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It is Saturday evening and we just finished the SOTUS ceremony. Our seniors dispersed the engineering gear, that held a significant meaning. The emblem represents the engineers heart, when gifted or given to someone else, it represented you giving them your heart to take care of. I watched as the two love birds exchanged theirs and gushed over each other. " Ewww, get a room!!! My heart can't take all this PDA" I teased them. Lam rolled his eye at me, while Park just laughed.

They handed us back our phones. We were allowed to do whatever we want. Some were having a party on the beach while others went off to the nearby clubs. Park and Lam decided to go on a date, which they invited me. But I had no desire to be the third wheel. I took my phone, and headed back to my hotel room. I turned on my phone, to text Beam about the SOTUS experience when I noticed he had read my messages.

I quickly sat up to collect my thoughts, *okay should I call him? His phone is on now. Is it too late now (1:09 am).... what should I do?!!!. I was about to call Lam when I noticed the three bubbles, indicating he was typing. HOLY!!! SHIT!!! I waited to see his response, and it said " Let's have a talk when you return-Beam". OMGosh!!! What should I do!!! I rode with Park and Lam here, I didn't bring a car. I quickly called Park, and asked to borrow his car, I will return Tomorrow to pick them up. He agreed, I grabbed the keys and stormed off. I didn't want to reply with a text. I wanted to see Beam face to face.

I started reading Forth's messages earlier on in the day and it is almost midnight. After, reading those messages I thought I at least owe him the right to explain himself. I contemplated whether to do so or not. Right before I went to sleep, I sent him a text that we should talk. I know based on his last text that, he was at SOTUS and I won't hear from him until Sunday. So I clicked sent and went to sleep.

*knock knock!!!BEAM!!...* I was in deep sleep when I heard a knock on my door. It was pouring rain outside, so it took me a while to hear. I turned over to check my phone and it was almost 3am. Who the hell is that???. I peeped throw the hole, and saw a drenched Forth, on the other end what is he doing here at this our. I abruptly opened the door, and standing in front of me in drenched clothes was Forth. " You said to wanted to talk! 😆-Forth. He can't be serious. " OMGosh, hurry in before you catch a cold!" I opened the door wide enough for him to get in.

The drive from my grandma's to the city was about 45mins to an hour. But it started raining heavily, just when I had arrived at Beam's. I sat in my car for about 5minutes rehearsing what I was going to say. I have never been this nervous in my life. I gripped my steering wheel tight and told myself is either now or never. Just when I was about to step out, someone with their high beams on. Parked their car crookedly and runned up the stairs

*who is the maniac driving recklessly at this hour?* I was shocked when I arrived at Beams floor. The maniac I just witnessed was in fact FORTH! He banged on Beam's door drenched in water. For some reason I stood frozen at my spot. A part of me wanted to walk up to him, and knock him out. And a part of me wanted to walk away and throw in my towel. But I couldn't do none, but stood there.

I waited until Beam opened the door. *Yell at him and tell him to leave BEAM!!! I'll run to your side and never let go!!* I watched as they calmly exchanged words, and Beam invited him inside. I slowly shuffled my steps back to my car. I took it as a sign, perhaps it's time I ended this one sided love. Because the ache in my heart was too much to bare. I sat in my car, until day break. Forth never came out from Beams suite.

I don't know how many road violations that I broke driving back to the city, but all I could think of was getting to Beam. I didn't bother to park the car appropriately when I arrived, I got out and quickly dashed up stairs. I couldn't wait on the elevator. I knocked on the door a couple times... he must be in deep sleep because it took him a while to open the door. To say he was shocked 😳 to see me is an understatement. There he stood in a shirt and his boxers, with his hair tied up. Why the hell does he look this good, just waking up?

I gulped and gathered my thoughts. " You said you wanted to talk" I said panting for air. He allowed me inside because I was drenched. I stood by the entrance while he got me a towel and a change of clothes." I thought you didn't have access to your phone because of SOTUS?"-Beam. I wiped my hair, while answering him. " Yea, it was over by 11:30pm, I happened to see your text right before heading to sleep". Beam made his way to the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make some tea. He handed me a cup of tea, and said "explain yourself!😒"-Beam.

The tension in the room was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. I cleared my throat and proceeded, "About the BET... ummm, it's true, there was one in place. It was placed way before I met you and got to know you.But!!! All the moment we shared were genuine, I meant every word I said. I'm in love with you Beam Baramee. I don't know how long it will take for you to believe me. But, I'll wait for you... all I know is I can't let you walk out of my life. I know you also have feelings for me". I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Hmmm, how long can you wait?"- Beam. He was silent for so long, I was startled when he responded. " For as long as you need, as long as you won't throw me away. I want to gain your trust again". I said, trying to read his expression. He sipped his tea some more, stood up and said " you are welcome to use the couch if you want. If not, lock my door behind you before you leave"-Beam. He walked off into his room without looking behind and locked his door. I looked around the living room, and notice he had placed my flowers in vase. That's a good sign, at least he didn't throw them out. ☺️

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