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How my mind is, nothing makes sense. It feels like an endless void of the same time loop, over and over. My mind is in shatters, and I can't even process this information. I feel so distant from my work and from even my own common sense or well being. I feel shut out of my own life, held prisoner by confusion and a temporary disability to express this in words other than the very ones I type. I feel hopeless, desperate for an embrace, but that wont happen, because I push everyone around me away. I am with the guy I call my boyfriend. He is besides me, yet I feel so far from him, physically and emotionally. I feel this slight tingle of something I know as my love for him, yet even more so, I feel angry. Fragments of betrayal and previous alibis led astray.  I feel annoyed by the fact he couldn't understand my words and my mind. He isn't like me, he doesn't and would never get it. I have never done hardcore drugs, yet I feel like maybe this is what a bad trip would feel like. He keeps looking at me and even though iḿ burning up, I feel my chest, my hands, and my head go cold, and I shiver, because I don't want to be in his eyesight. I want to sleep this all away. But sleep doesn't help anymore. I know he loves me, I really do, but I see past him somehow. Like this isn't enough or something. I told him we were taking a break, because I truly do need to focus on school and myself...yet I can't. I drown in my sorrow, and I am stuck in self pity. Maybe if I drown any faster I could finally end this. Once and for all. Because right now I am so blind I couldn't see hope if it was right in front of me. Which it is, and it seems to be staring right into me. But I wont see it until it's too late. 

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