Chapter 15

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I knew I'd hurt her. Just not this much. She was broken. And there was no one to blame but myself.

"Are you happy now?" she asked, locking her eyes with mine. Even when she was full of anger, she was still the most beautiful woman on this planet.


"You were ready to leave me for her, weren't you?"

Is that what this looked like? I wouldn't leave Elena for the world, she knew that. I thought I'd made that clear, but I obviously hadn't.

"I'd never leave you" I said softly, taking a step forward, but my heart sank when she took a step back. She shook her head and looked at the ground.

"Stop lying, Mattia"

"I'm not lying! Why would I lie, you're the best thing to ever happen to me"

"You never cared" she whispered, choking back her tears. I looked at her in disbelief as she faced the ground.

"Elena please, you know I cared for you more than I cared for myself" I watched her as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"No, don't cry, I hate it when you cry" I said quickly, moving to wipe her tears, but she swatted my hand away and tried to compose herself.

"I can't do this anymore" she said, pushing her hair away from her face "at least not with you."

"Wait, what?" my mouth dropped open at her words.

"B-but we were supposed to get married and-"

"Shut up! Just..shut up Mattia!" she yelled, causing me to jump a little. Her sadness had quickly turned to anger, and one of us was about to say something we'd regret in the morning.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly, digging my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, 'sorry' is going to save our engagement?" she scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. The tears were still visible in her eyes, and they threatened to fall out all over again.

"You fuck around and screw me over, but it's fine because you said sorry after" she said sarcastically, waving her arms in the air. I clenched my jaw whilst she yelled at me.

"Just fucking hear me out!" I screamed over her. But it only added fuel to the fire.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you?" she screamed back, gasping through her tears.

"In case you didn't notice already, yes I do fucking regret everything I did, cause look what it's costing me!" In between shouts and screams, my vision started to go blurry because of all the tears I was so desperately trying to keep in.

"But you-"

"What more do you want!?" I shouted, losing all means of self control. I groaned loudly, and put my head in my hands.

"You know, none of this would've happened if you just didn't exist"

My head snapped up as Elena covered her mouth. With her eyes wide she slowly lowered her arms to her sides.

"Mattia I didn't mean-"

"That hurt you son of a bitch.."

Then my eyes went wide at what I'd just said to her. She let out a small gasp and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck" I breathed, running a shaky hand through my hair as Elena let out a sob. I looked up at her and her cheeks were slowly turning red as she gasped for air. Panic attack. She was having a panic attack. I rushed into the tent and looked for a brown paper bag behind the bar.

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