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"I can hear you breathing, y/n." Pony said.

You two were playing hide and go seek at his house. You were the only two there at the time. You heald your breath and crawled back further until you were completely all the way under his bed. You could only see his feet as he searched around the room for you.
You started to get hot and could hardly breathe with it being dusty and hot underneath the bed. You hit the wall with your foot and then saw Ponyboy bend down and looked under the bed.

"Found ya!" He shouted.

He crawled underneath and laid right next to you. You smiled although you were still hot.

"You got me, congratulations." You told him.

You two have been friends since the 6th grade. You were best friends — and you had a little crush on him but you always figured he'd liked you as a friend and nothing more.

"Yup." He said and smiled.

You crawled out from underneath the bed and walked to the living room.

"Hey, what's wrong, y/n?" Pony asked as he came to sit next to you.

"Nothing Pony." You told him as you turned away from him.

He turned your towards him and he put your legs on his lap.

"Tell me what's wrong, please." He asked.

You sighed and finally just told him.

"It's just, we've been friends for so long and i've always liked you, Pony. But, I know you like Cherry and not me. And i can't force you to like me either. I'm sorry." You told him.

"Y/N, I'm sorry... I didn't know, I mean, we've been friends for so long and i thought that you just wanted to be friends and nothing more. I've always had a crush on you." He said.

You smiled slightly and you both started to lean forward, your lips touched slightly. You slowly moved into his lap, careful not to break the kiss. He put his arms around you and you wrapped yours around his neck loosely.

After a few days, Pony finally asked you to be his girlfriend and you both lived happily ever after.

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