Chapter 16: Sacrifice

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I wake up and find myself tied to a wooden post. "Y/N?" Erza says. She was the opposite side of me, same position. "Erza... You saw them two right? Sho. Millianna." I say.

She nods. On que, Sho comes down to where we are. "Where are we?" Erza asks him. "You're in the basement of a shipped sea." He answers. He adds, "Our course is set for the Tower of Heaven."

"I see. I should've known. Please untie me. I won't cause any trouble." Erza said.

"I'm afraid I can't you appear untrustworthy." He said. I tried wiggling around and he turns to me, "That won't work. Millianna's binding can seal away magic so you're struggling in vain. You'll find you'll have no luck breaking free from them."

I look down at the ground and ignore all of what's going on around me. I ignored Sho, Erza, everything. I just focused on the sound of the waves. I do snap out of my thoughts when Sho yells in Erza's face, "WHY DID YOU BETRAY JELLAL?!"



"I'm hungry." I hear Jellal complain. The small rations of food wasn't enough to fill us up. They don't care about us. All they care about is the tower being completed.

"Here have mine." I offer and give him my single piece of bread.

"I can't take it, Y/N." He gives it back.

"I'm not hungry." I insist.

"Hey!" The bars were smacked. I jump and look over to see the guards. They get angry when anyone shares food. They think every worker should eat so they can have energy to work later. They unlock the bar and grab me by my hair, starting to drag me out the cell.

"Y/N! Leave her alone!" Jellal yells at the guards. The guards chuckle and turn around to zap Jellal.

"Jellal!" I cry. They continue dragging me off to the 'room.' A room no one wants to go to. We make it eventually and my head was hurting. I was dragged the whole way. The strapped me onto the cross and that's when the torture started.

They zapped me with magic, cut me, kicked me, punched me, spit on me, throw insults at me. It was terrible.

~end of flashback~

We stand in front of the Tower of Heaven. Both Erza and I didn't expect it to be rebuilt so quickly. "Why are you two so surprised? We've been working on it ever since you left... almost ten years ago." Sho states.

"Has it been that long? It's amazing how much you all have changed." Erza comments. They lead Erza and I to separate cells. Wally and Millianna took me while Simon and Sho took Erza. They tied my hands up on some hook.

Millianna informs me that the R System should be getting started soon. "Even though he hates you for betraying him, Jellal chose you to be the final and most important piece to the completion of the tower." Wally tells me.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You're chosen the be sacrifice. Your magic power would send us to heaven. Far beyond heaven maybe. When Jellal told us of your magic... we couldn't believe it. We could've escaped this tower a long time ago if it wasn't for your selfishness." Millianna spats at me before leaving my cell.

After they're gone, I place my foot on the wall behind. I slid/climbed up and remove the ropes from the hook holding me up. When my hands were in front of me, I bite the ropes off. Millianna's kitten ropes disappear. I can believe they've all changed so drastically. Jellal changed them.

As I'm walking out, the first step made a loud 'clack' noise. I take them off and break the heel part of my shoes. Then I grab the bottom part of my dress and rip it. "She's escaped!" I hear voices say. Guards, I guess, come into my cell and have their weapons pointed at me. I place my hand out, palm facing them, and a huge yellow laser shoots at them. It knocks them all unconscious.

I take this opportunity to change my outfit. I strip one of the guards and use their clothes.

(the one at the far left end is your outfit)

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(the one at the far left end is your outfit)

A bit baggy, but I think it still fit me pretty good. I grab a sword that was laying next to an unconscious guard. I run out and start making my way towards Jellal. Anytime I'd run into a guard, a quick slash would knock them out. I see more go into a room, so I enter and take them out.

Erza was in the room too and I saw Gray, Natsu, Lucy, and Juvia there too. "What are you all doing here?!" Erza asks them. I walk up beside Erza and back her up, "It's too dangerous to be here at the tower."

"We came back for the two of you." Lucy said.

"I don't think we've met, Erza. I'm Ju—!" Juvia was cut off when Erza's voice booms, "Get out!" I notice Erza yelling kind of hurt Juvia.

I say quietly, "Please."

"No way. Not until I find blocky and make him pay for shooting me in my mouth." Natsu slams his fist into the palm of his hand.

"You have to go!" I shout at Natsu.

"Those jerks took Happy too." Natsu tells me.

"Millianna." Erza said. Before anyone could say anything else, Natsu takes off running.

"We have to help—!" Lucy yells. Before the other three could take a step I place my sword in front of them.

"Millianna would never hurt Happy. She's a cat lover. I promise to bring them safely to the guild with me. You three need to leave." I assure and order them.

"But we can help!" Lucy keeps insisting.

"We don't need or want your help. This is mine and Y/N's problem." Erza turns around and starts walking out. I watch as Erza heads out and they all bombard us with questions.

"Erza. You should leave too." I finally say. She stands with her back to us for a while before the turns around and reveal she's crying. All are taken aback. Even I am. Erza's hasn't shed a tear in ages. And only one eye is crying. Her good eye.

"I refuse to leave you and let you deal with my problems as well. No matter win, lose, or draw I'll be facing death. I can't leave or let them come with us, but I can share my story while I'm here." Erza wipes the tears and smiles. Erza begins her story.

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