Chapter 51: Let's Hold Hands

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a/n: my favorite arc is coming up! i enjoy writing the gmg more than anything else. also spoiler alert: putting you in the naval battle is basic since i made you apart of that game in louder and afterglow, so expect a change. 

"Prepare yourselves, everyone. I have a serious announcement to make." Makarov says as he stands on top of boxes over everyone.  

"What is it?"
"Is he restarting the S Class trials?"

Some whisper. He continues, "The day we return to the guild from Tenrou Island... all the girls will have to start wearing uniforms! Nurse outfits or school swimsuits only!" He blushes and dances around. 

"What discussion is this?!" Lucy yells. 

Erza smirks, "I see. I look forward to it." 

"Don't agree! Get mad!" I tell her. 

Mira glares at Master and in a deep voice tells him, "Master. Get serious." 

The master sulks, "Sorry! I got overexcited!"

a/n: ok so someone answer this, did everyone from grimoire heart die except for meredy and rusty rose? and ps zeref killing the members on the ship was like amazing. they killed innocent people for fake keys. they deserved to die lol


"Say what?!" Gajeel, Natsu, Gray, and Elfman yell in Master's face after he announces the trial is cancelled. 

"You heard me! The S-Class Wizard Promotion Trail is hereby cancelled!" Master repeats. 

"I don't agree with this, Gramps!" Gray protests. They all start shouting things at the same time and I just watch in amusement. 

"Don't blame me. So much has happened." Master tells them. 

"A Council member sneaked in as a contender and Grimoire Heart interrupted things." I name the things. 

"I guess it can't be helped this time..." Levy sighs.

"What?! You mean you don't even care?!" Gajeel yells in her face.  

"There's no reason for you to get so worked up." Lily tells Gajeel. 

"I wanted to become S-Class!" Gray yells in frustration. Elfman sighs, "A real man knows when to quit, too."

"I ain't givin up! I will become S-Class! Gray, Elfman, and Levy! You guys are giving up, huh?! That means I'm gonna be S-Class! I'm gonna! Hurry up and make me S-Class already!" Natsu yells. 

"Calm down, Natsu." Happy says. He was being a bit overdramatic. 

Master sighs, "Very well. I'm making an exception! We'll now begin the final test!" Master announces. Natsu pays close attention as Master reveals the last test, "If you can defeat me, Natsu, I'll make you an S-Class wizard!"

"Really, Gramps?! All right! I'm fired up!" Natsu cracks his knuckles. Is he serious? "Here I come!" He charges at Natsu. Master enlarges his fist and punches Natsu, pinning him against a tree. We all scream.

"I was so close..." Natsu whimpers. 

a/n: another one sorry. gildarts as a father would be so cool. he's so cute too. maybe i'll make a story where he's your father lol... jk.... unless?

I walk up to the master as he's staring off into the sea. "Master." I call out. He turns around. "The ship will soon be ready to take us home." I inform him. 

"That's great. I'll be there soon." He says and turns back around. 

"I didn't come to tell you just that. I want to talk to you about Laxus." I say to him. He turns back around. 

"I've nothing to talk about with him." Master says. 

"I see. But-"

"He has serious balls, setting foot on our sacred ground without permission while being banned from the guild." 

"Master, did you know without Laxus five, I repeat five, of your members would've died fighting Hades? Did you know that he was ready to use himself as a shield for them?" I ask him. 

"It isn't that I think little of his deeds. I'm grateful to him, in fact. But only as a stranger, with no ties to the guild."

"He saved us, Master." I tell him. 

"Did you forget the amount of pain he caused us during the Fantasia situation? Did you?" Master asks me. 

"Of course not! You can't forget it, but you can forgive him!" I raise my voice. "People can grow from their mistakes, Master. You can't hold them accountable forever. Gajeel, Juvia, Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen... they've hurt us too. You always say "yesterday's enemy is today's friend." Why doesn't that apply to Laxus?" 

"It's fine." A voice chimes in. I turn around see Laxus leaning against a tree. He continues, "I only lent backup. I meant nothing else by it.:

"But-" He cuts me off. 

"Don't worry about me. I just somehow ended up here while on my own journey. I never planned to stick around for long." Laxus tells me. He looks at Master as Master has his back facing us. "Hey, old man!" Master turns over his shoulder. 

"That's it. That's the look." Laxus chuckles. "Guess this is the last time I'll see that miserable face of yours. So long." Laxus turns around. 

"Wait Laxus!" I call out. He stops walking and we all hear a loud whoosh noise in the sky. 


We arrive back to base. We see a huge black and blue dragon. I've never seen one. The thing roars loudly. "This is bad! Everyone, run!" Gildarts yells. I runs again and destroy most of our surroundings and sending most of us flying back. 

"His roar had this much impact?!" I say. A whole forest just disappeared. I'm frozen with Happy shaking behind shaking behind me. "It's gonna attack! Everyone to the ship!" Gildarts yells. 

"Run! Let's all return to Fairy Tail together!" I point in the direction of the ship. I pick up Happy and start running. The dragon flies in front of us and blocks the path to the ship. We're all shaking and frozen. I stomps around and swings its tail. I hold Happy tightly. 

"Natsu!" I yell as Natsu runs towards the dragon and is sent back. Master steps in front of Natsu and the rest of us, removing his Hawaiian shirt. Master starts turning into his giant form. "Run to the ship!" Master grabs the dragon and holds him in a choke hold. 

The members plead for Master to stop. "Run!" Master yells. 

"Since it's come to this, we'll join in!" Freed says standing up after he was blown down with Bickslow. 

"Don't you dare mock Fairy Tail!" Bickslow yells after. 

"Can't you listen to your master this one last time, you damn brats?!" Master shouts at us. 

One last time? 

I start running as tears fall down my face. Everyone was crying and running for their lives. I hear a crash happen from beside us, but I refuse to turn back and see what happened. I hear Master scream and stop running. I set Happy down. 

"We can't leave him!" I say to the others. 

"You heard him, Y/n! He said run!" Erza says. 

"No! We have to help him! We're not cowards!" I yell before turning around to run back. I can hear some others running behind me. 

I remember everything so vividly. We attacked. We used all our magic and not a scratch on Acnologia. I remember the feeling of defeat. I remember thinking that this was it and I was going to die. I thought that until I remembered something. As some cry and others just watch in fear for their lives, I yell, "Everyone hold hands!"

I take both Erza and Natsu's hand. I start casting under my breath. I hear a bell noise like I heard when I casted the spell that defeated Master Hades. Acnologia shot his breath attack and I closed my eyes, not very sure if my spell worked. 

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