Chapter 9

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My eyes widened when I saw inside the tent. There were round, white tables, 10 to be exact. Complete with white chairs which had satin pink bows wrapped around them. There was a white cake which was placed perfectly in the middle of the stage, and I got a closer look to see what was written on it.

Happy Birthday Elena and Mattia

"You did a joint party!" I squealed, pulling Mattia in for a hug. He laughed and held me close enough so I could take in his Yves Saint Laurent cologne. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. I couldn't have wished for anything more today.

"If my baby wants a joint party, that's what she'll get" he said, winking at me. I blushed and hid my face in my hands.

"I love you so much" I said, my voice muffled. I felt his hands gently take ahold of mine and he lowered them down to my sides. He looked down into my eyes, a dreamy expression on his face. I looked up into his deep, brown eyes, grinning uncontrollably.

"I love you" he said, placing his hand on my cheek and slowly grazing my lips with his thumb. He leaned in and so did I, resting my hands on his chest. We were inches apart when Alejandro yelled from the other side of the room.

"Mattia, let's go!" he waved at us, and urgently beckoned Mattia to go over to him. I looked at Mattia and his shoulders deflated as an irritated expression came over him.

"Where are you going?" I asked, taking ahold of his hand so he'd give me his attention. He sighed, and as he did so his voice slightly shook.

"We need to get Alejandro's speaker" he said quickly. I looked over at the DJ and saw he already had 4 speakers which were working perfectly fine. I looked over at a Mattia who was desperately trying to get out of the situation, similar to Alejandro who was growing impatient.

"Don't lieee" I whined, tugging on his shirt. He shook his head and quickly kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back soon" he called, before walking away, leaving me alone. I frowned and walked over to Vic.

"Elena what's wrong?" she said worriedly, putting an arm around me. She was stood with her close friends who Mattia had invited. I loved every single one of them, and the last thing I wanted was to be miserable at my own party. But I couldn't help it.

"Mattia's gone with Alejandro to get a speaker" I complained, taking a glass of champagne off the waiter's tray. I downed it in one, hoping it would take my mind off Mattia leaving. It didn't. Vic's eyes went wide when she heard my words.

"They've gone to get the speaker? Now?" she said, picking up her purse from the table. I looked at her in confusion.

"Yes, why?"

"I-I have the key to Alejandro's house, I'll go find them" she said, hurriedly walking over to the exit.

"Vic wha-"

But she was already out the door. I groaned in annoyance and sat down on one of the chairs. Taylor looked at me sympathetically and put her hand on my arm.

"Must be an important speaker" she shrugged. I nodded along with whatever she was saying, but her words just went in one ear and out the other.


"I can't do it"

Alejandro looked at me, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes you can, we didn't go to all this effort for you to just bail at the last minute, Elena doesn't deserve that" he hissed at me. I don't know what'd happened within the last 5 minutes, but I'd become a nervous wreck. Seconds after, Vic joined us outside, just as I opened the ring box.

"What'd I miss" she said, panting for breath. She'd clearly ran here, since her face was red. Alejandro filled her in and she looked at me with a sad smile.

"I know it's scary Mattia, it's probably the biggest you're ever going to do which concerns Elena"

I winced when she called it scary. That was an understatement.

"But what if she says no?" I mumbled, looking at the ring. Vic scoffed and punched my shoulder.

"Bro she fucking loves you, there's no way she could say no, now go make her your wife" she said, pointing towards the entrance. I peeked inside and saw Elena frowning, whilst Taylor tried to cheer her up. I cringed at how much of a coward I was being, when this was meant to be a happy day. I looked over at the bar and saw my parents talking to Elena's parents. And the boys all patiently waiting by the dance floor. Everyone was in place. I was the only thing holding them back. I puffed my chest and stood up straight.

"I'm making her my wife" I said loudly, causing Vic to become ecstatic.

"Yeah you are!" she yelled, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. I smiled and Alejandro shook my hand.

"I'm proud of you, now go give us the ending we all want" he said, as Vic opened the door.

A/N: heheheheh I'm making y'all waittt 😂

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