Chapter 41

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A huge grin spread across Elena's face as the car finally reached the church. She saw Mattia's car too, and breathed a sigh of relief knowing they were here. She was due to make her entrance in a mere 10 minutes, given the fact that she could still see guests piling into the church.

"Are you excited?" asked Vic, squeezing Elena's hand, her ecstatic energy matched the smile on her face, along with Adriana who held onto her flowers tightly. Leanne looked at Elena, holding back her tears. She didn't know whether she was happy or sad now that her fate was certain.

"I'm beyond excited" Elena gushed, looking down at her roses. They looked out the window and saw Hunter walking towards the car. Leanne rolled down the window and they all turned their attention towards him.

"It's time" he said nervously, opening the door. He held Leanne's hand as she exited the car, and helped Vic and Adriana out. Elena held onto her dress, desperate not to stain the bottom of it. With her bouquet in one hand, she held onto her father's hand with the other, as her maid of honour held the train to her dress. Once they were all out, Hunter reached over Elena's head and gently pulled the veil over her face, careful not to ruin her hair.

"I can't believe you're getting married" he breathed, wiping his eyes quickly. Elena wrapped her arms around him, tightly biting down on her bottom lip so she wouldn't start crying too.

They made their way inside the church, and Hunter went inside to take his seat in the front row. Vic and Adriana stood outside with Elena as Kairi and Alejandro approached.

"Holy shit" exclaimed Kairi, his eyes travelling across Elena's perfect self. A wave of regret washed over him as he remembered this could've been his day, but that chance was long gone. Now, he could only be happy for his two best friends.

"You look.." started Alejandro, but the words trailed off when he caught sight of Vic. His pupils dilated as he swooned over her, making her cheeks turn a deep crimson red.

"You look beautiful" chimed in Kairi, rolling his eyes at Alejandro. Elena smiled and hugged them both.

"Thank you" she said, peering over Kairi's shoulder. She caught sight of Mattia standing at the altar with his back to her, yet she still felt the familiar butterflies setting in. Even from the back, he looked like a movie. And it was her favourite movie.

Leanne watched Kairi and Elena converse, she could see the pain in Kairi's eyes. She knew they'd had something special, but the timing was so wrong. She tapped Adriana on the shoulder lightly and whispered something in her ear. Adriana pulled away and gave her a sympathetic smile, nodding her head.

"Okay, that's our que" said Alejandro, holding out his arm for Vic. She smiled and linked her arm with his, kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait where's Adriana?" said Kairi, anxiously looking around in the foyer, she was nowhere to be seen. Elena looked around too, just in time to see Adriana walk in alongside Alvaro.

"But I thought you were walking in with me" frowned Kairi, pressing his lips together.

"Actually" said Leanne, taking a step forward. Everyone turned to look at her, but her eyes were fixated on Elena.

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