Chapter 18

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I lowered myself down to the concrete, keeping my eyes on Mattia's lifeless body infront of me.

"Ma'am he's in a critical state" I heard a paramedic say, tapping my shoulder. I paid no attention though, placing my hand on Mattia's cheek. A tear that had escaped my eyes fell onto his face as I caressed his skin. It was rough, he must've had a tough fall when he was shot. I pressed my lips together trying not to think about it, as I brought my face closer to his.

"I don't know if you can hear me" I whispered, our faces were inches apart.

"But I'm so sorry I let this happen, I'm sorry for saying I hate you. I could never hate you Mattia. I'm so in love with your dumbass" I wept as his eyes remained shut, with a blank expression on his face. Gently, I kissed his forehead, and put my free hand on his chest.

"Ma'am please"

The paramedic quickly removed my hand from his chest, and when I looked at it, I saw it was covered in blood. I felt my throat turn dry as I glanced at Mattia's pale face.

"He's going to wake up, right?" I asked, desperately hoping she would say yes.

"That's for the doctors to decide" she removed her gloves and helped her partner wheel Mattia into the back of the ambulance. I wiped my face as they closed the doors.

"Ma'am, if you need a ride to the hospital, we can escort you"

I turned around to see two police officers with sympathetic smiles on their faces. I nodded and slowly started walking towards their car as one of them held open the door for me. I looked over at Jackson as I got in the car and he glared at me. With goosebumps appearing on my arms, I ignored him and got into the car.


"So how did you know the victim?"

The officer in the passenger seat turned to look at me. He was Asian, with bright blue eyes, yet his dimples were his stand out feature.

"We're friends" I replied quietly, with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. He scoffed and looked ahead.

"The way you were crying over him? That's not what I call friends."

I looked at him, my mouth slightly agape as the other officer nudged him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean.."

"So why did you arrest Alejandro?" I asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"Well, we asked the victim if he could the describe the vehicle that he saw, he was still conscious at the time we arrived at the crime scene" chimed in the other officer. He was much older than his partner, with icy blue eyes which made him seem tough yet reserved on the exterior.

"And?" I raised my eyebrows, waiting to hear how Alejandro was tied up in all of this

"And, the victim told us it was a yellow Lamborghini. So, as we were driving through the neighbourhood, we happened to pass one and we knocked on Mr Rosario's door, and he was wide awake. When we asked to search the car we found the gun and a pair of gloves, even the car keys were under the car."

My heart dropped upon hearing his words. There was no way Alejandro was responsible for shooting his bestfriend. I couldn't get it through my head how he was physically able to commit such a crime like this.

"He was framed, Ale would never do anything of the sort" I said confidently, but the officers shook their heads as we arrived at the hospital.

"I'm afraid he's already got a court hearing in two days Ma'am" they said. My hand flew to my mouth as I imagined Alejandro in front of a jury. Nothing about that felt real.

"No" I breathed, but the officer had already opened my door. Still in shock, I got out of the car and thanked them. I walked up the stairs to the hospital with a numb feeling coming over me. I leaned onto the wall for support. This was all so extremely wrong, and it hurt more than ever.


I turned to see a red eyed Kairi walking over to me. I hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder as he kissed my head.

"Is he okay?" I sat down on the bench, and Kairi took a seat next to me.

"They just put him in a coma, they don't know how long it'll be till he's out" he sighed, putting his head in his hands. I put my head on his shoulder and felt him shaking.

"Alejandro has a court hearing in two days" I revealed, causing him to look at me with wide eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding? He didn't do it!"

People started to look at us, and I looked at my hands awkwardly.

"That's why we need to go and defend him, I'm more worried for Vic"

"Vic? Why? She's not behind bars" he sulked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Vic was so upset and none of us have even been to the police station to see her, we've all been here for Mattia, and she's all alone."

His eyes softened and he groaned loudly.

"What the fuck is going on Elena? Why are all my friends getting hurt?" I saw tears glisten in his eyes and I pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down.

I wish I had an answer for him, but honestly I had no fucking idea what to say.

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