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Everyone was anticipating to have a crazy weekend so, all of my friends ended up booking rooms in the hotel. That includes Pha and his boyfriend, their room was on the same floor as mine. After the altercation between Forth and his brother, the party came to an halt. I went back to my room accompanied by Phana and Yo, Ming and Kit later on join us in the room.

" So what exactly happened that lead to this?"-Kit asked trying to make sense of the events that have taken place. " I think P'Forth thought his P'Mew was making a move towards you"-Wayo. Everyone in the room turned to him, with questions that needed answers. " What makes you think that's the case?"-Ai'Pha asked while patting his boyfriend's head. Now that I see them together like this, they really make a cute couple.

"Well, P'Mew always take his things. And he never forgave P'Mew for stealing his first love from him"-Wayo. We all gasped hearing that, but I didn't think that was the reason. There was no indication P'Mew was interested in me. I spent a good part of the afternoon with him alone, never did he make a pass at me.


I was listening to what Wayo was saying about the brothers, but couldn't help but notice how my friend wasn't himself. Beam looks stressed and I'm starting to regret not putting a stop to this relationship. Even if it's not me, I wish Beam was with someone that would lessen his burden not add to it. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Beam got up to get it. But I motioned him to sit back down.

I opened the door, and there stood Forth panting for air. He looked like he runned over here. " Can I please speak to Beam?"-Forth. This is the first time he has ever spoken in such a calm demeanor. " Who is it Pha?"- Kit asked from inside. I pushed Forth Back and said " House keeping". He was about to call out Beam's name when I raised my eyebrow. " He doesn't want to see me huh?" He said with his shoulders slumped.

"Let's have a talk over there" I pointed to the sitting area by the lobby. I took a good look at him when he sat down, he was disheveled and looked stressed out. I proceeded with what I wanted to say. " First off, you were right about me liking Beam..." I said. He looked at me unamused. "Tell me something I don't already know Phana"-Forth.

" Hahaha well it took you coming into the picture for me to realize that. I've known Beam all my life and I've never seen him gravitate towards anyone like he did you. Frankly, I was Jealous but seeing you on that rainy night at his door confirmed it for me". Forth looked at me surprise when I mentioned that night.

"Yeap, I built up all the courage, after you had called me a coward to confess my love to Beam. But that night, the way he looked at you confirmed it for me that he was into you. Hence, why I backed off but if you being in his life is this chaotic. Trust me I'll do everything in my power to keep you away" I stared deep in his eyes so he understood I meant every word of it.


I sat there and listened to Phana go on his rant.
" When Beam's parents divorced, he was so broken. He gave up on life and started living on the edge. I wanted to be there to protect him, and when you came into the picture.I was hoping you would bring that peace into his life. From my point of view, your relationship has not been on a smooth path. Beam is grown I can't tell him how to live his life. But just know, I can put a stop to you, if I see so fit"-Phana.

I see he brought me here to size me up. A part of me wanted to snuff him, but a part of me was glad to know Beam had someone like him in his corner.
" I've heard you Phana, my relationship with Beam was not the fairytale type. But what I know is that I'm head over heels for Beam. I'm willing to do anything to have him by my side. I know I've wronged him, but mostly due to my fear of loosing him. I'm working on myself, I'm not perfect but I want to be in Beam's eyes"

Phana just listen and nodded his head. " Well the ball is in Beam's court. But I'm not afraid to kick your ass Forth, if you hurt my friend"-Phana. With that he got up and walked back to the room and I followed behind him. When we got back in the room, I heard some of them gasped and Beam looked up from his seat. " I found him by the door"-Phana said. Immediately, I noticed Beam's eyes weld up with tear. "C-can I please have a word with you?" I asked looking at Beam.


Forth asked if we can have a talk, I gave him a silent nod. He stood there looking at all the eyeballs that were on him. "Ummm, I was hoping we could be alone"-Forth. " why do we have to leave!!! This just got interesting"-Kit. I glared at him and his boyfriend pulled him to along. " call me if anything, I'm two doors down "-Phana. I just nodded my head.

When they left, Forth sat across from me. He was staring down, while I was twiddling with my fingers. *I AM SORRY * we said in unison. Forth smiled and said, " I'll go first.... Umm I know I've been an asshole towards you lately. I'm sorry I allowed my insecurities take over, and create unnecessary conclusions."-Forth

"I'm sorry for shutting you out without an explanation. I felt overwhelmed and needed some space you know" I said at the brink of tears. " I understand you... I think we need to work on our communication. I know I can be over bearing at times but I'm willing to work on it"-Forth. Then the room was in a complete silence for about 10 minutes, then Forth moved to sit next to me on the bed.

" Thanks for helping Lam and my brothers set up this event. I was really happy when I heard about it"... I glanced at me, I wanted to ask him about what happened earlier on but hesitated. " What do you want to say? This is a new chapter, don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me. I want to be someone you can rely on"-Forth.


" N'Yo said you fought your brother because of me. Is-is that true?"-Beam. I was too Ashamed to admit it, but I've decided to be nothing but honest with Beam. " Yes, P'Mew shared a kiss with my first love at my 10th birthday party. Seeing him leering next to you triggered me. We spoke about it and turns out, there was more to the story. I apologized to him and we are good now".

"So!!! Where did you spend the night the other day?" I asked, he wasn't with Phana. " hahahahaha... well I was actually in my room the whole time. I saw you walking away and felt horrible for doing that"-Beam. This sly fox, and he took my mind on a goose chase. All this while he was in his room!!! I smiled at the thought of it. " I'll need a key to your place then 😂" I laughed about it too.

" so what about you, how come you weren't picking up?"-Beam... " oh I threw my phone at the wall and smashed it" . Beam looked alarmed. "I'll be getting a new one on Monday". Then he got up and grabbed a wrapped up present, " hear you go!!!". Oh wow I was not expecting much. To my surprise it was a gear bracelet with the letter B on it. " Park told me the one you gave me represented your heart. So I wanted you to have mine too"-Beam.

I was so touched by his gift, " I couldn't have asked for a better present. Thank you Beam" I said and then pecked him on the cheek. " Forth I'm your boyfriend for Godsake!!!" He said and pulled me into a kiss that led to a make out. When we broke off the kiss Beam said, "it's still your birthday... Call Lam and your brothers. I'll get my friends, you have to at least cut your cake. I got you an ice cream cake"-Beam. I kept looking at him and smiled. I borrowed his phone and told every one to meet us in his room.

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