the beast ( a humorous tale)

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Crouching, ready to pounce, the thicc boii watches, as I sit to do my homework. Slowly, steadily, he approaches, with only one thought in mind: "row". Without any protection other than my leggings, I am exposed, and terrified. Slowly, yet faster he approaches, flopping onto my foot like a beached whale on a hot summers day. With both paws he grabs my foot, and with his powers of deceit , he uses my awwws as an advantage. he hugs my foot until I start typing, then, BOOM. He bites my foot, then disappears. Another day, another bite. Only tomorrow will bring the answer to my ever growing question: Will I live to see another day?  

Haha this is about my cat. He was hugging my foot, then decided to just bite it and run away. i had to write about it. 

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