Chapter 26

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We all sat patiently as the jury came to a decision. I felt Kio's thumb graze over my knuckles as I took a shaky breath.

"It'll be okay Elena" he whispered softly. But that didn't make anything better. Alejandro's case was getting weaker since they didn't have any real proof that he didn't do it. He was making this too easy for the judge and I felt sick.

The judge ordered a member of the jury to come forward and announce the decision. A short man dressed in a pinstripe suit rushed forward, clutching a piece of paper in his right hand. I saw Vic anxiously lean forward as she awaited to hear Alejandro's fate. The man cleared his throat.

"The jury have decided Alejandro Rosario is deemed as guilty"

My hand flew to my mouth as gasps went around the courtroom, Vic sobbed the loudest.

"He didn't fucking do it!" she yelled, and Alvaro put his arm around her, trying to calm her down. But she was crying uncontrollably as everyone was trying to quieten her down. Kio wrapped his arm around me, but I don't think he understood how shocked I was. I looked over at Mattia and he had the same bewildered expression as Alejandro. The judge slammed his gavel on the table, trying to silence the audience, but nothing was working. It was chaotic.

It took almost 20 minutes for everyone to calm down. The judge started talking about sentences, but Alejandro wasn't paying any attention. His head was in his hands and he was slouching down in his chair.
Just then we heard the door to the courtroom open, and everyone turned around. I noticed the person immediately and my blood was boiling.


Cindy? What the fuck was she doing here? Hadn't she done enough damage already? Her blonde hair was a mess and there were mascara stains running down her cheeks. She was a wreck. I looked over at Elena and she was glaring at Cindy.

"Stop! He didn't fucking do it!" she screamed, I assumed she ran here since she was speaking so breathlessly.

"Ma'am this is a private hearing" said the judge calmly. She started walking forwards but Jackson stood up immediately, blocking her way.

"Don't be so silly Cindy, go home" he said in a low tone, trying to guide her out. But she shoved him in the chest, which sent him stumbling backwards.

What the fuck was going on?

"I have all the evidence to show Alejandro is innocent" she pointed at her phone desperately but the judge shook his head.

"The case has been put to rest, Mr Rosario has been proved guilty"

"Don't you fucking get it? Jackson is behind of this"

Jackson tried to push Cindy away but she yelled in his face, stunning us all.

"No! I'm sick of being fucking manipulated by you!"

She wiped her tears and locked eyes with Elena. Elena looked as confused as the rest of us.

"Elena I'm so sorry"

Cindy rushed over to her but Elena flinched when Cindy went to hold her hand. I saw Kio put a protective arm in front of her and rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Elena looked up at her and Cindy hesitated.

"Jackson paid me to sleep with you so that you'd break up with Mattia"

Elena's eyes went wide as I felt my stomach drop. The same humiliating feeling I had when Elena found out had re appeared. It was a horrible, numb feeling sinking in me and I felt like the world was on stand still. Cindy turned to the judge.

"And he also used the yellow Lamborghini when he shot Mattia before leaving it in Alejandro's driveway"

The whole courtroom fell silent as the judge took in the new information. Vic put her head in her hands and wept quietly as everyone else stared at either Cindy or Jackson. Elena was sitting with her mouth slightly open, with Kio's hand resting on her thigh. Jackson was struggling to get out since the security guards were trying to put him in handcuffs.

What the fuck just happened.

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