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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the story! I’ve written a lot of high school stories, so I wanted to try and create something different which has led to this book. I assume you’ve read the synopsis, so you have some idea about the story. I’ll try my best to write it as nicely as possible and I’ll also try to keep the plot in track. There won’t be a cast list but that gives you the perfect opportunity to imagine your own cast members. I don’t want to ruin your imagination.

Throughout the book I might post some random pictures which will be related to the book so keep an eye out for them. I really love NYC; I wish I could travel there once. Without further ado have a nice day and don’t forget to write stories.

NOTICE: The plot line of the book, characters created, names mentioned, and media included are fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is purely coincidental however all the places described are real.

Do not copy my book.
Copyright ©️ 2021, all rights are reserved by Angela_salvator.

WARNING⚠️: Certain parts of this story include sexual assault, murder, toxic behaviours, and sexual intercourse. If you are sensitive or easily triggered to such cases please read at your own risk as this story is detailed.


~Call him the devil because if loving her was a sin then he’d want no place in heaven. He’d sin a thousand times just to feel her lips perfectly on his neck, a type of paradise he would never want to forget~


It was a sinner’s suicide for anyone to work at Coopers Incorporation. Known for tormenting their workers and inflicting agonizing work schedules into everyone’s lives, it was no surprise that people aimed to stray far from the Devil known as Mr Elijah Cooper.

Cold, demanding, and rough, he ruled over everything with an iron grip and a calculating gaze. His entire life became intertwined with business, in ways that followed both the normal world and that of the underworld. To everyone that was unaware he was a CEO and to those that knew him personally, Elijah was dangerously involved in secrets and dealings one would never believe. His power to tear anyone apart and shatter them into a million little pieces like sheets of glass was intimidating and those that got too close to Elijah burned and perished in fogs of smoke.

Lady Fate watched mischievously as she toyed with her manipulative strings, placing Nora Jones into the centre of Cooper’s life.

A simple woman with a simple life, Nora was just looking for a job to earn some money. She had caught an offer to be a personal assistant, thinking it would amount to a plain 9-5 lifestyle. Life was to be normal, or so she thought, as she walked into her office building and came face to face with the person, she’d come to realise was Satan. Being pure and sweet, Nora was a tangible taste of what Elijah had never experienced and so began a hectic turn of events.

Coursed with plots and twists, dramatic turns and suspicious dealings, Elijah and Nora would embark on a multitude of problems, but two questions would arise within their story of the unknown:
Could the Devil seductively tempt Nora Jones to join him in his rule or would she too perish and burn from the torture and torment he’d subject her to?


Would Elijah end up wondering how dangerous it is to play with wild flames while his body was made of paper?


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