Chapter 19

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I woke up sitting in the armchair beside Mattia's hospital bed. It took me a second to remember everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. The man I should've been marrying was now lying in hospital attached to a machine. I looked at the clock and it was coming up to 11pm. They'd let me stay the night since I had made it clear I wasn't going home. I knew staying with Mattia should've been the last thing I was doing, but he was always there for me when I needed him, so staying by his side was the least I could do. But I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I turned to see a nurse walking inside with a slip of paper in her hand.

"I thought you could use this coupon, it's for the cafeteria which stays open throughout the night, get yourself something to eat" she handed me the coupon with a kind smile. I stared blankly at the paper, immediately bursting into tears.

"Oh honey, I didn't know you were that hungry" said the nurse, quickly wrapping her arms around me. I leaned onto her, shaking my head.

"It's just that s-so much has happened and I just can't catch a break" I said, trying to catch my breath. The nurse rubbed my back and did her best to calm me down. I didn't mean to break down like I did, but everything had just become so overwhelming that I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Well I could just tell you 'it's going to be fine' like anyone else would, but I'm going to tell you this instead" she moved my hands away from my face, looking directly into my eyes.

"This is all happening for a reason that'll make sense later, God won't put you in a difficult situation for no reason. He will guide you out of it, and you'll see that all of this happened for a reason, and then you'll smile and remember the nurse who gave you that coupon"

I felt my lips curving upwards as I let out a quiet laugh.

"Thank you, I needed that" I said, and the nurse gave me one last hug before leaving the room. I turned my attention back to Mattia.

I traced the veins on his arms and carefully put my head on his shoulder. There was a bandage wrapped around his upper chest since the bullet had cause a lot of damage.

"I wish you'd wake up already" I whispered, feeling my eyes heating up again. I held his hand, lacing my fingers with his.

"I take back everything I said in our argument, I didn't meant any of it, you existing is the only thing keeping me going, and I'll never forgive myself for saying that to you" I felt another tear roll down my cheek as I realised he wasn't waking up anytime soon. I put my head in hands and cried till my eyes started to sting. But it was of no use. No amount of tears would wake him up any quicker.

"For what it's worth, I love you so fucking much Mattia."

I wiped my eyes and picked up the coupon. I decided I'd get something to eat before trying to sleep.


The cafeteria was only a short walk from Mattia's ward. As I approached it, I saw there were actually a few people in there. Exhausted, I picked up a tray and went to take a look at my options. I went to the hot meals section first and read the menu.

"The lasagne here's pretty awesome" I heard a voice behind me. I almost jumped out of my skin. Cautiously, I turned around to see a man holding his own tray, with a beaming smile on his face. He had the clearest skin, and brown wavy hair.

"Um, thank you" I smiled awkwardly, asking the lady for the lasagne. She placed a piece on my plate and I moved onto the desserts, hoping the guy had disappeared.

"Cheesecake. Definitely cheesecake"

I sighed and closed my eyes for a second. I didn't want to come across as rude, I knew he meant well.    I just needed my space.


I found a table in the corner and went to take a seat. I didn't even have to turn around to know he'd followed me.

"So what brings you here?" he inquired, taking a seat opposite me. I looked at his tray and saw he got exactly the same as me.

"My friend got shot" I mumbled. He took the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.  

"Well I'm here cause my brother has cancer" he said, taking a sip of water from the plastic cups we were given. I looked up at him, my mouth in an 'O' shape.

"I'm so sorry" I forced my words out, but I knew there was nothing that could possibly make his situation better.

"It's cool" he shrugged "he lived a good life, besides I'm literally best friends with everyone here since I'm here everyday"

He leaned closer and put a hand near his mouth. 

"So if you ever want extra food, in your guy" he winked and I chuckled over how serious he was.

We finished up eating and I saw it was coming up to 1am. The guy walked me back to Mattia's ward before turning to go to his.

"By the way" he extended his arm out "I'm Kio"

I smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Kio, I'm Elena"

He flashed me a grin as I let go of his hand.

"Elena. I like that."

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