Chapter 27

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I held tightly onto Kio's hand as we walked out the courtroom. Jackson had been sentenced to 30 years in prison for attempted murder and a bunch of other offences since the cars he used were all stolen, along with the dirty money he was paying Cindy.

"Thank God that's over with" he sighed, unlocking his car. I gave him a small smile as we approached the car. As I opened the door, I saw Vic and the boys' coming outside with beaming smiles on their faces.

"Can you give me 5 minutes?" I said, slowly closing the door. Kio nodded and I made my way over to Vic. Her smile slowly faded as she saw me and she pressed her lips together tightly.

"I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but I wanna apologise to you Vic" I said, rubbing my hands together. She thought about it for a second and turned to look at the garden area where all the benches were empty.

"We can go over there" she pointed at the benches and we walked over, the boys following closely behind. I took a seat and anxiously smoothed down my outfit.

"Before you say anything" Vic chimed in, looking at me with a sad smile.

"I want to apologise for interfering with your love life, I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, and if Kio makes you happy then I'm happy"

My shoulders relaxed a little when I heard what she said.

"Thank you for apologising babe, but I don't blame you, I mean with everything that's going on I completely understand why you snapped"

I held her hands tightly in mine.

"And I'm sorry for ever putting you in the position to snap at me. You're my best friend-"

Kairi coughed loudly, interrupting our moment. We both turned to glare at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Pretty sure I'm the best friend" he mumbled, Ale punched his shoulder to shut him up. I smiled and turned to Vic again.

"Anyway, you're my best friend, and I'm not trying to lose you over something this small"

"Neither am I" smiled Vic, she pulled me into a hug and the guys started cheering. We laughed so hard until I saw Mattia walking over to us. With Cindy.      I respected her a lot for exposing Jackson, and if it weren't for her, I didn't even want to think about it. But all that still didn't make me forget that she slept with my fiancé. Ex fiancé.

"Hey guys" she said, waving at us, the boys waved back, all except Kairi.

"So I see y'all just letting anyone in here" he mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. Alvaro covered his mouth just in time so his laugh didn't escape his mouth.

"Grow the fuck up" hissed Mattia. Kairi and Alvaro turned to leave, resulting in a very awkward silence.

"No it's okay, it's understandable that they're still mad" she said, resting her hand on Mattia's shoulder.

"Get your hand off him" I said immediately. I didn't mean to say it out loud, it just slipped out. She returned her hand to her side instantly, looking at the ground. Mattia looked at me, his eyes had lit up.

"I should go" Cindy said, turning to the parking lot. Mattia smirked at me and called after her.

"I'll walk you to your car"

"No you won't" I said, standing up. I could feel adrenaline rushing through me. Why was I doing this? I had Kio.

"Jealous much?" smirked Mattia, taking a step towards me. Roshaun gestured at Cindy to go, as Vic and Alejandro watched us eagerly.

""N-no" I took a step backwards, but it only encouraged him to get closer.

"Oh? Was that a stutter?" he looked down into my eyes and I looked up into his, becoming completely mesmerised.

"Mattia, I have to go"

"Damn it feels good to hear you say my name again" The smirk never left his face as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Get out my way" I ordered, but he put my hands on my hips, backing me up against the railings.

"So tell me, does Kio play with your hair till you fall asleep?" he looked in my eyes, and smiled playfully. How did I love him yet hate him?

"Actually he-"

"Does Kio make you blueberry pancakes with the syrup on the side since you hate it getting all over the pancakes cause it'll make your fingers sticky?"

I felt my cheeks heating up and looked up at him.

"How do you remember-"

"Does Kio let you have a bite out of his food even though you said you weren't hungry?"

"Mattia I-"

"That's what I thought. You're with a guy who knows nothing about you when I'm right in front of you."

Our faces were inches apart and I couldn't stop looking in his eyes. Occasionally my eyes would flicker down to his lips, but I couldn't do it.

"Mattia just kiss her already!" Vic squealed, jumping up and down. He looked at me and leaned in.

Or could I?

I leaned in slowly, my gaze fixated on his perfectly plump lips. I felt my hands moving upwards on his chest and he pulled me closer.


I snapped my head back and looked right to see Kio with his hands in the air. I gently pushed Mattia off me and shook my head.

"Nothing happened, it was nothing" I said quickly, rushing over to him. I took his hand and started walking over to the car. What had just happened? The worst part was... I liked it.

"She doesn't fucking like you" I heard Mattia shout as we got in the car.

"He's jealous, I'm telling you" I leaned over and softly kissed Kio on the lips before he could say anything. He gave me a smug smile, knowing Mattia would've seen it.

"Just drive already" I rolled my eyes, putting my seatbelt on. He started the engine and soon enough we were back on the highway. I closed my eyes and sunk into my seat. There was too much going on in my head.

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