Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning and Elena was the first thing on my mind. Where did she even sleep? Where is she now? Was she even okay?

I was getting discharged today and could leave whenever I wanted, there was no set time. Alejandro's court hearing was at 2pm so I had 4 hours to get there. I headed downstairs to get something to eat since I was still classed as a patient. I wandered into the cafeteria and my eyes immediately met Kio's. He was sitting alone eating breakfast. I looked around and didn't see Elena anywhere, so I headed over to him. He saw me coming and put down his drink as I took a seat in front of him.

"Morning sunshine"

My hands curled up into fists but I tried to keep my cool since I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

"What are you fucking gay?"

He furrowed his brows and pretended to think about it for a second, before a smirk appeared on his dumbass face.

"Mattia if I was gay, I wouldn't be fucking Elena would I?"

It took everything in me not to reach forward and punch the shit outta him for speaking about her in that way. I knew they hadn't slept together. I bit the inside of my cheek and took a deep breath.

"Stay away from Elena"

"Or what? She's not even yours" he took a sip out of whatever was in his cup "at least not anymore."

That did it for me. I reached forward and grabbed Kio's collar, pulling him towards me. His body shuddered as I dragged him over the table so he was up close and personal.

"Don't ever think you'll have a chance with my girl"

He gulped as I felt people pulling me away from him. He adjusted his shirt quickly, avoiding eye contact with me.

"That's what I fucking thought" I shouted as I was escorted out the room. I collected my shit and decided I'd go home for a while before I went to the hearing.


I applied a thin layer of lip gloss to go with my simple makeup. Kio said he wanted to accompany me to the hearing and I needed a ride so I agreed. I didn't know if Mattia would show, but even if he did he wasn't my problem anymore.

I heard my doorbell and picked up my phone before heading downstairs. I opened the door and saw a distressed looking Kio waiting for me.

"Hey" he said, running a hand through his hair. He looked angry, I'd never seen him like this.

"Hey" I said softly "are you good?"

"Mattia humiliated me in front of everyone at the hospital"

"Oh God" I facepalmed "I'm sorry Kio, I think he might be a little jealous over this"

"Jealous?" he scoffed "the guy has anger issues"

"Okay too far" I put on my jacket and stepped outside, closing the door behind me and locking it. Kio sighed and laced his hand into mine.

"I'm sorry, I just wanna be able to kiss you without feeling like Mattia's behind me with a gun to my head."

I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well he's not behind you right now"

"Oh? Then I guess I can do this" he smirked and leaned in. Our lips met and for once I didn't feel guilty about it. I didn't know whether it meant I was finally moving on from Mattia, but Kio was slowly becoming more and more attractive to me.

He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss but I pulled away before we got carried away.

"What? Is he behind me?" Kio whipped his head around quickly causing me to laugh again as I shook my head.

"We're going to be late" I said, taking his hand and leading him to the car. He went over to his side and looked at me over the roof of the car.

"Just so you know, we're finishing that off when we're done with this"

I blushed and got into the car without saying anything. The ride was quick and once we got there I felt nervous butterflies appear in my stomach. Kio appeared at my side, taking my hand in his.

"You're okay, just breathe"

That reminded me of the time I had the panic attack at the beach, and Mattia calmed me down my pressing my head to his chest.

Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.

I shook my head quickly and tried to focus on Kio. Why the fuck was I thinking about him so much?
He cheated on you, Elena. Don't forget that.

We made our way to the courtroom and I took a deep breath as I saw the boys and Vic sat in the front row of chairs on the left side of the room.

"Can we sit on the row behind them?" I whispered to Kio and he nodded and we started walking towards to front. Vic turned around and looked at me, then at Kio and back to me. She shook her head and frowned when she saw us holding hands. I bit my lip as I felt my eyes heat up and pulled Kio's hand so he'd stop.

"I changed my mind" I mumbled, walking to the right side. Kio took his seat and I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. I know I shouldn't have done it considering Vic was sat right there, but honestly all I needed was comfort right now.

Since when did she control my relationships? But was this even a relationship? The only real relationship I'd been in was with...

Kio placed his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for a while as more people took their seats, and the jury made their way to the front. I saw Alejandro sitting at the front in a smart suit. He was in conversation with his lawyer, I felt awful for him. I sat up to get a better look and Kio placed his hands in his lap.

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up and saw Mattia towering above me. He was wearing a white hoodie with blue ripped jeans. He looked good, but so did Kio. I rolled my eyes.


"Great" he slumped into the seat next to me, slightly slouching so he was the same level as me. He looked at me dreamily and I raised an eyebrow.

"What? You look good, obviously I'm going to stare"

I was about to say something but I felt Kio take ahold of my hand. I looked over at him and so did Mattia.

"What? You're mine, obviously I'm going to let people know about it"

I shook my head in disbelief at both of them, but before I could say anything the judge slammed his gavel loudly, ordering everyone to be quiet.

This was going to be a long, long afternoon.

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