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A/N: Just want to thank you all for the out pour of support. Thank you for reading my stories 🥰


It has been a couple of days since I last set eyes on Park. He hasn't been attending SOTUS and doesn't have lunch with us no more. He also stopped going to Forth's Moon and Star practice. " Why the gloomy face Ai'Lam"-Beam. Why is this guy talking to me right now, don't he have someone else to bother.
" did Forth drag you here too? I come because of Phana but there's no fun watching. Hey where is Park?"-Beam. I turned to look away, why is he so talkative arghh.

"Obviously, not here as you can see!"I replied with annoyance. " Oh, I only asked because I saw him with Max heading here earlier... I'm heading to the food stall, do you want anything to drink?"- Beam. Holdup!! Did he say Park was heading here with Max? The play boy? Did he move on already? "I will take your silence as a no, see you later"- Beam said and walked away. I was too occupied with my thoughts to pay attention to what he was rumbling on about. I looked around saw Max with No Park in sight, so I decided to leave as well.


I decided to respect Lam's wishes and give him space. Since, I was in mechanical engineering I didn't have any classes with him so that was one less thing to worry about. But then again I had SOTUS, which I've missed two days in a role and most likely have to face the penalties for that.

Also, of late I've been having lunch at the school of economics food stalls. I knew Max from high school who was taking that major. Max is a complete player, he showed up with a different partner every day. He was telling me how Forth blocked him from getting to Beam. Although, Forth claims he only want to have sex with Beam. It is absolutely obvious he has fallen for him.

I ,on the other hand is struggling with my love life too. I checked on Lam through social media. He seemed okay from his last post. I honestly think this is for the best. If he has no feelings for me, it's better I stay away until these feelings towards him wear off. I was on my way to the Moon and Star competition when I caught a glimpse of him. My heart started palpitating and I broke out in cold sweats. "Ummm , Max I forgot I had to meet with one of the seniors. " "that's sudden!!" He said looking towards the direction I was gazing at. "Text me when you are done with practice.bye!!".


"Why is your friend tormenting with Park's emotions? Why he thinks he is too good for Park?"-Max. "What are you rambling on for, what did who do to Park?"I asked to make sense of what he was talking about. " Your friend, Lam!!!... I've known Park since Highschool and he is a stand up guy. He used to date a very close friend of mine, up until he went abroad for school. He is the type to sacrifice himself for others. I can't watch him break down because of your friend. Tell him to make up his mind, or man up and let him know he's not interested !!"-Max.

Was this the same guy who humbly backed off when I saw him making a move on Beam??? Wow!!! I couldn't say anything because he was right. "I might not do relationships but he does, he is faithful. It really suck to see him going out of his way to make your pompous friend'comfortable'"-Max. I heard a couple of guys applaud when he said that. " we like having Park around, he's funny..." said one of the guys. Hmm, I need to talk to Lam about this.

Forth told me about what the other Moons said during practice. " Lam, if the tables were turned. I would have kicked Park's ass by now. You need to do right by him. Either you let him go or accept his feelings for you"-Forth. I stood up and grabbed my car keys. " WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"-Forth yelled behind me.

I didn't respond, got in my car and speed off. I honestly wasn't sure where I was heading, but after circling Park's neighborhood a few times I ended up at his lot. Next thing I was in front of his door. As if my mind was telling me one thing and my body was doing another. I paced in front for while, when the door suddenly opened. There stood Park and a girl that looked like him.

"Umm, Hi!!! You have a visitor... ummm I'll see you in school then" I said and tried to run off when I felt a firm grip on my arm. It was Park and he looked angry 😤. " Ooo you are in trouble!!!! Hahaha Bye P'Park!" The girl said as she walked passed us.Park didn't say a word and dragged me into his apartment and slammed the door.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the door to see my sister off and Lam was pacing in front of my apartment.Have he done this before? How many times? Why didn't he ring the bell? Was he going to run off if I had not stopped him!!!? He was going to come all the way here and not see me? I felt rage building up, then without thinking proceeded to walk towards him.I dragged him by the arm back into my apartment unable to look at him.

I was so angry 😤 because I felt my emotions was being toiled with at this point. I walked over to the kitchen to calm down, then returned with two bottled water. "Here! Take it !"... he reached out his hand with his head looking at his feet. " Look up Lam!!" I said in a stern voice that it startled him. He slowly lifted his head up to look me in the eyes . " Is this the first time you've been here?" I asked. He nodded his head simultaneously yes.

" Were you planning on not seeing me after coming this far?"... "😖I was building up the courage to..." he said and looked away. Knowing the type of person he is, it definitely took a lot for him to come all the way here. I couldn't help but to smile, I was actually touched. I held his face in my hands and said, " you don't have to feel shy around me... I'm glad you made the first move and came to me. You know what that means right?"... he looked at me with those innocent eyes 🥺of his, and shook his head No.

" Henceforth, you are my boyfriend. When you need something you come to me first, not even Forth should supersede me. 2nd, I'll pick you up and from school, 3rd we will have breakfast, lunch and dinner together."I said and he suddenly smiled. " that's just baby steps, we won't do nothing you are uncomfortable with okay? Is there anything you want to add?"...

" Yes!!! IF YOU COMPLIMENT BEAM BARAMEE AGAIN!! YOU ARE DEAD 💀!!!"-Lam. Hahahahaha I couldn't help but laughed. I always knew he hated that, and I purposely did it to get on his nerves. " I'm serious!!! If you even smile at him you are DEAD!!! You are MINE 😠"-Lam. I knew he was serious, but he looked so cute!!! With his mad face. " Alright babe, come here!!! I missed you!!" I pulled him in my arms and hugged him. " Can I give you a Kiss?" He stiffened up and blushed red as a tomato. Hahahaha, I gave him a peck on the forehead for now!!! He hit me and said, " Stop teasing me!!!" 😣. " Don't worry 😉 there is MORE to come hahaha 😂".

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