Chapter 39

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"I think the blue looks good" Vic said, turning away from her laptop to look at me. We were sitting in her room, designing the wedding cards. Mattia, my parents and I had flown back to New Jersey since Mom insisted for the wedding to be in our hometown. We'd prepared a guest list, only a handful of people since Mattia and I wanted to keep it personal. That way the memories would last longer.

"Okay I got Taco Bell" said Adriana, walking in with two brown paper bags. Since she was the only person I'd bonded with in England, there was no way she could miss my wedding. We all started eating as Vic went over the guest list and any potentials I might've missed off.

"You're not inviting Ava? You guys were good when she was your bestfriend"

"Well she tried to steal my fiancé and went behind my back with Jenna, whilst I was in hospital"

"Yeah good point" said Vic, drawing a line through her name.

"Are you gonna invite Cindy?" chimed in Adriana. I looked at her before exchanging glances with Vic. I hadn't thought about Cindy since the court day. And I hadn't seen her since her then.

"I don't know, what do you guys think?"

I looked at Vic, my maid of honour, and Adriana, my only bridesmaid. They both seemed nervous.

"I mean she did prove Alejandro's innocence, but at the same time she's the reason Mattia's health went so downhill" said Vic quietly.

"Plus, if she didn't do what she did, I'm pretty sure you would've been married by now" added Adriana. I nodded slowly, taking in what they'd said. Maybe it wouldn't be the best thing. Besides, Cindy has made it clear she didn't want to keep in touch, or I'm sure she would've made a call by now.

"Yeah I don't think that's the best idea" I said, watching Vic cross her name off the list.


I pulled into Vic's driveway, joined by Kairi and Alejandro. They were wedding planning, and since Kai and Alejandro were my best men, they wanted us there too. Reluctantly, Alejandro took out his spare key.

"Do we have to?" he whined, opening the door. Kairi laughed and slapped his back.

"It'll be your turn soon, don't worry" I said, taking my jacket off. We headed upstairs to Vic's room. There was usually a strong scent of food in the house, but all our parents had gone for dinner since Leanne and Hunter had finally come home, meaning the house was ours.

Alejandro opened the door to Vic's room and my eyes met with Elena's straight away. She looked beautiful in my hoodie and sweats. Her brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and she was makeup free. Her best look in my opinion. She smirked when she saw me, and opened her arms, inviting me over.

"Hey wifey" I said, kissing her softly. She smiled against my lips, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Sup babygirl" I heard Alejandro saying as he went over to Vic, embracing her tightly.

"Uh hi I'm Kairi"

We all looked at Kairi who extended his arm out to Adriana with an awkward smile. We burst out laughing as she shook his hand politely.

"I'm Adriana, I think we met briefly in England"

Kairi's face went red and he raised his eyebrows slightly after she spoke.

"Oh shit you got the whole accent and everything" he said, making us all laugh again.


"So how do you want the entrances?" asked Adriana. I took out my notebook and flicked through a few pages.

"She really planned something as small as an entrance" groaned Alejandro, face planting himself into a pillow. Vic rolled her eyes at him, for what must've been the fourth time by now.

"I think I should only have Kairi as my best man" said Mattia, looking at Alejandro. He shot up and looked at Mattia as if he'd pulled a gun on him.

"Fuck no, let me see that notebook" he said in a high pitched voice, taking the book away from me. He read through it and a dreamy expression came across his face.

"What?" asked Vic, looking at him with narrowed eyes. He smiled at her and scrunched his nose.

"Let's just...get married" he said, shrugging his shoulders as Vic looked startled.

"One wedding at a time bud" said Mattia, taking the notebook back and passing it to me.

"So the order is basically going to be: Once the guests are seated, Mattia walks down the aisle with Camilla and takes his place, followed shortly by Alejandro and Vic, then Kairi and his girlfriend-"

"Actually" he cut me off quickly "about that, we actually broke up"

We all looked at Kairi sadly, but he seemed pretty chill.

"Kai I'm sorry" said Vic, but he shrugged his shoulders casually.

"It was long distance, it would never work"

I went back to my order and noticed I now had a missing piece.

"Wait so now Kairi doesn't have anyone to walk him down the aisle" said Vic, noticing too.

"And neither does Adriana" I said, I looked up and noticed a small smile spreading across both their faces.

"Okay so Alejandro and Vic are shortly followed by Adriana and Kairi" I confirmed, much to everyone's delight.

"And then?" said Mattia, looking at me with a smirk, like he didn't know what was coming next.

"And then I'm going to walk down the aisle, with Mom" I said proudly, looking at the refined list in front of me. Mattia wrapped his arms tightly around me from behind as everyone cheered.

"You have no idea how ready I am for this" he whispered in my ear, I turned my head and kissed him, feeling him smirk against my lips.

I had never been so prepared for something my whole life

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