Chapter 25

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We were an hour into the hearing and it was finally Alejandro's turn to be questioned. I was so nervous for him, I knew 100% that he didn't commit it, I just wish I knew who was framing him, and why. Did they have something against him? I knew they had something against me or they wouldn't have tried to kill me.

"Mr Rosario, where were you on the night the crime was committed?" asked the lawyer. We all look at Ale and he cleared his throat before giving his answer.

"In my house"

"And what do you know about a vehicle sitting in your driveway, coincidentally the same vehicle Mr Polibio had seen before he passed out?"

Alejandro licked his lips nervously and looked over at me. I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I was ridden with anxiety. I felt a hand on my arm and looked to my left. Elena looked up at me, a faint smile was across her face and I felt myself calming down.

"Breathe Mattia"

I did as she said and took a few breaths to steady myself as I turned my attention back to Alejandro as he was about to give his answer.

"I've never even owned a car before, I don't even have my license yet"


The interrogation went on for 20 minutes, nothing major happened cause Alejandro didn't do anything in the first place. I heard an annoyingly loud cough a few rows behind me and turned around. What?

What the fuck was Jackson doing here? 

I nudged Elena and she shrugged me off. Annoyed, I leaned in towards her ear.

"Did you know Jackson was coming?" I whispered, and I felt her whole body tense up. I guess that's a no.

"Why is he here?" she whispered, becoming all the more anxious.

"Your guess is as good as mine"

I saw Kio take her hand and raise it upwards, leaving a kiss on her knuckles. I looked over at Elena and her cheeks were slowly turning red. I glared at him and moved closer to Elena so he'd hear me.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth a little"

He gave me the side eye but the only thing I was annoyed about was the fact that his hand was still holding onto Elena's. I was feeling extra petty today so whilst the judge was talking about something to his colleague, I reached out and took Elena's free hand in mine.

"What the fuck Mattia?" she whisper shouted,  pulling away almost instantly, meaning Kio didn't even see it. Fuck.

"We will have a half hour break and then come together again to announce the decision" announced the judge. People started making their way out and I saw Vic run up to Alejandro to hug him. He held her tightly and buried his head into her shoulder. I took a deep breath and felt a lump in my throat.

I once had that.

I looked at Elena and she was staring at them too, she looked the way I felt. Kio was talking to someone on the phone so I took my opportunity.

"You good?" I asked, causing her to look up at me. She wiped her eyes quickly and nodded.

"I think Vic hates me"

"What?" I laughed quietly "you guys are bestfriends, you'll sort it out ba-"

I stopped myself just in time. As much as I wanted to call her "babe" I knew it'd annoy her, driving her even further away.

"I hope so, I need some air."

She walked out of the courtroom, Kio following behind her. I greeted the boys and told Alvaro to come outside with me.

"So you can spy on Elena and Kio?" he asked as we made our way out. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Of course not, I just need air"


I made my way outside and took a seat on one of the benches. Kio sat next to me and we stayed silent for a minute or two.

"How are you holding up?"

I shrugged. I didn't have an answer for him right now. There was too much going through my head right now. I felt Kio's hand resting on my thigh.

"I'm here for you Elena, don't forget that"

"Thank you" I smiled, resting my hand on top of his.

"It's no big deal" he kissed my cheek and I turned myself so I was facing him.

"No I'm serious, you've been there for me whenever I needed someone. You listen to me and never leave me alone and even though I can be annoying as fuck you've never walked out on me, and I know we haven't known each other for-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence off cause Kio had leaned in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, feeling one of his hands on my waist and the other on the side of my face.

"Can you fucking get a room?"

We pulled away and I turned around to see Mattia glaring at us. Alvaro rushed after him and tried to pull him back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" said Kio, standing up. I stood up too and put my hand on his chest.

"Not here Kio" I said softly, looking up at him. He shook his head and Mattia shrugged Alvaro away.

"There's cops all around us, stop being fucking stupid Mattia" Alvaro warned.

"I don't fucking care, Alejandro could be going to jail for something he didn't even do and they're here eating each other's fucking faces off"

"Yo say that again" Kio tried to charge forward but I  held onto his arm. He turned back to me with an irritated expression on his face.

"Kio just fucking leave it" I pleaded, pulling him closer to me.

"Do something bitch" Mattia smirked, and I felt Kio shaking with anger. Mattia turned to me.

"You know he can't make you scream like I did"

Kio swung for Mattia's face. But Mattia was fast and dodged it.

"Kio stop!" I shouted, trying to pull him back. Before either of them could throw another punch I saw two familiar figures running over.

"Mattia what the fuck?" Kairi yelled. He walked out with Roshaun close behind him. A wave of relief washed over me as Kairi started pushing Mattia away from us.

"I don't understand what the fuck you ever saw in him" said Kio. I wrapped my arms around his waist, watching the boys yell at Mattia on the other side of the grass.

"He's jealous Kio, what did you expect?"

He placed his hands on the sides of my face and tilted my face up so I was looking at him.

"Can I make him more jealous?" his lips curved upwards into a smirk, making me laugh.

"I think you should just watch your back for now" I said, leading us back inside. Whilst everyone was filing back inside I saw Mattia take his seat. He locked eyes with me for just a second. But I could tell he was hurt. His expression was screaming pain. He shook his head and went to sit next to Kairi.

He wasn't the only one who was hurt.

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