Chapter 42

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I walked downstairs in nothing but a robe, the smell of bacon entering my nostrils. I smiled and entered the kitchen to see Mattia making breakfast. We'd been married a week and he was still treating me the same way he did when we first met. He smiled when he saw me and came over, snaking his arms round my waist.

"Hey wifey" he smirked, picking me up and setting me down on the counter. I wrapped my arms round his neck, kissing his lips softly.

"Hey husband" I said sleepily, breaking the kiss. Mattia bit his lip as my robe opened slightly, but I put my finger under his chin, tilting his face up to my level.

"Don't even think about it, I'm still sore from last night, asshole" I said, tightening my robe.

"You loved it, why lie?" winked Mattia, going to get plates out.

"Loved what?"

We looked at the door and my Dad walked in. I'd honestly forgotten that him and Mom stayed over and we're leaving tonight. But I was going to enjoy the opportunity whilst I had it.

"Yeah Mattia, loved what?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows at him. His face turned red at the sight of my Dad and he tried to find the words.

"Um, you know" he said, rubbing the back of his neck whilst looking around the kitchen "b-bacon,  Elena tried some, and she loved it, you know?" he repeated as I tried to hold in my laugh.

"No Mattia, I don't know" said Dad, going to get a glass "so why don't you tell me?"

"Okay that's enough interrogation for a day" I said, hopping off the counter "where's Mom?"

"She's in the living room, I think she dozed off" he replied. Mattia picked up a plate of bacon and eggs and a glass of juice.

"I'll take this to her" he said, walking towards the door. I took a seat on one of the bar stools and started eating as Dad read his newspaper.

"So if Mom didn't have cancer, would you have never told me about Jayden?"

Dad looked up from his newspaper, taken aback by how casually I'd mentioned my brother. Usually I've would've cried when I said his name, but now it was just a numb feeling.

"I don't know Elena, I suppose not" he said, shrugging his shoulders as if this was a light subject.

"But I don't understand how you could just hide something that big from me" I felt myself being increasingly frustrated.

"Look it was difficult-"

But he was cut off as the kitchen door flew open, violently hitting the wall. We turned to see Mattia, tears streaming down his face.

"She's not waking up"

A/N: y'all I'm gonna give you a second update later on, dw this was short for a reason 💕

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