"DUDE! What do see in that girl??"

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We got the plotline figured out and Andy was going to have Hallie get in touch with a production crew. And to my disgust, we were having Juliet in the movie after all. I was not happy with that one at all. BUT! Andy overruled us all and had the final say. I swear that boy gets under my skin at times! After all the years of working together he still somehow gets the final say in decision making.

I grabbed my jacket and keys and Andy and I left the studio. " DUDE! What do you see in that girl??" I said as I got onto the freeway to head home. There was hardly any traffic at this hour. Seeing how it was 2:45 in the morning. I needed to meet with a friend of mine to discuss some design stuff for our tour at 6:30 this morning at my house. And I had a band meeting at 8:00 this morning to go over the locations for tour at the studio. Plus we were meeting the artist who did our album covers at 10:00 and hear the final mix at noon. "What DO you have against her??" He said with venom. I was used to this out of him. He may be my friend but he is bull-headed. "Biersack! She brought my ex into the studio!!! And she was acting like a spoiled brat." I said as I crossed into my exit lane.

"You did not have to go off on her though. She had no idea she was your ex." He said as I looked over at him flabbergasted. I could not believe that he even said that. I shook my head as we turned onto the road to my house. I stayed silent for the remainder of the ride.

We got there and I parked my car. I shut it off and we both got out and grabbed our luggage and he headed to his car. "ANDY! STOP! Its stupid to have you go back home and come back here. Just crash in my spare room." I said exhausted. He nodded and we headed up to the front door. I unlocked my door and I saw my sleepy babies come racing towards me. I kicked the door shut and locked it.

"Come on babies, lets get you guys outside!" I said as they went racing towards the back door. I unlocked the door and they went racing out chasing each other. I watched them play and bark and chase each other around the backyard. I heard a rumble and I looked up towards the sky. It was turning black as night as lightning flashed across the darkness. I saw them stop playing and look up. Tokyo came flying back in at top speed as Killer came racing in behind. I chuckled as they went racing upstairs towards my room. I locked the door and yawned.

I walked back and headed upstairs. I heard a what sounded like a freight train coming from the spare room. I peaked in and Andy was passed out. He may be stubborn but he is my best friend. He knew he was out of line with what he said. We were all exhausted from the long hours we had put in at the studio. Hallie had mentioned that she was getting William Control to do some dialogue. We were pumped about this. He was going to do his parts next week. Hallie was going to add his parts in and then send it over to the big wigs.

I threw my clothes off and tossed them into the hamper. I pulled my pajama bottoms on. "FUCK! The alarm!" I said as I trudged back out and typed in my codes and I heard a loud ding and green flashed. I walked back into my room and pulled my blankets down and collapsed into my bed. I threw my phone on the charger as rain poured down in sheets. I felt my babies cuddle tightly into my body and I petted them softly. They were not fans of storms like this. I closed my eyes and passed out in seconds flat.

*****time jump to the meeting sponsored by Starbucks coffee*****

Too soon my alarm buzzed and I groaned. The storm had passed us and I saw Killer curled up in an adorable ball on the pillows beside me. I smiled and leaned over and kissed the sweet dog. Tokyo was beside him and saw me. She wagged her tail and kissed me softly. "We need to get up babies. Daddy and Andy need to meet with some people. Come on. I will feed you guys." I said as I yawned. I looked at the time. 6:00. "Fuck! 4 damn hours of sleep." I mumbled as I dragged my exhausted body out of bed. I shuffled over to my drawers and grabbed a pair of cargo shorts and put them on. I grabbed a black tank top and threw that on. I spotted a brown and tan button down plaid blouse and threw that on.

I shuffled into my bathroom and finished up getting ready. I did my hair and makeup and sprayed on Burberry and walked back out. I patted my leg and the dogs hopped over to the steps and walked down. They both stretched and yawned as I grabbed my phone off the charger beside my bed.

I headed out my room and disarmed the alarm. I walked downstairs and smelled coffee. I sighed a deep, sleepy sigh as my dogs went prancing downstairs. Killer pawed at me and I picked him up. I carried him down and headed towards the back door. "Morning bro." I said as Andy nodded his head in response. I unlocked the door and gently put down Killer. I saw them race outside as I felt the humidity had dropped from the storm. I saw them come flying back in. Feet were muddy and wet. "WOAH GUYS! Let daddy get your feet cleaned off." I said as they stopped. I shut the door and locked it. I turned towards a black and grey wooden drawer unit. I opened a drawer and took out some dog paw wipes. I bent down and cleaned them up and praised them. They walked over to the bowls as the doorbell rang.

"I have that meeting this morning with Brad and Margo. About merchandise. Can you please feed the dogs their food while I answer the door man?" I asked as he nodded. He knew where the food was kept and how much to give them. He had watched them before when I had to fly back to Nashville to take care of business with my clothing line.

I walked over to the door and unlocked the deadbolts and regular locks and smiled at the couple. "Come in guys. Andy stayed with me last night cause we got back from the studio late." I said as the smiled and nodded. It was a good thing that we did not fly out yesterday. I had forgotten about these meetings today.

Andy came strolling towards them. He had on skinny jeans and a Motley Crue shirt. His hair and makeup was done. We led them into the livingroom and sat down. "Do you want any coffee before we get started?" I asked. They both shook their heads. "Okay, I will be just a sec. I need to function more before we talk." I said as they chuckled. "Take your time Ashley." Margo said in her thick British accent. She had brown and bright orange shoulder length hair and grey eyes. Her husband Brad was bald and had brown eyes.

I walked back to the kitchen and made me some coffee and grabbed a cereal bar. Killer was munching on food while Tokyo was getting a drink. I patted them and headed back towards the livingroom.

"Alright! Lets get started shall we?" I said as they nodded.

PLEASE HAVE MERCY! PLEASE! PLEASE! I am SO SO SO sorry for the delay in the update. I was not sure how I wanted to go forward with this. I promise we will shift back up to Chelsea here soon. I wanted to get some critical key points in the story first.


I will add some more letters in the meantime, those take time to get written down. I promise that there will be more in the story. Just be patient with me.

Could you do me a favor??

Please add, comment, and vote! I would be tickled pink and sending you love.

Love always!


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