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I was convinced by Forth's explanation, but he won't come back into my life just like that. I honestly was surprised to see him at my door at that hour in that pouring rain. I'll give him the chance to prove himself, but for now I have to keep this from Kit and especially Phana. I think he would be mad to find out I'm still entertaining Forth. When I got out of bed, I was curious whether he stayed or left afterwards. I cracked the door to check and of course he wasn't there.

I don't know why, but a part of me was hoping he would be there when I woke up. I went into the bathroom, took a shower. I lotioned and put on just tidy whiteys and walked out to the living room. I suddenly heard a pot dropped from the direction of the kitchen. And standing there with a spatula in hand was Forth!!. " Hi!! I figured I make you breakfast before I leave 😳"-Forth. I frantically looked around for something to cover myself with, I quickly covered my private with a pillow and run off to my room.
* Omg 😱!!! Why is he still here?Why did I wear this out. Crap!!*


When Beam asked it I wanted to spend the night on his couch, to me that was his invitation for me stay. I didn't even consider the part about leaving. I woke up before him and figured I'll make breakfast. I went over to his fridge, but all he had was water and ice cream. Does he never cook? So I set out to get groceries to make breakfast. When I returned, I heard the shower running and knew he was awake. But what followed was something I didn't even dream about.

Beam walked out into the living room in his tidy whiteys, I guess he doesn't wear boxers. I couldn't help but gulped. I didn't know how to announce my presence, since he walked in with no knowledge of me being there. I tried saying something when I lifted my hand and dropped a pot. He was so startled, that he run off to his room and slammed the door.

I finished making the breakfast and set the table for him. Knocked on the door, " Beam!!! I am leaving now. You can freely come out and have breakfast. I'll call you when I get home"... There was no response. So I left him a note as well and set off to go pick up Lam and Park. When I got there, the car was no where to be found. I read the sign that stated it was a reserved parking spot, and unauthorized vehicles will be towed. *Oh fuck, Lammie is going to kill me for getting his boyfriend's car towed* Oh crap, I headed back upstairs to to ask Beam for a ride.

I heard Forth talking behind the closed door, I guess he is leaving now. I came out to the living room, to a plate of French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage and orange juice. Oh wow, he prepared American breakfast. I took a bite of the toast and it was really good. I proceeded to gulp down the food when I noticed a note by the tray, "you looked really cute in your undies"-Forth. I instantly blushed, then there was a knock at the door. Who could it be at this hour? I opened the door and there stood Forth, AGAIN!!

" Sorry to bother you Beam, but my car go towed and I have to go pick up the Lam and Park"-Forth. I looked around, " I'll grab my keys, give you a ride to the towing company" I said about to head back inside. " Ummm, about that they need the owner there to sign off. I offered to have Park on the line but it's against their policy"-Forth. I looked at him questioning what he meant. " it means we have to drive to the resort to get Park and Lam" -Forth. Ughh just what I need this early morning. " Don't worry, I'll do the driving and buy gas"-Forth. I nodded to indicate I agree.


If someone had told me I'll spend the night at Beam's and hang with Beam today, I wouldn't have believed it. In all honesty, I could have had Park confirm his car information over the phone. But I didn't want to drive by myself, so I tried my luck to get Beam to ride with me and it worked. It was really quiet in the car so I put on some music. Suddenly, the song that I sang for Beam during the moon and star came on. I noticed him smile, I guess there's a part of him that miss me too.


I went back to my suite at day break, I guess Beam truly have feelings for Forth. If he can forgive him for disrespecting him, then I have no choice. I'll step out of the way and allow him to make his mistakes. I just need to heal from my heart break. *Incoming call from Ai'Kit* I glanced at my phone. I wonder if he heard all that commotion that was going last night. Then again it was pouring out, I doubt he did.

" Hi Pha!!! Are you still at your granny's?"-Kit. Why is he this awake at this hour? "No, I'm back at my suite. What's up?". " oh great, join N'Ming and I at the gym. He came with his friend as well"-Ai'Kit. I thought about it, I could either lay in bed or work out to get my mind off all that's going on. " okay I'll see you there in 10 minute.

As soon as I arrived I noticed the boy that was Pete, forgot his name. " Ai'Pha!!! Come over here... You already know Ming. This is his best friend N'Yo"-Kit. Ahhh yes!!! *N'Yo!!* " We have already met, how are you doing Nong?"... the kid smiled and started blushing again. I can't deny it, he is too cute for words.


Forth called to let me know Park's car was towed for illegal parking. I told him all they need is his confirmation via phone, to make sure the car was stolen. He didn't even consider that, rather he insisted that Beam would be giving him a ride. I couldn't help but smile, I guess they patched things up. " Why that naughty grin? Who were you on the phone with?"-Park asked as he walked out the shower butt naked. I can't fault him, he has a great physique and he shows it off every opportunity he gets.

As long as I'm the only one who gets to see it, I'm cool with it. " it was Forth, he said your car got towed"... Park dried his hair nonchalantly, " oh he needed my confirmation to pick it up?"-Park.
" Well!!! He said he's already heading here... with Beam!!".. Park immediately dropped his towel.
" Wait!!! Beam forgave him!!! Oh nice!!! I guess he wants to spend time with him already"-Park.

Park texted me while sitting right next to me. "Are you sure they made up? Beam looks pissed off"-Park. That was the exact observation I made as well, you would think he was dragged here out of his own will. "It appears so, this is going to be an awkward ride home😖" I replied. We both looked at each other, and sighed. On the brighter side, my best friend is just content to be breathing the same air as Beam. This love struck fool 🤦‍♂️.

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