Chapter 40

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"How'd you feel, baby?"

I looked to my left and saw my Mom, huge smiles plastered across both our faces.

"Like I'm about to get married" I said, my voice shaking slightly. I turned my gaze back to the mirror infront of me. We were sat in our living room after getting our hair and makeup done. Vic and Adriana were getting their hair and makeup done in the kitchen since they wanted me to see their full transformation once it was finished. I ran my hands down my wedding dress, tracing the lace with my index finger. I looked at my reflection and saw a different version of myself. I was no longer the shy, anxious teenager I was two years ago. I was a changed woman, ready to start the next chapter of her life, with her soulmate.

There was a knock at the door and Mom stood up to get it. I watched her as she left the room, wearing a blue floor length, figure hugging dress. She always had a beautiful figure, and luckily I had it too. She had a blue head wrap to compliment the dress, which left a sickly feeling in my stomach. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dad had said.

How had a month turned to two weeks left to live? The time I had left with her was slipping away, and there was nothing I could do about it. I blinked back my tears, desperate not to ruin the makeup.

I heard the front door close and Mom came back, looking more anxious than when she left.

"Ma, what happened?"

"It was Alejandro, he told me that Cindy's coming to the wedding"

"What? But we decided not to invite her" I tried to think of something to prevent her coming, but my nerves were growing by the minute and I didn't need the added stress.

"I think she invited herself mija, do you want me to call Mattia?"

Hearing his name set off butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't seen him for the past 3 days since we'd both been so busy.

"No, I don't want to worry him, we'll just let her be, if she causes trouble then we can get her escorted out" I said, applying another layer of lip gloss to try calm myself down.


I scrolled through Instagram as the makeup lady did her final touches. Adriana and I had gone for loose side buns, with nude makeup so that all the attention would be on Elena. Our dresses were a baby pink, along with little bouquets.

"All done" smiled the lady, taking a step back and handing me a mirror. I took a look and was honestly a little blown away. She'd put daisies in my hair and left my face looking glowy yet not too heavy with make up. 

"Thank you so much, I love it" I said, giving her a side hug. I held my flowers in one hand and my phone in the other as I walked over to Adriana. She opened her eyes once I'd got over to her, she probably heard my heels from a mile away. Her eyes went wide when she saw me and her lips curled upwards.

"Alejandro is one lucky guy"

I felt myself blushing as she finished up. I missed Ale, we hadn't seen the boys for three days, yet it felt like a month. They were meant to meet us at the church for 1:30 so we could start everything at 2pm. It was coming up to 12:30 now.



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