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A/N: Hello readers, first and foremost I'll like to thank you all for reading. This is my 2nd Forthbeam fanfic and the response is equally overwhelming if not more'as the first.I appreciate you all, as I wrap up this story. I have a few more FB fanfics🥳, while also be working on my own stories as well.I'll love your support on those work as well.


When Lam dashed after Forth I followed along. As I approached where they were, Lam had stopped in his tracks. It appears the brothers were in a heated conversation. " Hey Park... lets go tell everyone the party is over."-Lam. I nodded because he looked very disappointed 😔 about the outcome. We told everybody, due to unforeseen circumstances the party was canceled. Well, I mean they all did witnesses what happened.Technically, it was pretty obvious why the party was being canceled.

As I was helping Lam take down the decorations, I couldn't help but wonder why he said Beam was the cause of this. " Lammie... Babe, can I ask you a question?". He took a deep sigh and said, " Yeah, is it about the Beam comment?"-Lam. Oh he already knew what I was going to ask. "Park, I've known Forth all my life. He didn't over react when his brother stole his first love, he didn't over react when he was embarrassed at his birthday party . As long as I've know Forth, he has been a leveled headed person until Beam came into the picture. He has never acted out of character like he did today"-Lam.

"Hmmm, and you think that's a bad thing?" I asked and he looked at me, like that's a rhetorical question. " What if Forth has that emotions bottled up all these years; he was repressing his true feelings to make others feel comfortable? Perhaps having Beam in his life made him brave enough to let go. You know.. when you meet the right person, you don't only compromise but some people change for the better". I noticed Lam smile after I said that. I know that's Lam's way of saying he agrees with what I was saying . I suddenly received a texted from Beam's number from Forth. *Party in 305... bring cake 🎂😆".


I laid in bed with N'Yo cuddled up. I've grown found of this kid. We are getting pretty serious, and I plan on asking him to come home to meet my parents soon. I've never taken anyone I've dated home before, but Wayo is special. I was fortunate enough to have met his father, when I went over to his place the last time. As much as I was anxious to meet him, he was very relaxed and friendly. He told me, he was glad to finally meet me. He really love his son, and would do anything for him.

"P'Pha... I know you are worried about P'Beam, but he is in good hands"-N'Yo said interrupting my thoughts. He lifted his head off my chest to look me in the eyes . " P'Forth comes off tuff, but he is very kind and loving . He has a kind heart, but sometimes has a hard expressing himself. He really likes P'Beam" -N'Yo. I just smiled at him, but in hind sight a part of me can tell, Forth's feelings towards Beam is genuine. Then I received a text from Beam, that said *party in my room 🥳*


Everyone was in my room within 30 minutes. Forth's brothers and his friends and my friends. We had drinks and ordered room services. We also played games, and Forth got to blow out his candles. I looked around and everyone was getting along, even Lam was back to smiling at me. I whispered in Forth's ear, " are you enjoying your day?". He pulled me into a hug and said, " this the best Birthday I've ever had, and having you in my life made it extra special"-Forth.

We all decided to go paintball the following day. We all slept in and checked out of the hotel by noon. Again, it was an eventful day, we played like 4 rounds of paintball. By the time we were done, it was dinner time. P'Earth treated as to Korean BBQ. I looked around the table and there was smiles and laughter. I think this is the most happy I've been in a long while.😊


My birthday weekend was coming to a close. I had my brothers, friends and my boyfriend with me. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. After dinner, P'Mew and P'Earth headed back home. Phana and N'Yo had other plans, and I was shocked he met uncle Arthit already. If he has given his blessings, then they have mine. Ming and his boyfriend couldn't keep their hands off each other, in fact they were the first to leave. Lam and Park had desert with us, then left for Park's place.

At last!!! I have Beam to myself, I took in what he had on and as always he looks handsome. We got into my car and Beam asked, " So!!! What do you want to do for the rest of the weekend? it's only Saturday evening". I smiled and looked his direction. " I have a place I want to take you" I said. He looked at me beaming with joy. " Oh wow, where????" He asked all excited. I just smiled and drove off onto the highway.


Before we headed where we was going, Forth made a stop at home. He brought what looked like a tent, sleeping bag, a lamp,and a cooler. Which I presumed had drinks and perhaps food. What does he have in mind. I watched as we pulled up to a secluded lake. Although it was night time, it was dimly lit by fireflies. " Wow!!! This is very beautiful!!!" I said at the sight of the fireflies and also the stars and moon.

This was a very serene place, " this place is very calm and serene" I said as Forth brought out the lamps and tent. He even had fire wood with him. " Yea, this is my favorite place to come and clear my mind. Honestly, this was exactly what I had in mind for my birthday. Looking at the stars with you"-Forth said and then winked at me.I didn't know Forth was such a romantic guy. He set up our tent with the fire lit. I sat next to him on the sleeping bag as we gazed at the stars.


I really like nature and this spot is one of my favorite place to come and ease my mind. I have never brought anyone here before and I can't think of a more special person to share this with. I wrapped my arm around Beam's shoulder and he leaned in on it. " This is the most happy I've been in a while"-Beam. I looked at him, while thinking about what Phana told me about Beams Past. I vowed to myself to bring peace that he needs in his life.

The stars twinkle in the sky 🌌 and you can see the reflection on the lake. I kissed Beam on the head, then he turned to me and said, " Forth... I want you to make love to me here"-Beam. Did I hear him right!!! What?? "Ummm, you want our first time to be here?" I asked feeling blood rushing to my face.
He turned to face me and placed kisses all over my face. " Yessss, I can't think of a better atmosphere... also I want to be able to say I've done it by the lake."-Beam. I gulped because I didn't bring any condoms or lube... Arghhh I wish he would stop kissing and seducing me right now. " Bea a a am, let's ttthink this through okay hun. Wait, wait, wait!!!!....."

A/N: Would you like details on their first time or let's keep it PG 13? Hahaha YES OR NO?😂🤣

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