Chapter 4

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There had to be a way to get out of this. I couldn't let Jackson stand in the way of me getting back home. We were still in the hugging position and keeping the knife pressed against my back, Jackson used his other arm to clutch my arm and stood behind me.

"Move" he nudged me towards the car which was quite some distance away. I tried to calm my breathing and think of an escape plan. I did as he said and slowly started walking towards the car. He put the knife in his pocket but held tightly onto my arm.

Then, as we were near approaching the car, I saw the same family I saw in the airport, except without the twins, walking towards the restaurant. The same little girl locked eyes with me, and I gave her a distressed look. She got her parent's attention quickly and they looked over in our direction and nodded at her.

Thank you God.

"Oh my God it's you!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Jackson stopped abruptly and looked over at her. She ran at full speed over to us and jumped into my arms, causing me to stumble backwards. I held her tightly as the family started to come over too.

"How are you, darling?" said the mother, wrapping an arm around me. I played along and smiled at them all, leaving Jackson completely bewildered by what he was seeing.

"I'm good Mrs Green" I said, knowing for a fact that their surname was not Green. They chatted some more with me about a hockey game I was supposedly going to with them, until Jackson cleared his throat dramatically.

"Sorry, who are you guys?" he said, causing the father to step forward and violently pat Jackson's shoulder, which made him wince in pain.

"We're the Greens, did you not get that from earlier?" he said, furrowing his brows at Jackson.

"Y-yes I-" Jackson faltered in his place as I took a step closer to the mother who put a protective arm around me.

"Babe?" I heard Mattia shout and immediately turned around. He was walking over to us with 3 large pizzas and a confused expression on his face.

"We should go" murmured Jackson, taking ahold of my arm again, but the lady with her arm around me pulled me further away from him, and narrowed her eyes at Jackson.

"No I'm pretty sure she's with-"

"Mattia Polibio!" screamed the little girl stood beside me, Jumping up and down, she was completely star struck upon seeing my boyfriend. Jackson immediately let go of my arm and took a step back.

"Hey, what's up?!" said Mattia enthusiastically, taking a picture with the girl.

"I think it's time for you to go, pal" said the girl's father, and obediently Jackson started walking away.
But he turned to me before leaving.

"You're gonna regret this"

I laughed in his face and doubled over.

"Goodbye!" I waved a hand in his face, and he walked away with his jaw clenched. I don't know where that newfound confidence came from, but I needed it.

I turned to the little girl's parents and they hugged me tightly, whilst Mattia finished signing the little girl's t-shirt.

"Thank you so much for doing what you did" I said, but they shook their head.

"We would expect anyone to do the exact same in that situation, look after yourself sweetheart" said the mother, as her husband agreed.

"By the way, I'm Ethan Mills and this is my wife Isabella, and that's our daughter" he said pointing over to the little girl who'd practically saved my life a second ago.

"And that's Sadie"

I went over to Sadie who was still excitedly talking to Mattia. I tapped her lightly on the shoulder and she turned around, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you coming to my rescue Sadie, you're the bravest girl I know" I said, pulling her in for a hug.

"That's okay, but you have the coolest boyfriend ever" she said, adrenaline rushing through her as Mattia smiled at her.

"Oh I know" I said, looking up at Mattia who winked at me.

She hugged me back and we said our goodbyes as we parted ways.

I held onto Mattia's hand and he looked at me in the most baffled way.

"What the hell happened?" he said, still trying to piece together everything he'd just seen. I laughed softly and kissed his cheek.

"I'll explain everything in the car Amor"

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