Chapter 6

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"Baby wake up" I was awoken by Mattia gently shaking me. I forced my eyes open to try figure out where we were. I set my eyes on the house in front of us and smiled slightly.


The Uber driver had unloaded our luggage and Mattia thanked him as I tried to remember where I'd put the keys.

"I got it babe" said Mattia. He'd noticed me looking for the keys and dug his hand into his pocket. He pulled out the set of silver keys and placed them in my palm.

"Thanks big boy" I smirked, walking over to the house. He rolled his eyes and picked up our luggage, following closely behind. I took a deep breath and turned the key in the lock. I opened the door and peered inside. Immediately, I was engulfed in the happiest feeling when I saw my home again. I walked inside and saw how everything was how I'd left it.

I was finally home.

"It's so empty in here" said Mattia, setting the bags down. His voice echoed in the hallway, given how bare everything was. But it was still beautiful. I looked up dreamily at the staircase as a smile spread across my face.

"I can't believe I'm back" I gushed with delight as Mattia hugged me from behind.

"Trust me I can" he kissed my cheek and I laid into him.

"Wanna move in?" I giggled, but Mattia became uncomfortable. He pulled away and his hands sunk into his pockets.

"Baby I was kidding" I said softly, placing a hand on his arm. But he flinched and plastered a smile on his face.

"No I'm fine, aren't you excited for your birthday?" he said, quickly changing the subject.

I thought about it for a second. I had completely forgotten that I was turning 19 in a few days. Mattia had turned 19 a week ago, meaning birthday season was in full swing.

"I wanna celebrate it with you" I said, looking up at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"Well of course I'm celebrating with you"

"No, I mean like a joint birthday, since I couldn't be here for yours" I requested, but Mattia became weird again.

"Maybe you should sleep babe, it's getting late, let's go to mine?" he let out a nervous laugh and covered his mouth quickly.

"Okay" I sighed, walking past him and towards the car. Maybe I scared him a little when I mentioned moving in. I get it looked like I was moving too quickly, but we've been together for 2 and a half years now. How much longer was I meant to wait?

"Baby" he called after me, he sounded remorseful but I didn't turn around to check.

"I'm tired Mattia, let's go" I replied, getting in the car.


I sighed as she got in the car. I hated being like this but at least I had a good reason for it this time. I locked the door and headed to the car. Elena was sitting with her hands in her lap and her knees in the opposite direction from me.

"Oh come on babe" I whined, leaning over and resting my hands on her thigh. She picked up my hand and let go when it was far enough from her.

We started driving and it quickly became dark. We drove past the diner and I saw Robert and Alvaro sitting inside.

"Wanna chill with the boys?" I suggested, pointing over to where they were sat. I slowed down as we approached in case she wanted to.

"I would but I'm really tired Mattia" she mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning into the seat. I couldn't tell if she was still mildly pissed with me, or if she was genuinely tired. I did a silent prayer that it was the second one.

"Yeah that's cool, we'll probably see them on your birthday anyway" I said reassuringly, but Elena cringed at my words. I furrowed my brows at her in confusion.

"Mattia I wanna celebrate both our birthdays" she said with annoyance. She folded her arms over her chest as I parked outside my house.

"I just-" I started to think of an excuse but she cut me off.

"You don't know" she uttered, getting out the car. She sounded so deflated and I hated the way I was treating her. My phone snapped me out of my guilt ridden feelings. I picked up and Alejandro's voice came out the other end.

"This is hard man, I feel like shit" I admitted, leaning on my hand.

"I get it Mattia, but it'll all be worth it when she turns 19" he tried to comfort me, yet it didn't take away from the fact that I felt like a complete dick.

"It's only been one day and she already hates me"

Alejandro chuckled on the other side.

"She does not hate you"

"She asked me to move in and I had to act like I didn't want to" I groaned, this was painful.

"Oh shit, that's kinda huge, but just wait till it's her birthday, only a few days to go" he reminded me.

"Sure" I said, composing myself.

"Have you got the ring?" Alejandro asked. I smiled and leaned over to open the glovebox. The velvet black box was where I placed it this morning. I flicked it open and the diamond ring was perfectly cushioned inside, with the E&M engraved on the inside of the ring.

"I've got the ring" I confirmed, with a beaming smile on my face.

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