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Honestly, I'm currently in a daze right now. Here I am at the engineer food stall sitting across from Lam who is mean mugging me and his boyfriend who is doing all he can to appease him. Meanwhile, I noticed a few of the other students glancing at my wrist and smiling at me. What is going on right now?

" Here you go!!! We might not have the best pad Thai, but our Tom yum is one of the best"-Forth. He came back with two trays of food for us. I still haven't said a word since he dragged me here for lunch. " So how much money are you guys trying to raise?"-Park. I guess he wanted to break the awkward tension and ease my mind. " Ummm, hopefully enough to set up a playroom for the pediatric wad. The children with chronic illness practically live in the hospital. We wanted to do something to brighten their mood".

I noticed Forth just cheesing while I explain the fundraiser. " That's a good cause, I'll invite my friends from mechanical to come support 😊"-Park. He is such a level headed guy, why on earth did he settle for Lam?!?! I get it, he is good looking but his attitude is a turn off. " so is it mostly girls being auctioned off?"-Park. " Oh No, it's both males and females.... I'm actually one of the people being auctioned off".


I almost choked on my soup when Beam said he would be auctioned off as well. Both Park and Lam chuckled at my reaction. " So what EXACTLY, do you have to offer the person that win the auction?" I asked trying to keep my cool and not come off as a jealous boyfriend. " They get a day with the person... you know like go on a date, dinner and do other fun things"-Beam

😠 "What other FUN THINGS?" I said trying to keep my cool, but I could feel the anger building up. With the gear he has on anyone in engineering will know not to approach him, but not the entire university knows the significance of it. Since we are not official, I can't tell him not to partake. I definitely have to be at the auction tomorrow. " I don't know... what others deem fun to do with others, besides it would be nice for a girl to take me on a date!!"-Beam. Okay, I'm definitely going to be there , I can't have someone else on a date with Beam😡.

Forth was doing all he can to hold back on how he actually felt about Beam being in the auction. When Beam returned to his campus, he told us it will be over his dead body if Beam left in the arms of another. Frankly, I couldn't wait for this moment it's going to be a sight to see.

When we arrived at the auditorium the next day, the place was packed. I guess word got around about who was going to be auctioned off. The girls were all aiming for Beam and Phana. And there were guys who also had eyes on Beam. All I know is, if this auction does not go as Forth wants all hell will break loose.

We got there on time but ended up in the back row due the number of attendants. Then Kit who was the host came on to introduce the contestants and basically said; " these are the best of he best from the medical campus. We've got this year's Moon and also Ms. Congenial. The money raised will be for a good course and you the lucky winners get a whole 24 hours with your choice...,". Oh boy!!! Here goes nothing.

Now that I'm up here, I'm in disbelief I agreed to this. It felt like it was a good course, but the rules stated just a date, I had no idea we had to spend 24 hours with the winner!!! First to be auctioned off was Pha. The bid started off at $100... within 10 minutes it was $8,000. Wow!!! These girls are willing to bet it all. Then suddenly there was a bid for $20,000.

"Huh!!! Who placed such a high bid for Pha???" I asked the girl next to me. She pointed in the direction of the pale boy, sitting next to N'Ming. Ahhh, that's Forth's cousin. That little boy was blushing from ear to ear. *Poor thing, he want to live in Fantasy. Sadly, for him Pha is straight*. I thought to myself.

Phana was ushered off the stage and it was my turn. My heart started beating fast. "Some of you might be disappointed that you didn't get the Moon. But we have his son, equally as handsome!!! We will start the bid at $100"- Kit. I closed my eyes after Kit's introduction, then I heard "I bid a $1000". There was a sudden gasp and whispers going on. I knew who it was before I even opened my eyes.

Forth started off the bid with such a large sum, next there was a bid for $5,000 from this girl, who winked at me. Suddenly, there was a bid for $10,000 from a random guy in a hoody upfront. Who is that???. Then Forth bid $10,000 more making it a sum of $20,000. Just when I thought the bid was over, the opponent doubled his offer.

The bid for Beam has exceeded that of Phana. There was a mysterious guy upfront going bid for bid with me. I had no desire to back out. The bid for Beam went up to $70,000. "OMG!!! With this sum we've met our goal. Is this the final bid? Can I get a$75,000?"-Kit. I looked in the direction on the guy who has been bidding with me, but he folded. I ended up winning the bet. I noticed Beam looking at me expressionless, but I won and the money goes towards a good cause.

Once the bidding was over,I wanted to catch a glimpse of the person bidding against me, but he scurried off before the day was over. I wrote a check for the medical team and walked backstage to meet Beam.

" I guess you actually won the BET, after all huh?"- Beam. Wait!!! He is mad I was the one who won??? He rather have a complete stranger take him on a 24 hour date?

" What do you mean Beam? This was for a good cause... and I didn't want you to be taken by some stranger." I said trying to reason with him. " That was no stranger!!! That was Pete, I gave him the money to place the bet so I won't end up with a random person"-Beam. He said calmly as he packed up his stuff.

" You don't have to spend the time with me if you don't want to." I said sincerely. My goal was not to piss him off, but he seem annoyed that I won. " No, you won fare and square. And your 24 hours starts now. So what do you want to do?"-Beam. I took a deep breathe and asked him to walk to the car with me. I knew exactly where I wanted to spend the next 24 hours with Beam. ....*AT HOME *

A/N: sorry for the typos guys. I posted my rough draft by mistake. Lol oh well, I'll leave the story as is but will edit it when I wake up. Is 4:50am in NY. Where are you reading from? And what time is it?😊

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