Chapter 10

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I walked into the tent, and felt everyone's eyes on me. Except Elena's. She was sitting with her back to me, still engaged in conversation with Taylor. I made my way over to her, adrenaline rushing through me. I gently tapped her shoulder and she whipped around to see me. My heart almost melted when she smiled up at me, her eyes had never lost their twinkle.

"Can we cut the cake now? I'm starving" she begged, but I extended my hand out to her. She took it, and stood up, facing me. I leant forward and brought my lips to her ear.

"There's something I need to do first" I whispered, kissing her cheek, careful not to ruin her makeup.

I lead her onto the dance floor, and looked at everyone else. They were beginning to gather around, just like they were meant to. Elena held onto my hand tightly as she started to notice everyone's attention turning to us.

"Mattia what's happening?" she asked, keeping her voice low. I turned to her and smiled, she really had no idea. I gestured to the DJ to lower the music so everyone would be able to hear me. I stood in front of Elena, and held her hands in mine, which only caused her to become more confused, but I could see her lips were slowly turning into a smile. I cleared my throat and tried to get rid of any anxiety left in me.

"I wanna start off by saying I love you Elena. I always have, and there's nothing you could possibly do that will make me stop loving you. I think it's fair to say I love you more than life itself"

The crowd went "awe" at the same time, and Elena giggled as little tears formed in her eyes.

"I love you too" she said softly, squeezing my hands.

"I don't wanna wait Elena, I don't wanna wait till everyone accepts us. I love being around you and I love the person I am because of you. We were made for each other, and I think I'm ready to take it to the next level"

Elena narrowed her eyes and started smiling at me.

"What are you saying?" she asked, and I let go of her hands.

I slipped my right hand in my pocket and pulled out the little black box. The crowd gasped, as if they had no idea this was going to happen, and I got down on one knee. I looked up at Elena, who's hands flew to her mouth as the tears finally escaped her eyes.

"What I'm saying is, Elena Hill, will you marry me?"

I held the diamond encrusted ring up to her, but her eyes remained on me as the word left her mouth.


She jumped up and down with joy and I threw my head back with relief. The whole crowd erupted in cheers and I stood up. Taking ahold of her hand, I slid the ring onto her fourth finger and she stared at it with heart eyes. It was a perfect fit.

"We did it" I chuckled, wiping away her tears.

"I guess I'll see you at the altar" she smirked, leaning in towards me. Without saying anything else, I pulled her in and kissed her lips. We'd shared a lot of kisses, but that one. That one was special.

The crowd had finally dispersed, leaving Elena and I alone at last. Hand in hand, we walked over to the bar where our parents were stood. My mom gave me a bitter look but I brushed it off and spoke to Elena's parents.

"I'm so happy for you honey" said Mrs Hill. She congratulated us both, and so did her Dad.

"So when's the wedding?" my dad chimed in. I looked at Elena and she was glowing.

"Can we do it next Saturday? I don't wanna wait any longer" she pleaded, tugging on my arm. I looked at my parents and then at Elena's. They didn't seem to object so we agreed on next Saturday. Which gave me enough time to find a venue and outfits. I wanted to give Elena a day to remember, which may prove difficult after today.

"Mattia can I speak to you?" asked my Mom. But before I could answer she was already pulling me away.

"Woah, what's the matter?" I looked at her in annoyance, smoothing down my shirt where she'd pulled it.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.


"Mattia you need to slow down, why are you getting married at 19?"

"Because I love the girl, and she loves me"

Mom rolled her eyes at my response and folded her arms over her chest.

"You're being irrational. Do you even know what love is, Mattia?"

My eyes widened at what she said, but my shock swiftly turned to anger.

"Why can't you be happy for me? All my life you told me to follow my dreams and never let anyone stop me, and now you're gonna stop me?" I said, my tone becoming increasingly louder. Mom looked down with a sad expression on her face.

"I know what I said. I just think you should wait, what if you regret this?"

I shook my head in disagreement and started walking back inside.

"The only thing I regret is inviting you here"

A/N: THEY'RE ENGAGED! Bro I loved writing this chapter so much, and I hope you loved it! Also, I said I'd explain the song, so basically the singer is saying amazing he and his wife look together in the song, and how he doesn't care what anyone else says, and that he only has eyes for her. And there's a line which ENDS ME. And it basically says
"My last name would perfectly fit your first name" !!!

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