Chapter 22

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I must've fallen asleep cause I was woken up by Kio lightly shaking me awake. I forced my eyes open and saw him standing above me with his infectious smile plastered across his face.

"Wake up sleepyhead" he chuckled, helping me out of the car. I stretched my arms and legs as I looked at the building in front of me. It was abandoned and half the windows in it were smashed.

"Kio?" I looked at him cautiously and he took my hand in his.

"Trust me, you're gonna love it" he said, leading me towards the entrance. I wanted to run away as fast as I could but for some reason I trusted Kio, so I let my hand sink into his. I looked at my phone and it was coming up to 6pm.

"When should we go back to the hospital?" I asked, and he shook his head as we started walking up numerous flights of stairs.

"We literally just got here Elena"

Even though I shouldn't have cared, I still missed Mattia. I missed sitting by his side and watching over him. But Kio was right. I needed to stop thinking about him already.

We made it to the top of the building and Kio placed his hand over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I said, laughing slightly. I heard him laughing too as he placed a hand on my waist, carefully guiding me forward.

"I told you, trust me"

He carefully pushed me forward and I felt a cool breeze hit my face, and I could hear cars below me. We must've been pretty high since it was becoming colder.

"Okay" I heard Kio say, and he slowly removed his hand from covering my eyes and I was met with the most beautiful view I've ever seen. The sun was slowly setting over the city and we were so high up that all the people looked like ants. I leaned on the railing and took a deep breath, I was content.

"Pretty amazing, huh?"

Kio appeared at my side and I could feel his eyes on me, so I stayed looking out at the city.

"More pretty" I replied dreamily.

"How did you find this place?" I asked, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin.

"My brother and I would come here all the time when he was healthy" he answered. There was a moment of silence, but it was comfortable. Nothing about Kio made me uneasy. It was almost too good to be true.

"I could stare at this view all night"

"I'm down to stay all night" smirked Kio. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.


"No to staying here, or no cause of me being here?"

I bit my lip and fixated my gaze onto the miniature cars below me. Kio gently placed his hands on my waist and turned me to face him.

"What's stopping you?" He looked into my eyes, setting off butterflies in my stomach. His eyes were a honey brown and they glistened when the sunlight hit them. It was hard not to fall for Kio.

"I-I don't know" I looked down but he placed his hand on my chin, tilting my face up so I'd have to stare into his dreamy eyes again.

"Then stop holding back"

He leaned in and planted his lips onto mine. I was about to pull away but then I remembered I was the one who was cheated on. I wasn't in the wrong for anything. I kissed Kio back, resting my palms on the sides of his face. His hands made their way to my lower waist and he was about to take it a step further until we heard a ridiculously loud siren. I jumped out of my skin, breaking the kiss. Kio laughed at me, throwing his head back.

"That wasn't funny, dumbass" I punched his arm, but it wasn't long until I was laughing with him. We stayed on the roof for another hour, but we didn't kiss again, I think the shock over the fact that it happened still hadn't fully sunk in yet. It was easy to talk to him, almost as if I'd known him forever. When we weren't talking, we were laughing till our sides hurt.

"So who was the guy you hugged outside the police station?" he asked.

"That was one of my close friends, Kairi, we dated but it didn't work out, clearly"

He thought about it for a second before that smirk re-appeared on his face.

"You hug all your close friends like that?"

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"Okay we get you're jealous"

"I'm not jealous" he scoffed. I raised my eyebrows at him and he changed the topic of the conversation. He was jealous.


We got back to the hospital at around 9pm. Kio walked me to Mattia's room and I stopped just before I entered.

"Thank you for today, I haven't laughed like that in so long"

Kio gave me a lop sided grin, whilst wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in.

"Thank you, going back to that place was wild, I'm just glad it was with you"

"Goodnight Kio"

"Goodnight Elena"

He kissed my forehead before turning around to walk in the opposite direction. I watched him walk away until he was out of view and turned to enter Mattia's ward. I opened the door and he was sat up straight. Staring right at me.

He'd seen the whole thing.

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