Chapter 37

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"Do you think Jayden would've liked me?"

I looked over at Mattia, taking a bite out of my burger. I nodded my head confidently before speaking.

"He would've loved you, look how happy you always make me, and even if he didn't, I'd have forced him to" I said, leaning over the food and kissing his lips. We'd decided to order McDonald's since Mom and Dad weren't up for a family dinner. I hadn't spoken to either of them since they'd broke the news to me. I didn't even know what I was meant to say. Mattia cleared away all the wrappers off the bed and I got in between the sheets. I stared at him as he took off his hoodie, exposing his perfectly outlined chest.

"Enjoying the view?" he smirked, noticing me. I felt my cheeks heating up as he got into bed next to me. He slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me towards him, and before he could say anything else I leaned in. Taking the hint, Mattia leaned in at the same time, allowing our lips to meet. Before I could take it any further he pulled away, scanning my face for signs of regret.

"I'm sorry, are you s-"

I cut him off by kissing him again, but passionately this time, as if I never wanted to break it again. He followed suit and pulled off my shirt, hovering above me.

"We have to be quiet" I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Quit distracting me" he whispered, leaving hickeys on my neck. He found my sweet spot, just above my collarbone, and I covered my mouth to stop myself from making any noise. But he looked up and slowly removed my hand, leaning forward and kissing my lips.

"I wanna hear you wifey" he said, moving his hand between my legs and slowly grazing my inner thigh.

"I know you do, but do my parents?" I sighed, rolling my eyes. Mattia laughed to himself, undoing his belt and taking off his pants, as I did the same.

"I'll be gentle" he winked at me, causing the heartbeat down there to go off for the second time in the past five minutes. He started kissing me again, placing his hands on my hips. I lost myself in the kiss, and when he inserted his member into me, my mouth dropped slightly, causing him to smirk with delight. A moan slipped from my lips as Mattia thrusted himself in and out of me. I bit my lip, trying to stay quiet, watching him move his lips close to my ear.

"Take it like a good girl" he said in a raspy tone. As the word left his mouth, I threw my head back with pleasure, digging my nails into his back. He bit down onto my earlobe softly, sending electricity through me, as he increased the pace.

"Holy shit, don't stop" I gasped, feeling my walls close in on him. He was a moaning mess as I released onto his member, resulting in him pulling out and flopping down next to me. We both laid on our backs, staring up at the ceiling with my legs shaking against his, as we tried to get our breaths back.

"I can't wait to marry you" said Mattia breathlessly. I turned to face him and a smile spread across my face. But guilt suddenly engulfed me as Mattia pulled the covers over our bare bodies.

"Mattia?" I gulped. He looked at me with a sleepy smile but it soon faded when he saw my anxious expression.

"Am I a bad person?"

"What? Baby no, everyone grieves in different ways, you did nothing wrong"

"Isn't that disrespectful though? I mean we just found out about him and my great idea was to have sex?" I ran my hands through my hair, looking up at the ceiling. "Oh my god I'm a terrible person"

Mattia turned on his side and held my wrists, pulling my into his chest. I rested my head on him as he calmed me down.

"Shh I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" he I kissed my head gently as I felt myself drifting off.


I felt Elena's body relaxing in my arms, indicating that she was finally falling asleep. I felt my arm going numb as she slept on it but I smiled at how peaceful we finally were. I wiped any tear marks I from under her eyes and started to think about our wedding all over again. Before I had wanted a 3 tier cake, a snakeskin tuxedo, just like Uncle Claudio's and only the best music. But now, all I wanted was for Elena's Mom to be there. Even if it meant we were getting married in England, I didn't care.

Having her there meant everything to me. There was no way we were getting married without her.

A/N: y'all this chapter was lowk shit, I promise it'll pick up in the next few chapters 💕

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