Chapter 32

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I felt the cold tiles brush against my feet as I entered the bathroom. Hunter and I had just gotten back from my second chemotherapy session. I still hadn't found it in me to tell Elena.

I placed my clothes down and stepped into the shower. Hot water hit my body, instantly soothing me, and I reached for the shampoo. I gently massaged it into my scalp which had started aching, but when I brought my hands back in front of me, my eyes met with a sight that broke my heart in every way possible. My brown hair sat in my palms. Great chunks of it. I knew it was coming. I just suppose I didn't expect it to hurt this much. I slowly lowered myself to the ground and leaned against the wall, allowing the water to hit my body, as I looked at the drain which was collecting all the brown strands. One by one. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but the water washed them away as they rolled down my cheeks.


I looked up to see the door opening slightly. Hunter's voice had snapped me out my thoughts, but I couldn't find the energy to stand up. He came in when I didn't reply and his face dropped when he saw me. Vulnerable.

"Heyyy" he said softly, turning the shower off and reaching for my towel. I wept visible tears as he lifted me out the shower and lead me into the bedroom. Keeping the towel wrapped around my shoulders, he rushed over to my closet to get a smaller towel. He returned to me and gently wrapped it around my hair as best he could. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered, keeping my eyes tightly shut. He placed his hand underneath my chin and lifted my face up so he could look into my glassy eyes. His lips formed a small smile as he shook his head.

"Never apologise to me Leanne, I'm never leaving your side again"

His voice cracked at the end of the sentence, and he took a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I should've never left you and Elena, so for that I am so sorry Leanne"

He bit his bottom lip hard to prevent a tear slipping but it still managed to escape his beautiful eyes. I could look in his eyes all day long. After all, I loved this man with everything I had. And so did Elena. I placed my hand on top of his, getting his attention.

"I think it's time we tell her"


I opened my wardrobe, trying to figure out what to wear for the day. I scanned all my clothes, until I saw that one neon orange hoodie he left behind. I hesitated, but why was I hesitating? Mattia had said he was sorry hadn't he? So what was holding me back?

I took the hoodie out and placed it on my bed. People made mistakes, sure Mattia made a big one. But that didn't change the fact that he's still the love of my life. He probably always will be. So what was it that was stopping me?

I pulled it over my head and his familiar scent entered my lungs. I couldn't help it. I started smiling like a kid in a candy shop. Was it trust issues? Maybe that was it. I was scared that he'd do it again. I looked in my closet to find a pair of jeans and I saw the white jeans I had worn once.

I guess some risks are worth taking.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller.
I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself.

"Hey Mattia" I said, keeping the same smile on my face as I changed into the white jeans.

"W-wait I didn't think you'd answer"

"Wellll I did, why'd you call?"

"Shit I didn't plan this far" he mumbled, causing me to chuckle quietly so he wouldn't hear. I waited patiently as he thought.

"Uh, can I come over?"

The smile faded and I looked at myself in the mirror. Whenever he'd come over, that would always end in a fight. But what if it didn't this time? What if I just needed to hear him out? Like everyone had told me.

"Okay" I said, with a newfound confidence in my voice. He said he'd be over in five and I quickly changed out of his hoodie and into something which didn't say "I want you back". I mean I did want him back, but not instantly. Fuck.

I waited in the kitchen until I heard the doorbell. I rushed to the door and took a breath before opening it. As I pulled it open I saw him standing there. Looking as nervous as ever, yet he still managed to look so breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Come in" I said quickly, realising I'd been staring for too long. He smiled and walked inside, taking off his jacket. I realised he wasn't going to move until I said so, making it even more awkward.

"We can, uh, go to the kitchen" I said, nervously rubbing my hands together. He nodded and swiftly walked over.

He took a seat in one of the barstools and I sat in one opposite him.

"So I wanna start off by saying, I'm so sorry Elena"

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have shut you out like I did" I said, but he reached across and put my hands in his. I tended up but he grazed his thumbs over my knuckles gently, and I allowed my hands to sink into his.

"I swear to God I will never ever break your trust like that again. I let one selfish moment get the better of me, and I lost the love of my life"

I pressed my lips together and held tightly onto his hands.

"I need you Elena Hill, I cannot function without you, I love you more than life itself"

I stared at him and his eyes flickered down to my lips. I so desperately wanted to close the gap between us, but I had to say something first.

"I love you too Mattia Polibio"

He leaned in the same time as I did and our lips had finally met. After so fucking long. All the hate, all the yelling, all the anger. It was gone, it was finally gone. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him as I lost my hands in his perfectly brown hair. I pulled away to say something, looking at him with a smile that was slowly starting to make my cheeks ache.

"I can't wait to tell Mom about this"

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