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After I came home from Beam's last night, I was so heated and ended up throwing my phone against my wall. I mean what the hell is wrong with him? Why is he acting so stubborn!!! Is he seeing someone else? Where did he spend the night, and with whom?😪 Nobody had informed me that relationships were such a rollercoaster. I laid up in my bed and felt a stream of tears falling from my eyes. *shit!!! This guy really has my heart, and this is not fair. I wish he understood the depth of my feelings for him*

I heard a knock on my door, " Happy Birthday Forrrr!!!!". I sprung out of the bed, because in front of my door were my brothers, Lam and Park. Oh boy!!! What are they up to. I managed a weak smile to greet them. " Dude!!! You are 20 years old!!! Welcome to your twenties. The decade that you transition from childhood to adulthood. Welcome to the club bro!!!"-P'Mew. Normally, his rowdiness would annoy me but I was happy for the destruction.

My brothers and I went out for lunch, where they gave me my gifts from our parents. " Hey!! Is Beammie still in class? You should have invited him"-P'Earth. I just gave him a weak smile as I went back to my food. "Oooooh pay up!! Pay up!! I told you Beam will break up with him by his birthday hahahahaha"-P'Earth. Wow!!! They placed a bet on my relationship? I should have known better, these two always ruin my birthday. I stood up and walked off.


As I was talking to the DJ for tonight, I overheard Lam confirming with Beam to make sure he was still coming tonight. The rest might have not noticed, but when Forth's brothers arrived and we surprised him in his room. I noticed the trace of tears on his face. He was pushing a smile for us and I could tell things were still not right with Beam.

"So!!! What's the verdict? Are they fighting or not , are they on good terms?" I asked Lam. " well he said he needed some space. But he will be at the party so they still together I presumed "-Lam. I almost told Lam about what I observed with Forth earlier on, but I refrained  since Beam is still coming. I have no idea, but my gut feeling is telling me things might end bad tonight.


After I got off the phone with Lam, I wanted to reach out to Forth. I figured we should at least talk before tonight. I called his phone and was to no avail. Did he turned off his phone? I sighed after I tried several times, it was almost time for the party. I stopped by the bakery place for Forth's cake and headed back to the hotel.

"N'Beam!!! Hi!!!" I heard my name being called from a distance while I was about to get on the elevator. I turned around and it was P'Mew. He was with a bunch of other guys by the bar, who started to whistle and giggle upon him calling my Name. He left them and run over to me. " Hey!!! You were in charge of the cake?"-P'Mew. I nodded holding the cake with my shopping bags. " Do you need a hand with that?" He didn't even allow for me to respond then took the cake and one of my bags.

"We had lunch with Forth earlier on, I was hoping to see you then" -P'Mew said while pushing the bottom for the hall floor. " Oh you did... I had to help with party preparations that's why"- I lied. Well not completely, since I was picking up the cake that hour. When we got to the hall, he walked inside the kitchen to put the cake in the fridge.

Meanwhile, P'Earth had arrived with a few of his friend's and other people. I was surprise by the number of people that were here already. The party start at 7pm, it is currently 6pm and the place is filling up already. P'Earth spotted me and was walking in my direction. I kept thinking of the last time he caught Forth and I in their kitchen and blushed. " Hi Nong, how have you been?" P'Earth said with a chipper smile. Forth and this elder brother looked and sounded so much alike. I smiled back and responded but couldn't help but blush because of how he saw me last time.

" hahahahaha, you are awfully adorable for a guy. The party has started how come you are not dressed yet? And where's Forth?"- P'Earth. I told him how I got a room in the hotel and was about to go change. Also Forth would be ushered in by Lam and Park. P'Mew returned with my bag, I took it as I excused myself to go get dressed. Forth's brothers are so friendly. It made me feel bad for giving their little brother the cold shoulder.


I am currently getting dressed to have dinner with Lam and Park at God knows where. Lam made me shower and dress up, he stated he won't allow me to be by myself on my birthday. I got in the car with the two birds they are too happy for my birthday more than I am. "Hey Forth!!! Beam will be having dinner with us. Is that okay with you? I know you two are going through something" -Park.

Forth looks so miserable in the back seat, I figured at least to tell him Beam will be having "Dinner" with us. "You spoke with Beam?....H-He really s-said he was coming?" He asked cheerfully.I nodded my head, his mood has picked up from the mention of Beam.
"Babe!!! You ruined my first surprise!!!" - Lam said pouting. He is so cute, " there's more in store, at least we know having Beam there won't be an issue" I said. I noticed in the rear view mirror. Forth was fixing his hair and putting on cologne. He is really excited about his birthday finally. Hopefully, he will love the real surprise as well.


P'Mew helped me with my stuff to my hotel room. Then he said, "hey!!! Can I have a word with you". I scrunched up my face because I couldn't fathom what it is he wish to talk about. " Ummm, Yea come on in."

" I won't take up much of your time. It's about Forth. Earth and I tease him a lot, but earlier today he looked really miserable and it really broke my heart. I don't know if he did something wrong to you, but please find it in your heart to forgive him"-P'Mew.

This guy really care about his brother, him telling me how miserable Forth was broke my heart. I honestly felt guilty for ignoring him now. I told P'Mew, " I'll fix it today. It's a minor misunderstanding. Nothing we cannot iron out" I said forcing a smile. " I'm glad to hear that. I'll head back and help out with the guest. Lam texted they are almost here"-P'Mew.

I went down stairs to the party, where it was now a full hall with people and music blaring. I searched the crowd and found Pha and his boyfriend. That sounds so weird to say. " welcome guys!!! Where is kitty and Ming"- I asked when I didn't spot them.
" Those two horny assholes checked into a room here. They should be coming down soon"-Pha.

I walked around said hi to other people I knew. P'Earth and P'Mew were really helping with hosting. Suddenly I felt butterflies, I hope Forth would love the surprise party. I was back with Pha and N'Yo when I felt a hand on my back. " Where are the candles for the cake?"-P'Mew. He leaned in to ask since there was music blasting out, making it hard to hear.

Next thing I saw was Forth, pulling his brother by the collar and landing a blow on this jaw. I stood there wide eye. "YOU CAN'T ALLOW ME TO HAVE ANYTHING!!!!"-Forth screamed as he pounced on his brother. The whole place came to a stand still.
" BEAM!!! BEAM!!! STOP"-P'Earth pulled him off P'Mew.

P'Mew wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. He was so shocked to see his little brother so mad at him. He took off with out saying a word. I stood there as P'Earth looked Sternly at his little brother.
" what the fuck has gotten into you!!! We are BROTHERS!!! Go apologize to Mew. NOW!!!"
Forth didn't say a word, he just glanced in my direction and run after his brother.

Lam who was now standing in close proximity said,
" Fuck!!! You are the source of his!!!" He looked in my direction and stormed off too after his friend. Phana placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered " let's leave!!! Beam". I looked at him with eyes filled with tears, and followed him out. *What the fuck just happened? Why is Forth is such rage?!!!*

A/N: sorry for the typos!!! They are fixed now.😊 I'll be updating later on today. Thanks for reading.

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