Chapter 33

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Leanne watched as her one year old daughter excitedly jumped into their pool, holding her brother's hand. A tear rolled down her cheek, she knew he wouldn't be here that much longer. Elena's older brother, Jayden, had been diagnosed with cancer days after he turned 6 years old. He'd been fighting, and fighting as hard as he could. But the doctors had stated it was incurable, and it was only a matter of time before...

Leanne wiped her eyes quickly as she saw Hunter walking over to her.

"Hey" he said, resting his hand on hers.

"Hey you" she replied softly, flashing him a small smile. Leanne had cancer a few years back, but she'd beaten it. She'd gotten rid of it, it was gone. But she'd passed it onto her only son. This was all her fault. At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

"Stop worrying Leanne"

She looked over at Hunter who took a bite out of his sandwich. How was he even remotely calm about all of this?

"Do you not care that our son is about to die within the next few months?" she asked bluntly. He sighed and put his food down.

"How can you say that?"

"The same way you don't care about this"

Hunter put his head in his hands, careful not to snap in front of their kids. He took a deep breath as he carefully calculated his next sentence.

"I care about this more than anyone I know, Leanne. I just can't keep breaking down in front of Jayden, I-"

He reached over taking Leanne's hand.

"We have to stay strong for him"

She nodded slowly, taking in everything her husband had said. She understood perfectly his point, but couldn't bring herself to accept it.


Leanne sat in the waiting room, her arms wrapped around Elena. Little, one year old Elena, who didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on. She had no idea her brother was breathing his last breaths, nor the fact that her parents hearts were slowly breaking by the minute. All she could do was sit and stare at the strange, blank walls and wait.

Jayden was in the emergency room, being treated by the most experienced doctors, but even they wouldn't be able to save him. She knew. She knew how cancer didn't discriminate, and would take anyone. Hunter was in the room with him. It was only a matter of time before...

Hunter rushed out the emergency room, tears streaming down his face, his hair a mess. He saw Leanne and collapsed into her arms. He didn't have to say anything. One of the nurses quickly took Elena into a crèche, before she could get upset, allowing her parents to grieve the death of their son.

"They tried everything" Hunter sobbed, clutching onto Leanne. She couldn't bring herself to say anything. She didn't know what to say. Nothing could make this situation better.

"You should go see him, I'm gonna go home" Hunter said, and before Leanne had a chance to respond, he was already making his way out the hospital.


Leanne held Elena's hand as they walked to their front door. She had regained her composure for Elena, the last thing she wanted to do was scare her daughter. But when she got inside, something was off. She looked over at the shoe rack, none of Hunter's shoes were there. Before doing anything else, she picked up Elena and took her into the living room, setting her on the floor and surrounding her with her favourite toys.

Then, Leanne made her way up to the master bedroom, and saw exactly what she expected. All of Hunter's clothes were gone from the wardrobe. As her breathing sped up, she quickly entered the bathroom, to see his toothbrush and cologne's were all gone.

Hunter had left. Leaving her and Elena alone.

Without thinking she ran around the house, taking down all the pictures of Hunter and Jayden as tears slipped down her face. If she was doing this alone, then she was starting afresh.

Elena would never have to know about her brother, or how his death was the reason that Hunter had left.

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