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It appears that Beam is still wary of me and I couldn't think of how to break down those guards. We are heading Home right now. Well, he doesn't know yet, but I'm taking him back home to my family.I already told P'Mew about Beam, and I want the rest of the family to meet him too.

"Where are we going? I thought we were going to your HOUSE?"-Beam. He looked at me through his shades as I made my way onto the high way. "Yes, we are going to my HOUSE... My parents are excited to meet you" I said waiting on his reaction.

"Omg!! OMGosh 😳STOP!!! STOP, the car!Forth!!!I don't want to meet your family!!! What for?"-Beam. I couldn't help but look at him and be amused by his reaction. "Well, this is the final card I have to play. I want my family to meet the man of my DREAM"... Beam had his mouth wide open.

I smiled watching him, he didn't say another word afterwards, but I can see the worry in his face. When we finally pulled up to the house, he asked " Your family is okay with you being bi-sexual?"-Beam. Is that what has been running through his mind this whole time? " Well, I guess we are about to find out"😉

Forth bid enough money at the auction that we exceeded our goal that was set. Now, I'm in his car fulfilling my end of the bargain; which is a 24 hour with the winner. When Forth mentioned he was taking me home, I thought his place with Lam. Unbeknownst to me he meant home as in FAMILY. I'm a bit nervous now, I really was not expecting this sudden visit.

" Hey lil-Bro!!! Word on the street is that you gave up being a player" said a guy who could pass for Forth's twin. I mean from the height to the built, only difference is he look more tan than Forth.
" P'Earth, I didn't know you would be home too!!". Forth said embracing this other guy. " ...And who do we have here?" He said with a evil smirk. 😈

" P'Earth, I want you to meet my boyfriend Beam"-Forth. I froze in my position and just glared at him. How could he make such a blunt statement?  "hahaha, well from the looks he is giving you. I doubt he knew.. Anyway nice to meet you. I have to go pick up groceries for mom. I'll catch up later"-P'Earth.

His brother said as he drove off, and meanwhile Forth still had that stupid grin on his face. " WHY!!! Would you say that I'm your boyfriend?". He went to the trunk to grab our luggages. " Well you didn't refute it. You could have told him you were not"-Forth. I just looked away when he said that, because he was telling the truth. I didn't object when he said it.


"My baby!!!! Awww a few months in university and you are already a MAN!!!"-Mom. My mother quickly said as I walked inside the house with Beam trailing behind me. " Hi mom!!! This is my boyfriend... his name is Beam". I said quickly introducing Beam to mom. " Well your name really suit you BEAM handsome 😊. You are home okay, make yourself comfortable"-Mom.

"Forrrr!!!! I heard you would be a hazer next year!!! Congrats bro!!" P'Mew came down the stairs from his room to greet us . Crazy how he graduated last year, yet he still knows everything that goes on, on campus. He walked over and put his arm around me. " Is this him?😳"- P'Mew tried to whisper but was not that discrete about it. This guy definitely doesn't have an inside voice.

" Yea, this is Beam... my boyfriend" I said again, and this time Beam was blushing 😊. " Awwww, you are just too adorable. Come with me to the kitchen, have you had lunch yet?"-Mom said escorting a blushing Beam to the kitchen. " Boy!!! I can see why you are willing to settle down for him. He is very good looking 😏"-P'Mew. I noticed that mischievous smile on his face. " Don't get any crazy ideas Phi!!! I'm not in middle school anymore. I won't let you steal another one from me" I glared at him and took our luggage upstairs, while he just laughed.

I'm in awe how friendly Forth's Mom and siblings are. While Forth and his older brother would pass for twins, his middle brother is really the hunk. He has a built and height like his brother's but he has their mother's face. He is very handsome, and it was no surprise to find out he won Moon during his year.

" I hope Forth is treating you well, he is a bit ruff on the edges but out of all my kids. He has the purest heart 😊" said Forth's mom. She is a very beautiful woman, about the same age as my mom. She is very warm and motherly, and  insisted I call her mom. I couldn't help but just nod and smile when she spoke.

"What did Forth do for you to follow him home?" -P'Mew. I was not prepared for all these questions, where the hell is Forth. "Technically, I dragged him home. I was hoping you guys would help convince him that I'm not that horrible of a person!!... Beam is not completely sold on me as his boyfriend YET". Forth said walking into the kitchen.

" Wait!!! You've not agreed to be his boyfriend ?"-Mom. I looked a bit confused because everyone was looking at me. "...ummm, I'm still considering it. I'm not sure yet" I said nervously. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. " Am back!!! What did I miss?"-P'Earth returned back with the groceries.

When P'Earth heard what Forth did, he dragged him by the the neck out of the kitchen. I was so confused!!! What is going on now. I heard him yell, "DID YOU BRING HIM HERE OUT OF HIS WILL??"-P'Earth. I quickly run to the living room where he had him in a headlock . " No!!! Is not like that... I didn't object coming here either. Please don't hurt him Phi!"- I pleaded for Forth.

P'Earth laughed hysterically when Beam run out to my aid. " Nong, I won't hurt your boyfriend hahaha. I'm just pulling his leg"-P'Earth. Beam just looked at us confused, I can tell he is the only child. Being the youngest of the family I'm accustomed to this sort of treatment.

" Stop horsing around and let's have lunch boys. Well for what is worth, I'm happy to have you in our home"-Mom. We ate in silence for a couple of minutes then mother said "Forth!!! If you do wrong by Beam. Forget your brothers. I'll kick your ass myself". I guess Beam thought it was funny because he laughed out loud. " Kid!!! She is serious... hahaha. I think mom wants you for her in-Law"-P'Mew.

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