Bonus Chapter - Part Two

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"That must be the Uber I ordered" said Alejandro.

"Uber?" Mattia asked, coming over to me. Alejandro nodded and got out his phone.

"I figured we could all go out for food since we're all together, so I ordered a couple Uber's"

"We're down" said Kairi, snaking his arm around Adriana's waist. She nodded in agreement and I looked at Mattia. He shrugged, setting his beer down on the counter.

"Let's go" he said. We grabbed our bags and headed towards the front door, with Axel in my arms, and Mia holding onto Mattia's hand. But when Mattia opened the door, I was met with a familiar face. One which I hoped I wouldn't have to see for a very, very long time.

"J-Jackson?" I stuttered, as he raised his arms into the air. All of us froze instantly, Vic and I clutching onto our sons. Mattia walked forward, placing a hand on Jackson's chest.

"Get the fuck-"

"Out?" interrupted Jackson, pulling out a gun. Mattia's face went white as he quickly put an arm over Mia. I looked down at her, and her hazel eyes were filled with tears. I so badly wanted to reach out to her, but I knew any sudden movements would provoke Jackson to pull the trigger.

"I just wanted to see you all" he chuckled, stepping inside. His eyes scanned us all, until they finally set of Axel. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw a smile appear on his face, as I held onto the sleeping child a little tighter.

"Please" I whispered, stepping backwards towards Kairi. But Jackson only became more eager as he came closer, holding his arms out. I shook my head, my eyes filling with tears.

"Let me hold him" he said, there was a smile on his face yet his voice still sounded intimidating. Kairi stepped in front, eyeing Jackson with disgust.

"You're not touching him"

Jackson's arms dropped to his sides, and his head tilted slightly as he looked at Kairi.


He cocked his gun, instilling fear in everyone.

"If I can kill Kio, I'm sure you'll be an easy kill too" he said, in a more sinister tone. My eyes widened at his words, and I looked at Mattia, who was also shocked by the news.

"Why would you kill Kio? He hasn't done anything to any of us" I cried, watching as Jackson rolled his eyes.

"I never liked him" he yawned, looking around the room. His gaze met Alejandro's and the atmosphere became thick instantly.

"What are you staring at?" said Jackson, raising an eyebrow. Alejandro's hands curled into fists, the same time that his nostrils flared. Vic placed a hand on his arm, but he quickly shook her off.

"Babe, what's-"

"Take Leo, Mia and Axel into another room" he said without taking his eyes off Jackson.

"What? No I'd rather they stay to watch their parents die" said Jackson sarcastically. I felt my stomach drop as Mia's little mouth dropped open. Vic ran over and grabbed her hand as she began crying hysterically.

"Please look after them" I said to Adriana, handing Axel over to her.

"Please don't die" she said with tears running down her cheeks. They both disappeared into the kitchen along with our children and I turned back to see Alejandro more angrier than ever.

"Elena, go" said Mattia, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm not leaving you here with this fucking psychopath" I said firmly. Mattia wiped his face nervously, looking at Alejandro.

"What the fuck happened?" shouted Kairi, looking between Jackson and Alejandro. Alejandro took a few deep breaths before clearing his throat.

"Y'all ever wonder why you've never seen my old man?" he said. We saw as his face became red with rage, and it didn't take us long to put two and two together. Mattia stared at Jackson, also becoming angry. 

"You killed his.."

"Oh God, no" said Jackson, waving his gun around. We all took a step back.

"My Dad did" he said casually, staring at Alejandro.

"And his dumbfuck of a son, is still walking free" hissed Alejandro. I grabbed Kairi's arm as I became terrified of what was going to happen next.


I watched as Jackson waved his gun around, trying to figure out if I was close enough to charge at him.

"It's like they say, like father like son" smirked Jackson, aiming his gun at Alejandro.

"No!" yelled Kairi, Elena tried to take ahold of Alejandro's arm as Jackson's finger traced the trigger. Without thinking, I jumped forward, tackling Jackson to the ground, but we were all silenced when the trigger went off, resulting in an ear piercingly loud bang to echo around the house.

"Alé" I yelled, looking up, but he was fine. He looked at me in confusion and we both looked around the room. No.

Elena was lying on the floor, in a puddle of blood. I screamed and ran over to her, clutching her body as she tried to keep her eyes open.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I shrieked, as Kairi came over and wrapped a jacket around the wound. The bullet had hit her stomach, and it was all on me.

"Motherfucker!" yelled Alejandro, as he reached forward for the gun, putting a bullet straight through Jackson's head. Elena jumped as Alejandro shot three bullets, finishing the job completely. I held onto her as both my arms became covered in blood.

"Call a fucking ambulance!" I screamed. Kairi ran into the kitchen, leaving the door wide open behind him. And before I knew it, Mia was stood in the doorway, staring at us. Her jaw had dropped open, almost like she wanted to scream. But nothing was coming out.

How are you meant to explain to your seven year old daughter that you shot your wife, her mother?

A/N: I mean y'all asked for drama 😭
Also, I was planning on making these bonus chapters like 3 chapters max, but I don't think that'll be the case anymore ndjdksm

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