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Beam really meant it when he said he won't see me today. I texted him this morning to have breakfast, but he left me on read. I even stopped by his campus during lunch and he was no where in sight.Currently, I'm waiting for him at his place , it is almost 8pm and he is still not back. I called him several times, and he kept sending me to voicemail. I texted him I'll be waiting for him at his place until he returned.

He replied with, " Don't bother waiting, I'm not coming back to my suite" -Beam. What the fuck does he mean he's not coming back, where does he plan on sleeping at? Phana's? Okay, now I'm seeing red. Beam is really trying my patience. I knocked on Ai'Kit's door to ask about Beam, and he was not in his room either. Dammit!!! I don't have none of his friends phone number. I went through my phone and dialed N'Yo.

" Hi P'For!!! What's up???"- N'Yo sounded like his cheerful usual self. " Hi Nong, quick question. What is Phana's phone number?" It got silent on the other end, I had to check my screen to verify the call hasn't cut. " Wayo! Are you still there"... he hesitated then asked, " Why do you need P'Pha's number 🥺? Are you still trying to fight him?"-N'Yo.

Arghhh, this love stricken kid. 🤦‍♂️ " No, N'Yo!!! I'm just trying to get hold of Beam." I said to assure him I come in peace. Then a deep voice, that obviously didn't belong to N'Yo said, " Beam is not with me" *Click. beep.beep*Huh??? Why is Phana with my baby cousin at this hour. I sighed, I'll deal with that later. Right now I need to find Beam.


I was still mad at Forth and I meant what I said about not meeting him today. Truth is I had a group project that we did in the study hall. So, for lunch we ordered pizza and I had no reason to go out to the stalls for food. After the project was done I went straight back to my suite. I watched Netflix in my bedroom, while I kept sending Forth to voicemail.

He was wrong for throwing my keys in the fish tank. Also, that stupid jealousy he has pent up towards Ai'Pha is just so juvenile. Then I received a text from Lam, " I'll get Forth to the hall by 7pm. Don't forget his ice cream cake. Everything is set for the party"-Lam. I replied to let him know I've received his message and will get the cake. I'm still helping with the surprise party even though I'm mad at him.

As I sat on my bed, wrapping Forth's present I got him. I received a text from Forth that said, "I'm going home now. We need to have a talk tomorrow Beam. There better be an explanation why it's 1am and you are not home😡"-Forth. Wow!!! I can't believe he stayed out there until now.

I tiptoed to my door and looked through my peep hole. I saw the back of his head as he was heading towards the elevator. My heart thump a bit. He looked so pitiful, I almost called out to him. *No Beam!! He needs I know how mad you are. Don't give in So easily*😪


Park and I have been running around getting all the last minute stuff for Forth's surprise birthday party. His boyfriend has been helpful booking the hall and the catering. This time I opt out to have it done at the house, because they trashed my place and broke shit the last party thrown here.I rather pay for a hall than have to clean my entire house again. Then I felt Park's large hand on my waist.

" You sure are going above and beyond for your bestie's birthday" Park said pretending to be mad. I just laughed, " Forth hasn't celebrated his birthday, since his 10th birthday party" I said while washing a plate , with Park snuggling on my neck. " Why, what happened?" He asked eager to hear. " well, hahaha... His P'Mew pulled down his pants in front of everyone one during the party . He was so mad, he pushed his cake to the floor and run to his room. Mostly because there was a kid he liked in the crowd and his brother embarrassed him".

Park looked at me wild eyes, " Yeap, and ever since that day he detest birthdays" I said. Then Park tilted his head , looking at me from the side. " so what made you think it's a good idea to throw a surprise party babe? Wouldn't it be triggering for him?"-Park asked concerned. I thought about it, but that was 10 years ago. "I doubt he will oppose the idea, besides Beam will be there. Forth is the most at peace when that guy is around. Even if I hate to admit it, Beam makes him happy and a better person ".


When Lam finished his sentence about how Beam has made Forth happy a better person. He stormed in to the house, yelling on the phone. "Beam!!! I'm not fucking kidding with you. There better be a good fucking explanation where you slept tonight when I see you"-Forth. He came into the house, Guns blazing. At this very moment, I absolutely understand why Forth is next year's head hazer.

He was so engulfed in anger, he didn't bother to look at Lam's and My direction ; he went to his room and slammed the door. "So!!! What was you saying about Beam bringing him peace?" I said searching Lam's face for an answer. " Wait!!! Are they fighting? Does that mean Beam won't be there tomorrow?"-Lam
I shrugged 🤷‍♂️ my shoulders and walked away to Lam's room.

Friday is finally here!!! I didn't complain going to lectures today, because we were getting a half day. It worked out perfectly, because I needed to go shopping for an outfit for tonight. Forth haven't sent a text nor called today. I listen to his voicemail this morning and he was in such a rage. Anywho, we will sort it out when I see him in person.

I received a call from Lam while still shopping. "hey!!! Are you and Forth still fighting?" -Lam asked me and I answered with," Well I won't call it fighting, I just needed some space for a bit" I said giggling.
" Hmm, I don't know if you're aware whom you are dating. Forth is a jealous dude, and if you don't answer his calls soon. He might imagine the worst"-Lam.

I was alarmed by his last sentence, I did nothing to him. I just ignored his calls. " Well, I'll see you tonight Beam. Please try to reach out to Forth before hand. I don't want this to be another horrible birthday for him"-Lam. 'Another horrible' what did Lam mean by that. I got my stuff and went to the hotel, where the party was being held and also where I've booked a room for this weekend. But before that, I have to call Forth. I'm surprised I haven't received not a single call from him today.

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