Chapter 1

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Two Years Later


I finished applying my makeup looked at myself in the mirror. With my hair curled and my eyeliner sharp, I looked good for 18.

I stood up and walked over to my bed and looked down at the outfit laid out. My black jeans with a red crop top. I looked at the time and realised I was getting late.

"Elena hurry!" I heard my Mom call. I quickly changed into my clothes and took my phone off charge. I checked for messages and there was only a few, but not from anyone important. I sighed and headed downstairs. My parents were in the kitchen, both eating breakfast. Once we moved to England, they'd been rekindling their relationship since both of them regretted the divorce.

"You look beautiful baby" said Mom, coming over and kissing my head. She was in a pastel blue dress, with her hair and makeup also done. She headed into the living room to get the pieces to complete my outfit and I sat at the table.

"Are you ready?" said Dad, smiling at me.  He was also in a suit and tie attire, and reassuringly squeezed my hand. I gave him a nervous smile and shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't worry, today's going to be very memorable" he winked, as Mom came back into the room.

She held out my graduation gown in one hand, and the cap in the other. She beamed at me proudly as I went to put on the gown. It was a white colour, with golden streaks running down it, accompanied with a white cap. I felt accomplished when I saw myself in the mirror. But then I saw Kairi's bracelet on my wrist and frowned. I missed the boys so much. I missed Victoria, and all my life back in New Jersey.

I missed the love of my life. Mattia Polibio. I missed his dreamy eyes, and the warmth I felt when I was in his arms. I missed the way he tucked my hair behind my ear, and the way my lips felt on his. I hadn't seen him since our trip to Ocean Beach, where he asked me to be his girlfriend. Butterflies appeared in my stomach when I remembered that morning. Just when I thought I couldn't fall in love with him even more. We FaceTimed every night without fail, and never went a day without calling each other. I mean, that's great, but it still felt like a part of me was missing.

Mom saw me looking downcast and came to give me a hug.

"It'll be okay honey, you'll see him soon" she said, rubbing my back. Dad looked at the clock and stood up.

"We should go, it's getting late" he buttoned his jacket and picked up his car keys. I glared at him as he walked out.

"Don't worry mija" Mom held my face in her hands and looked at me sympathetically "he'll get used to Mattia one day."

And with that said, we walked towards the car. As usual, the weather was cold, even though it was May. I knew for a fact New Jersey was warm, a trip down to Ocean Beach didn't sound too bad right now. We got to my school and I nervously got out the car and gave my parents a hug.

"We can't wait to see you out there" said Dad, hugging me tightly. They headed over to the stands to find a seat and I walked into school.

Despite attending the school for 2 years, I'd only managed to make one solid friend.

"Adriana!" I rushed over to her and she outstretched her arms. We both squealed with excitement when we saw each other in the gowns and she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I can't believe we've made it" she said breathlessly.

"Neither can I" I smiled, and we held hands as we walked out onto the field to take our seats.

Adriana was my height, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was so kind to me when I told her about how hard it was to leave everyone in New Jersey, and took me under her wing. We had a different kind of dynamic, we never argued and it was so easy to talk to her.

She was definitely the British version of Vic.

The ceremony was in full swing and they started calling names out. I couldn't see my parents since there were so many people out there, but they said they'd stand up when I walked out.

"Elena Hill!" called the principal. I took a deep breath and stood up, Adriana cheered as I walked over to collect my diploma. I shook his hand and looked out to my parents. They stood together at the back, but there were also other people stood up, next to them. I squinted a little to make out who they were and my hand flew to my mouth when I saw who it was.

Mattia, Alejandro, Kairi and Vic.

Immediately, tears rose to my eyes as I ran down the stairs towards them. The crowd cheered for us as Mattia began running towards me aswell. I jumped into his arms and he spun me round burying his head in my neck. I held onto him as tightly as I could and ran my hands through his hair. He was wearing a navy blue suit accompanied with a golden tie to match my gown.

"I-I can't believe you're here" I stammered as he set me down on the ground. He leaned down and gently kissed my lips, placing his hands on my waist. The crowd erupted into cheers again and I felt my cheeks burning up as I kissed him back.

"I have missed that so much" he said, pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. My cheeks started to hurt because of how much I was smiling.

"Why don't you ever kiss me like that" I heard Vic saying to Alejandro. I laughed and ran over to them both, pulling them in for a much needed hug. The principal had decided to carry on with the ceremony so that the crowd's attention was diverted.

"I've missed you so much" said Vic, wiping my eyes, careful to not mess up my makeup.

"I've missed you all so much more" I said, going over to hug Kairi. He held me tight and I saw him grin at me when he saw the bracelet.

"You still wear it?" he said, lifting my wrist up to take a closer look. I nodded as Mattia came to hug me from behind. I leaned into his chest and looked up at him, before looking at everyone else.

"This is the best surprise I've ever had" I could still feel the adrenaline rushing through me as the smile remained on my face.

A/N: I knowww some of you wanted the new story, but the majority was for the sequel, so I promise it'll be so good. But don't worry, the sequel isn't going to be as long as the original, and then I'll post the new story! 💛

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