Chapter 43

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Mattia and I sat in the waiting room. I twisted my ring around my finger, becoming increasingly worried. We'd been here for an hour already, Dad was inside with Mom, they weren't letting anyone else in. I knew this was the end. I knew she only had a week left, but I wasn't ready to let her go. I needed her in my life.

A nurse came out the ward and we stood up quickly, bracing ourselves for what she was going to say.

"What happened? Is she okay? Let me see her" I said, trying to rush past her. But Mattia held my hand, pulling me back gently.

"Baby let's just hear her out" he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His touch against my skin calmed me instantly and I nodded, acknowledging the nurse.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous" I said to her.

"That's completely understandable, Mrs Polibio" she said, flicking through her papers. I rubbed my hands together, feeling Mattia's hand resting on my waist.

"So? She's okay, right?" I said, desperate for answers. She pressed her lips together tightly.

"Actually, Leanne is soon going to be entering her final moments"

Her words hit me like a brick wall. I felt my lungs becoming heavier, as I struggled to breathe. I could hear Mattia's voice, but only faintly. I felt my whole body beginning to shake with anger, disbelief as my world began to collapse into one huge mess.

"Y-you said she had a week" I stuttered, removing Mattia's hands off me. The nurse fumbled through her papers, trying to find an answer.

"You said a fucking week!" I yelled, slapping the clipboard out of her hands in a rage. People were beginning to look our way, until Mattia pulled me into a spare room, closing the door behind us.

"She said a week, Mattia" I cried, running my hands through my hair. I walked over to the empty bed and flopped onto it, allowing the tears to run down the sides of my face.

"I know baby"

He came over and took a seat next to the bed. I sighed whilst Mattia played with my hair, we stayed like that for several minutes until he removed his hand, causing me to look up at him.

"Elena, we need to go see your Mom"

"I don't know if I can" I said, staring up at the ceiling.

"Of course you can, she probably wants to see you out of everyone right now" he said in a hushed tone.

"I can't lose her, Mattia" I said as my eyes clouded with tears again. Mattia wiped them away but there were tears in his own eyes. I sat up, looking towards the door.

"She's waiting for you Elena"

He took my hand in his, helping me off the bed. The nurse entered the room, holding the door open for us. I dragged myself out the room, my body becoming heavier with each step.

Why was everything so heavy? Everything required so much effort. I hadn't even gotten through the worst part, yet I was so mentally drained. I placed my hand on the door handle and opened the door, my eyes landing on Dad who had his head in his hands. The curtains were drawn around the bed, I could only see him sitting in front of the bed.

Was I... too late?

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