Chapter 21

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I tightly held onto my purse strap as I entered the police station. As I entered the strong odour of body odour entered my nostrils, I had to place my hand over my face to stop myself from passing out. The memories of when Dad was here came back and a melancholy feeling set in my stomach.

"Can I help you, Miss?"

I turned and saw a prison guard sat behind a desk. Realising I had no idea where I was meant to go, I told her about how I was here to see Alejandro, and she directed me to where everyone else was.

I placed my hand on the door handle and cautiously opened it. I was met with the boys and Vic. They were sat around a square table, with Alejandro who was dressed in orange overalls. He looked rough, and so did Vic. They all turned to look at me which only made me feel even more awkward.

"You said you'd be here in an hour" said Vic, looking at her phone.

"I know I just-"

"It's been an hour and a half"

I sighed as I took my seat next to Alvaro. Vic rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Alejandro about his hearing tomorrow.

"You literally missed nothing" he smiled, giving me a side hug. I smiled and looked over at Vic.

"Don't worry about her, she's been cranky all morning" laughed Kairi, but Vic's head snapped around, looking at us.

"Cranky?" she hissed, Kairi gulped.

"Aye lets all calm down, we're here for Alejandro remember?" Roshaun reminded us, and we all gave our attention to him.

"You guys know I didn't do it" Alejandro said quietly. We all nodded our heads in unison, agreeing with him. There was no way he could've done this. He was too innocent to commit something like this.

"All we need to do is find proof that you didn't do it, proof that shows you were framed" said Roshaun. We spent the next hour talking about people who could've possibly framed Alejandro.

"How do we know someone in this room didn't do it" mumbled Alvaro, looking at his hands. Kairi looked at him in confusion.

"What?" he asked, Alejandro held onto Vic's hand.

"My girl didn't do shit" he said defensively, but Vic let go of his hand. Her eyes met mine, and they were cold.

"Did you do it?"

My eyes widened as everyone started at me. I was so taken aback by what Vic said that I almost forgot to answer her pathetic question.

"Of course I didn't, what kind of fucking question is that?"

"Well it would make sense since you're already with a new guy" she said loudly. Did she really think I'd moved on that quick? All cause she saw me with Jackson? I felt my eyes heating up.

"Y'all stop fighting already!" shouted Kairi, standing up and slamming his palms on the table. There was a moment of silence, until Alejandro broke it.

"You have a new guy?" he asked quietly, looking at the table.

"No..yes..I mean-" I stuttered as I tried to find the right words, but he shook his head.

"I can't believe you got over him that quick"

"I didn't!" I exclaimed, but it was clear everyone else was still hung up on Vic's words.

"Okay you know what" I stood up and grabbed my purse.

"Clearly I'm not wanted here, so I'll leave"

"No El they didn't mean it" Kairi stood up but I'd already started walking out the door. I rang Kio as soon as I was out the building.

"Miss me already?"

I sensed the grin on his face, but the tears in my eyes threatened to spill.

"Hey, um c-can you pick me up" I swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"Sure I'll be 5 minutes"

"Thank you" I sniffed a couple times and was about to hang up.

"Elena? Are you crying?"

His voice was soft, I could listen to it all day.

"A little, but I'm fine" I sighed, wiping my eyes. We spoke some more about things which would take my mind off what had just happened until I heard the door open behind me.


I turned around and saw Kairi, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll see you when you get here, okay?" I said, hanging up the phone before he came over to me.

"I just wanted to apologise for what happened back in there"

"Kairi.." my eyes softened as I smiled at him.

"Vic was outta pocket and plus Alejandro shouldn't have interfered in your business the way he did"

"You don't have to apologise for someone else"

"Well they're never going to apologise"

I took a sharp intake of breath and prayed Kio would hurry up and get here.

"Maybe it's just the heat of everything, I mean with Mattia in a coma and Alejandro getting in this situation, I understand why Vic's going through it"

"True" he nodded his head slowly as I saw the blue BMW pull into the parking lot. I adjusted the strap onto my purse and turned to Kairi.

"I'll see you soon" I hugged Kairi, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Please don't ever feel like you're not wanted El, you'll always be my best friend" he said, resting his head on my shoulder. A smile crept onto my face and I closed my eyes for a second.

"And you'll always be mine" I pulled away and his eyes lingered on me before I snapped back to reality.

"I should go" I pointed towards the car quickly. Kairi nodded and dug his hands into his pockets.

"No yeah, I'll see you soon" he said, backing away towards the station. I walked the opposite way towards the car and opened the door. Kio turned down the music as I got inside.

"Hey you" he had a vibrant smile on his face which only made me smile too.

"Thanks for picking me up" I said, leaning back into the seat. He copied what I did and leaned back, turning his head to look at me.

"How did it go?" he asked. I felt my eyes prick with tears as I remembered the way Vic spoke to me inside.

"Fucking terrible" I wiped my eyes, nervously laughing at the same time. Kio reached over and took my hand in his. I looked over at him and his eyes lit up.

"I know where we can go" he held onto my hand and started the engine with his free hand.

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