Chapter 11

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I walked back inside, regretting what I'd just said to my Mom. I brushed down my outfit as I headed towards the bar, where Elena was stood.

"Hey" Elena said softly enough for only my ears to hear. She rested her hand on my arm and looked up at me. I ignored her reluctantly and tried to get my mind off the argument I had with Mom. With a shaky hand I reached out towards the shot glasses which were on a tray. Elena quickly moved the tray, just as my fingertips grazed the glass.

"What are you doing?" I looked at her, and her face conveyed an anxious expression.

"What happened, Mattia?"

Her eyes were sad and it was partly my fault. Without having to explain the argument, I instead slipped my arms around her waist and buried my head in her neck. Taking the hint, she wrapped her arms around my neck, gently kissing my head as she did so. That was our moment. Being in her arms was the safest place in the world, and I felt my shoulders slowly deflate as I closed my eyes for a second.

"Sir we have a problem"

My eyes snapped open and I regained my composure. I turned around and saw the security guy with a serious expression on his face. Keeping my arm tight around Elena's waist, I signalled for him to continue.

"There seems to be a couple outside who are trying to gain access into the party, but you haven't got them on the guest list"

I was listening to what he was saying but couldn't help but notice my Mom stood in the corner, shaking her head at me. I rolled my eyes and picked up a shot before Elena could say otherwise.

"Mattia-" she tried to stop me, but her timing was off.

I downed it in one go and slammed the cup down on the counter. The liquid made its way down my throat, burning anywhere it touched. I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head quickly. Since when couldn't I take a shot?  

"Sir" repeated security guard, trying to get my attention again. I looked over at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Just tell them to leave" I said, becoming slightly irritated. I felt Elena's hand on mine as she removed my arm from around her waist.

"Babe?" I tried to pull her back but she was leading the security guard out the tent.

"Just show me who it is" she ordered, shooting me an annoyed glare. Regret slapped me in the face as I slumped down onto one of the bar stools. I saw Mom slowly approaching me, and tried to act unbothered since she was only about to give me grief anyway. I asked the barmaid to hand me a beer bottle so I could focus on something other than the 'I told you so' I was about to hear. Much to my annoyance, she started slowly clapping as she got closer.

"You haven't even been engaged for 24 hours and you've already pissed her off" she hissed. I held my breath and raised the bottle in my hand up to my lips.

"Really? You're just going to drown your sorrows with alcohol? Very mature Mattia" she scoffed. I shifted in my seat so I was facing her. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for a response.

"I don't care what you say to me, but if you dare say anything that'll intentionally hurt Elena, then you'll never see me again" I exclaimed, causing Dad to look over in our direction. He figured something was going on and started to head over to us.

"Can you guys do this at home? It's meant to be a happy day" he asked, patting me on the back. I nodded in agreement.

"Just trying to put some common sense into our son" said Mom, under her breath. I groaned loudly and put my head in my hands.

"You're a child" I said, standing up and walking over to the boys. I glanced over at the exit, wondering what was taking Elena so long.


I smoothed the creases in my dress as we made our way outside. It was dark outside, yet still warm. The air was salty, and I noticed the tide was slowly starting to come in, it would soon be time to go home. So why were people still trying to get in?

The security guard lead me to the couple and I stopped in my tracks when I saw them.

Jackson was stood in front of me, wearing a black tuxedo and a sly smile plastered across his face. His eyes made their way down my body and back up, meeting my eyes which were full of dread. He bit his lower lip and I felt goosebumps appear on my arms.
His hand, however, was intertwined with another girl who I'd never seen before. She looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't put a name on it. She had beach blonde hair, which stopped at her shoulders. She was looking at me with an eyebrow raised, she knew who I was.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I said, looking at the two of them. Jackson opened his mouth to speak, but his date beat him to it.

"I came to see Mattia" she revealed, subtly letting go of Jackson's hand. I narrowed my eyes at her, my fists slowly curling up.

"Why would you-"


I turned around to see Mattia behind me. Except he wasn't looking at me. He was looking straight ahead.

At her.

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