Chapter 28

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We finally got to my house as the sun was setting. I opened my purse to look for my keys as Kio locked his car.

"Do you still love Mattia?"

I froze as I was about to insert the key. How was I meant to answer that question? Of course I still loved him. He made it impossible for me not to.


I opened the door and walked inside, trying to avoid his eyes. I felt awful for giving him a reason to doubt me.

"I don't think I'm gonna stay over" he said, looking at the ground.

"Kio I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of that to happen back there" I walked over to him and he winced when I held his hand.

"I just" he backed away "I should see my brother, you know"

I nodded slowly, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. I shook my head and forced a smile.

"No yeah, that's fine go ahead" I stood next to the door as he walked over to his car.

"I'll see you soon" he smiled, starting the engine. I waved, watching the car slowly disappear. I felt my eyes heating up as I closed the door. My hands were slowly starting to shake as I dialled a number into my phone. I put it to my ear and sunk to the ground, leaning against the door.


"Mom I miss you" I broke down, hugging my knees into my chest.

"Elena? Oh my god what happened?" she immediately became worried and I tried to take deep breaths as my eyes filled with fresh tears.

"So much happened Mom" I gasped for breath between my sobs and looked up at the ceiling. Where was I even meant to start?


I sighed as I got into my house, everyone was in the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes and decided to go get changed before I met my family. I walked into my room and opened my closet. I looked for my orange hoodie but couldn't find it anywhere. Then it dawned on me. Elena had it. I could've got it back but I'd rather she kept it. That way at least she'd think of me whenever she saw it. Unless she'd burned all my hoodies by now.

I got changed and walked into the kitchen. My family was sitting at the table, eating dinner.

"Hi honey, how was court?" asked Mom, looking from her plate. Dad and my brother turned too.

"Alejandro's free again, he was framed by some guy" I answered calmly, filling my plate up with spaghetti.

"That's great" she said dryly. I furrowed my brow as I took my seat. They were all acting weird for some reason.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?"

Dad shook his head and put his fork down.

"Son we're just worried about you" he sighed, looking at Mom.

"What? Why? I'm fine" I said, forcing a laugh.

"You just haven't been the same since the break up with Elena" said Mom. I rolled my eyes and didn't reply. Dad looked at me, before collecting the plates and standing up.


"What do you want me to say? She doesn't wanna be with me anymore, besides she's got a new guy"

I didn't want to have to tell them about Kio, but it seemed like the only way I'd get them to stop talking about it. There was a moment of silence as Dad placed the dishes in the sink.

"What if she's just with this guy to teach you a lesson? I'm sure she still loves you Mattia, girls don't move on that quick" said Mom, standing up and tucking her chair in. I thought about it for a second but then shook my head.

"Nah, I've seen the way she looks at him"

I sighed and went back to my meal, thinking of ways to get her off my mind. After a while I decided to leave the rest of the food. I couldn't stomach the rest.

I didn't know what I was feeling, it was strange. It was almost that feeling when your life feels empty all cause you lost that one person. We went through hell and back for us to become friends again. I didn't even know if we were friends. All I could think of was how close I was to kissing her earlier. I missed her lips. I missed playing with her hair and I missed her wearing my hoodies better than I did.

I missed her.


After brushing my teeth I got into bed, stretching out and feeling the empty space next to me. I slid my hand under the pillow and felt something.

The lipgloss.

I held it tightly in my hand and felt my eyes heating up. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Everything reminded me of her. I looked at my phone and thought about calling her. I missed hearing her laugh, and how she'd just talk about the stupidest shit. But fuck I'd give anything to hear her voice right now.


I was sitting in one of the kitchen chairs as Mom stayed on the phone with me. I kept wiping my eyes but I couldn't stop myself from crying over him.

"Baby I just think if you spoke to him once-"

"No!" I shouted.

"I don't want to speak to him, I don't want anything to do with him, I don't want him."

Mom sighed on the other side as a silence set in.

"Elena you don't mean that"

"Y-yes I do"

"He made you so much happier than this new guy Kio you're with, we all make mistakes, but that's no reason for you to shut him out like this"

"He cheated Mom, he happily slept with Cindy knowing how much it's hurt me"

"I know, and that isn't an excuse, but Elena he was so good for you, you both brought out the better in each other"

"I can't trust him Mom"

"Everyone deserves second chances, your Dad left you for all your childhood yet you still forgave him the minute he came back, how does that differ to Mattia? A guy who's been there for you every second of every single hour."

I bit my lips and shook my head.

"I'm gonna go"

"Call him Elena, you're both hurting each other"

I hung up and stared at the contacts in my phone, before fixating my gaze on a specific one. I took a shaky breath and called the number.


"Hey Kio, wanna come over?"

I had managed to force some food into my stomach by the time I heard my doorbell. I opened the door and saw Kio standing there with snacks and drinks.

"Movie night?" he said, flashing me a smile. I returned the smile and wrapped my arms around him as he leaned in for a kiss. My lips met his and we made our way upstairs to my room.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I said, grabbing a towel and nightwear. Kio nodded and stretched out on my bed. I made my way into the bathroom and noticed I'd forgotten my scrunchie.

"Kio?" I called out "could you bring me the blue scrunchie on my nightstand?"

Soon enough, he entered the bathroom with it around his wrist. I took it off him and he peered at my toiletries.

"Watermelon lotion? I bet that smells good?"

I froze as I was taking my top off. I remembered how Mattia would always bring that up, especially the time when we showered together. I felt my eyes filling up with tears and I snatched the lotion bottle out of Kio's hand, immediately throwing it in the trash.

"Hey? Are you good?" he said, resting his hand on my waist. I nodded, blinking back the tears.

"That was just..expired"

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