to give him space. But watching the two love birds in front of me right now is making me jealous. Lam and Park are inseparable and they are comfortable now displaying their love in public. Sadly, I've become the third wheel. " So what's the status with Beam"-Lam.

"Well I confessed to him.🥰" I said with a big grin. "I knew I sensed the connection from the get go, and what did he say in return?"-Park. "He completely dismissed me, he didn't give an answer but I've decided to court him nonetheless". I said and kept glancing at my phone, contemplating whether to text him. " Dude, just go to him. What's the worst that could happen"-Lam. That's true, I got up and started packing up my stuff. " Lammie, I'll see you in class. I'm going to med's for lunch".

When I arrived at the medical campus, Beam was all alone surrounded by books. Does he always have lunch by himself? I stood by the entrance watching him constantly glancing at his phone. Even from afar he look so radiant, wow! I never thought I can fall another person in the little time we've known each other. Beam puts up a hard exterior but unlike others, I can see through the that.

I lifted my head up from my food to Forth who was just smiling at me. "You was starving yourself? Look at how you just guzzled down that food?-Forth. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. " I was planning on getting food before you got here". It got silent for a minute. Then he startled me when I noticed him move closer and touched my hair.

"What the hell are you doing?😠". " Chill!! You had a piece of lint in your hair. I was just getting it for you."-Forth. I felt my cheeks warming up. That little interaction had my heart racing.I bit my lips to calm down my nerves. What the hell is going on with me. " Don't bite your lips like that, it's really inviting☺️"-Forth. I gasped, like I didn't feel awkward enough. Now there are other set of eyes looking at us now. I can see people whispering and pointing pointing at us.I noticed someone taking pictures. Oh crap, I really don't need any more rumors spread about me.

Why is he acting all cute right now? His cheeks were was the shade of a red tomato. "Will you stop by the Moon and Star competition today?" I asked to ease the ease the tension. He coughed and said, "No,Phana told me not to come no more"-Beam. Huh!? What the fuck did he just say, "Huh? Why?... wait!! What's your relationship with him again?". I had to ask because, this sounds like a possessive boyfriend controlling his every move; than a so called "Bestfriend".

" Pha is my closest friend, I met Kit through him. He doesn't want me there because I told him about Max. Also, I don't think he likes you that much"-Beam. No shit!! Sherlock, the guy blatantly told me he doesn't. " Don't you fin it weird for your friend to tell you not to do something?". I asked trying to contain my anger. "He doesn't tell me what to do. I chose o take his advice, and frankly I didn't like being dragged there when I was not part of the competition."-Beam. I kept wracking my brain to make sense of their friendship. There is a bigger obstacle than just trying to get Beam to like me, now I have to deal with the possessive best friend.

What Forth said about Park might prefer Sex rather than cake have been weighing on my mind. I was thinking tonight might be it. I have never had sex before and I don't know how to bring up the topic to Park. I was in deep thought when Forth stumble in from his lunch date.

"So what's the verdict? Any progress with Beam😉?". He shook his head and said, "How would you feel, if I was to tell you not to be with Park anymore?" -Forth. Huh!!! Where is that coming from? "What makes you think, you have the right to meddle in my relationship? I'm old enough to know if Park is not good for me. Unless, you know something I don't know!! Ummm... did Park do something wrong?". I asked because his question was very random.

" My point exactly!!! Beam's friend Phana practically controls Beam"-Forth said with a scowl. " Does Beam have a problem with it?"..." No he seems okay with it. He views Phana as a father figure for some reason. But the more I look at it. I believe the guy is in love with Beam.
I need to make Beam mine before he is courageous enough to tell him"-Forth. He looked so concerned, " Let me know if you need help with anything, I can't let someone take away your MAN hahaha"- I said teasingly. Then, Forth turned to me with a smirk 😏. "Okay, you better not be thinking of anything STUPID!!!"

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