Chapter 35

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I slept the whole ride from the airport to Mom's house. Mattia and I had caught the evening flight and landed in England for 8am.

He gently shook me upon arrival and I forced my eyes open. The sunlight hit me like a brick, which was strange cause whenever I thought of England, I thought of rain. I stretched my arms out as we got to my parents house. I felt Mattia snake his arms around me and I faced him to see him smiling.


A smile spread across my face as I wrapped my arms round his neck, pulling him closer.

"You look pretty in the sunlight" he said dreamily, making my cheeks turn a deep red. I leaned for a kiss but the driver got out the taxi, slamming the door behind him which ruined the moment.

"British people are rude" I said, glaring as he walked over to get our luggage out. Mattia laughed softly and kissed my cheek.

"He's just as tired as we are"

We got out the car and Mattia gave him the money for the taxi fare as I walked to the front door. I knocked lightly in case Mom was sleeping. Dad was always an early bird, so he'd be awake. Mattia was beside me by the time the key in the lock turned.

"Hey Dad!" I smiled, holding Mattia's hand a little tighter than usual.

"Hi Elena" he returned the smile and gave me a hug, resulting in me having to let go of Mattia which weirdly made me feel slightly uncomfortable. Dad pulled away and looked at Mattia, his smile quickly fading.

"I didn't realise you'd be bringing a friend"

Mattia shifted in his spot uncomfortably as Dad shook his head when he saw our hands laced together.

"I-I'm sorry for hurting your d-"

"Sorry to me? Apologise to her, I can't believe she'd take you ba-"

"Okay we get it!" I said loudly, taking a step forward into the house and pulling Mattia after me.

"We've fixed things Dad, you should've always known we'd end up back together"

"Darling that's fine but-"

"You know, Mattia might've done what he did, but at least he didn't walk out on me for almost ten years"

I didn't regret what I said. Dad looked at the floor with a guilt written all over his face. Anytime someone mentioned him leaving, he automatically stopped what he was saying and tried to get out the situation due to the deep feeling of shame that would appear.

At least that's what Mom told me all them years.

"I'm sorry" he said, looking up at us. He extended his arm out to Mattia, thankfully Mattia shook it quickly.

"I shouldn't have mentioned it, besides you guys should get some rest, I'm sure you're jetlagged from your flight" he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Babe, could you take our bags?" I asked Mattia, he nodded quickly and took ahold of the two bags. Desperate to get out the awkward situation, he swiftly made his way to my room.

"I'm sorry for saying what I did" I said, turning to Dad. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"No it's fine, you had a good point"

"Can you just give Mattia a chance?"

He hesitated slightly, thinking about it.

"Yes, if he makes you truly happy, then I'll let you both be"

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