Chapter 34

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Mattia had informed the boys about us getting back together, and I'd told Vic, who had the biggest fangirl moment I've ever seen.

"I'm gonna call Mom" I said excitedly, looking for her name in my contacts. Mattia kept his arms wrapped around my waist and buried his head in my neck, leaving kisses wherever his lips touched.

I rang Mom's phone and she took longer than usual to answer it.


Her voice was hoarse, almost like she'd been crying.

"Hey Ma" I said vibrantly, hoping she'd match my energy. But she sighed, almost like she regretted picking up the phone.

"Baby there's something you should know"

I tapped Mattia's hand as I got excited again, he laughed softly and kissed my cheek.

"I have something to tell you too!"

"I think you should come to England, Elena"

Our smiles disappeared immediately. Mattia began to shake his head repeatedly, resulting in me having to calm him down before Mom heard him.

"I'll come to England, Ma" I said, ignoring Mattia who was glaring at me.

"I just need you to come for a few days" she paused, inviting a slightly uncomfortable silence "so I can tell you my news."

I looked over at Mattia who looked equally as confused as I was. He took my hand in his, which only caused my anxiety to set in.

"Mom? Is everything okay? Is it Dad? Did he leave?"

I became increasingly worried as my mind jumped to conclusions, but Mom quickly shut them down.

"Dad's here, next to me Elena, please hurry and come home"

There was worry in her voice, and all of a sudden my news didn't seem so important anymore. She hung up after that, leaving Mattia and I more frightened than ever before.

"Baby you're shaking" whispered Mattia, holding me tighter to keep me still. I didn't reply. I felt a horrible feeling in my stomach and I knew that until I found out Mom's news there was no way I'd be able rest. I turned to face Mattia and he looked into my eyes, brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

"I'm scared Mattia"

Tears threatened to spill but Mattia had lowered my head onto his shoulder, calming me down before I lost it.

"We can get an evening flight, if you want, we'll be in England for 8am their time" he said, scrolling through his phone and keeping the other arm wrapped around me. I zoned out of whatever he was talking about since I got too busy staring at his face. He was concentrated on the screen, trying to find the earliest flight, doing everything he could to make my life easier.

What the fuck was I doing with Kio when the love of my life was stood right in front of me? I sat up and gently kissed his cheek, he stopped scrolling and looked at me, taken aback and slightly red.

"I really don't know how I managed without you" I said, but immediately regretted it after he started smirking. Of course I boosted his ego even more.

"Well, I tend to have that effect on the ladies" he winked, sliding his hand down to my lower waist. I raised an eyebrow at him and stood up, folding my arms over my chest.

"The ladies?"

He laughed to himself and stood up, placing his hands on my hips.

"Ever heard of a joke?" he said sarcastically, backing me up against the wall. I narrowed my eyes at him as he tried to unfold my arms.

"You're such an asshole, Mattia" I said, trying my hardest not to break into a smile.

"Okayyy but I'm your asshole"

"That's fucking gross!" I shrieked, bursting into laughter, he laughed nervously with me, but it only made the moment even more memorable. His smirk had vanished once he'd realised how poor his attempt at a joke was. Once I'd caught my breath back, I pulled away from his grip and started walking out the kitchen.

"Just book the evening flight" I chuckled, causing him to roll his eyes. I pecked him on the lips quickly and made my way upstairs.


Hey everyone, I hope you guys are all safe and healthy, but most importantly I hope you're all managing to stay positive in this difficult time ❤️

I have a question for y'all -

If Elena and Mattia end up getting married, would you guys want it to be detailed, like I include the vows and walking down the aisle, the rings etc...

Or would you wanna skip that whole part, because I've read a few books where the authors have tended to skip the process rather than go into it.

Let me know in the comments! I love you guys ❤️

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