Chapter 7

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Trying not to make any noise, I unlocked Elena's front door and walked into the kitchen. Today was the day she turned 19.

And the day I was going to ask her to be my wife.

My heart sped up just thinking about it. I knew there were going to be some people who thought we were being stupid. Or rushing everything. But this felt right to me, I just prayed Elena felt the same.

Mom had given me a bag full of birthday decorations which I was going to decorate the kitchen with. I'd asked Elena's parents if I could marry their daughter and they'd wholeheartedly agreed to it, and were on their way from England. They were due to get here in the evening. Which is exactly when I was planning to propose. I didn't want anyone to miss this moment. I took out the pink and white decorations and got to work. It was 9am, Elena would be awake in an hour. I needed to have decorated the kitchen and had breakfast ready by the time she got downstairs, the boys were sorting the rest out for me. Once I'd done that, I had to get to the beach, and Vic was taking over.

I placed the plate of pancakes on the table and quickly put out the rest of my decorations in the places I'd chosen. Once I'd finished I looked up at Elena's room and took a deep breath. There was no way anyone or anything was going to ruin today.


I woke up at around 10am. I outstretched my arm onto the other side of the bed but frowned when my hand hit the sheets. I remembered Mattia decided not to stay over, and sighed. Sleeping alone was harder than I thought.

Then I remembered I turned 19 today.

"Happy birthday to me" I smiled and reached over to read the messages on my phone. I lightly pressed on the side button to turn it on, but my heart sank when I saw the only message was from Team Snapchat. There was nothing from Mom or Dad, or the boys. Nothing from Vic, or even Mattia. Had they really forgotten? Maybe they were still sleeping.

I overthink these things too much.

Feeling defeated, I got out of bed and put my hair up into a messy bun. I hated how I was alone in this huge house. The empty feeling was slowly creeping back into my life, especially since I had no one to share it with me. After washing my face, I headed downstairs for breakfast. I opened my bedroom door and my heart fluttered when I saw everything. The floor was covered in rose petals leading all the way to the kitchen. I felt myself blushing as I slowly made my way into the kitchen, soaking up all the happiness with each step I took.

There were flowers on the table, along with blueberry pancakes and a handwritten note. I smiled when I recognised Mattia's handwriting and unfolded it, eagerly reading it.

Happy Birthday Babygirl!

I can't believe we're 19 already, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the most beautiful, most breathtaking woman I have ever met, and it's fair to say I've fallen for you.
Unfortunately, as much as I want to spend every second of today with you, I have a really important event to go to in Chicago, with the boys. But don't worry, because I'll be back in two days, and then we can celebrate together!

I love you, Mattia

My eyes widened with disbelief when I read that he was away. Not only on his own, but with the boys too. Meaning I only had Vic to celebrate my birthday with. I groaned as I took in what I'd just read. How could he do this? When I've only been back for less than a month? I'm sure missing one event wouldn't harm him that much, I only turned 19 once. I pressed my lips together tightly and tried to stay positive, despite the shitty start to my morning. I decided to get ready and call Vic to see what she wanted to do. I lowkey felt hurt that I was having to call her on my birthday, and that she didn't even bother to wish me. She picked up immediately, almost as if she had been waiting for my call.

"Hey Elena" she said normally, with no emotion in her voice at all.

"Uh, hey Vic, do you wanna do something today?" I asked, completely baffled over how she still hadn't realised what today was.

"Sure, what's the occasion?" she yawned. My mouth dropped open.

"My birthday" I said, purposely emphasising my words. She gasped and suddenly became more alert.

"Oh my god yeah, happy birthday" she laughed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Let's get our nails done, wear something nice" she blurted out.

"Okay what ti-"

But she hung up, causing me to become even more frustrated than I already was. I didn't feel like getting my nails done at all, but I had to agree, or I'd be alone for the whole day. I just wish Mattia had woken me up before he left this morning, I missed him.

I changed into a white lacy dress, but my insecurities kicked in when I saw myself in the mirror. I decided to change out of it and wear jeans instead. I heard the doorbell and made my way downstairs to answer the door. I opened the door to see Vic, wearing a wine red dress which stopped just above her knees, accompanied with red strappy heels. Her hair and makeup was done and she flashed me a vibrant smile.

"I thought we were just getting our nails done?" I said, completely confused.

"We are, but we're also dressing up" she nodded, stepping inside and closing the door behind her.

"Vic I'm not dressing up" I folded my arms but she was already running upstairs.

"Come on birthday girl" she yelled, I laughed at her crackhead ways and followed her.

I was just finishing up my makeup when she pulled the white dress out my wardrobe. She was giving it heart eyes as she handed it to me.

"You are so wearing that" she insisted. I laughed softly and took the dress off the hanger. Whenever Vic hyped me up, I felt less insecure, and almost like I could do anything. I changed into the dress and Vic did a double take.

"That's my best friend!" she squealed, clapping uncontrollably. I smiled and put my heels on.

Vic started driving us to the nail salon, but when we approached it she drove completely past it.

"Vic you missed the salon" I said, looking over at her with a puzzled expression. She smirked and kept her eyes on the road.

"Believe me, I know"

A/N: yall I'm so sorry about the delay, this week was my exam week so I had to revise all week, but it's over now and I can't wait to get back to posting, tysm for being so patient ily all 💕

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