Chapter 8

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"Vic what's going on?" I said, becoming impatient as she calmly tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

"I wanna go to the beach instead" she replied casually. I looked at her in disbelief, but kept quiet and went along with whatever she wanted. I wished Mattia was here so badly. I was beginning to miss him so much more than I thought I would. I played with the hem of my dress as I saw the sign for    Ocean Beach. A warm feeling went off in my heart as I remembered the last time I was here. I smiled as the memories came rushing back. Vic parked up and we got out the car.

We walked down the stairs and onto the beach, and that was when I saw it all. Alejandro, Alvaro, Roshaun, Robert and Kairi were all dressed in classy tuxedos, complete with fancy bow ties. They were stood in a line, side by side, waiting for me and Vic.
I beamed with delight when I saw them, and in turn they all gave me a hug.

"Happy birthday El" said Kairi, along with the rest of the boys who were weirdly full of excitement.

"So much for Chicago, huh?" I grinned as they looked at each other.

"We wouldn't miss today for the world" said Alejandro, taking Vic's hand in his. I smiled as Alvaro cleared his throat.

"I believe you now need to go over to the lifeguard hut" he announced, and the boys nodded in agreement. Still unsure of what was quite going on, I decided to listen to the boys.

"Okayyy then" I said, Vic winked at me and Robert ushered me towards the hut. I walked over, cautiously trying to stay on the path so my heels wouldn't dig into the sand. I saw two figures in the hut but had to get closer to make out who they were. Once I got inside I saw my parents stood hand in hand. Mom was wearing a summery yellow with daisies sitting in her hair. Dad was wearing a navy blue suit, and it made my heart full when I saw they both had their wedding bands on their ring fingers.

"You guys came!" I gasped, rushing over to hug them. They laughed and held me tightly.

"Happy birthday baby" said Mom, kissing my head.

"Happy birthday honey" sniffed Dad, his eyes were watery but I didn't know why.

"Don't cry Daddy" I said, as a tear fell down his cheek. I wiped it away for him and he hugged me tightly.

"You're just growing up so fast" he wept, wiping his face quickly. Mom nudged him, causing him to quickly plaster a smile on his face and point outside.

"I think you should head out now sweetheart" he instructed, kissing my head. Mom smiled and held my hand.

"We'll see you very soon" she said reassuringly. I nodded and turned to leave the hut. As I walked out I saw the man himself. Mattia Polibio. Standing by the water, looking effortlessly gorgeous against the sunset behind him. And then my heart skipped a beat when I looked at where he was stood. If I didn't know any better, he was in the exact same spot he was in 2 years ago, when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I felt myself blushing a crimson red as I walked over to him. He was grinning from ear to ear when he saw me and rubbed his hands together.


Holy shit, she looked stunning. Vic told me she was wearing a white dress, but I never imagined her to look this magnificent. The white lace stopped just before her knees, and complimented her figure beautifully. I bit my lip as she approached me and smirked when I saw her cheeks flushing a deep red. But I knew the boys, Vic and her parents were watching us, so I couldn't do anything crazy.

"Happy birthday princess" I said, my lips curling upwards as she came over to me. She looked up at me, causing her deep brown eyes to glisten in the sunlight. She tilted her head at me and placed her hands on either side of my face.

"Thank you baby" she gave me a lop-sided grin which made the butterflies go off in me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in. Her eyes flickered down to my lips and I stayed looking in her eyes. She leaned in, leaving inches between us, and I smirked at her advances.

"Just kiss me already" she said breathlessly. Obediently, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips onto hers, sliding my hands into her hair. She passionately kissed me back, and I heard cheers from around us. She smiled against my lips, and I pulled away, allowing her to catch her breath.

"I love you so much" I said, picking her up slightly as I hugged her tight. She rested her head on my chest, unable to get rid of the smile on her face.

"I love you" she whispered, closing her eyes. I looked over at Mr Hill, and he wrapped his arm around his wife, giving me a vibrant smile. I smiled with delight as the boys and Vic came over to join in the hug.

After that, we walked over to the marquee tent that was set up for the rest of the day.

"This is so perfect" gushed Elena, taking ahold of my hand as we started making our way across. Her smile was priceless, and I felt content. I kissed her forehead and laughed quietly to myself.

Little did she know, the best part was yet to come.

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