Chapter 3

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"There's nothing to talk about" I said, keeping my back towards Jackson. I tried to stay calm in the hope that he'd take the hint and leave. But he didn't.

"Please? Just hear me out"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped away immediately. Jackson raised his hands in surrender and looked me up and down.

"Just get the fuck outta here" I shuddered, but he still didn't move. He put his hands together and pursued his lips together, keeping his eyes on me.

"Babe what's going on?" I heard Mattia's voice from behind me and immediately felt a wave of relief rush over me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in. Jackson put his hand out, smiling at Mattia.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mattia said blankly, ignoring his hand. Jackson sheepishly dropped his hand down to his side and cleared his throat.

"I'm Elena's ex" he rubbed the back of his neck, and looked at the floor.

"And?" said Mattia.

"And I was hoping I could talk to her" answered Jackson causing Mattia to burst into laughter.

"Hold on" he tried to catch his breath between laughter.

"So you, expect me, to let Elena talk to you, just like that?" Mattia snapped his fingers in Jackson's face, causing Jackson to hang his head in shame.

"Okay, I'm sorry" he said quietly and started walking towards the exit. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Even though he was a dick, one upon a time he made me the happiest girl alive.

"Babe I'll be back soon" I said, kissing Mattia softly and patting his chest. He kissed me back and shook his head.

"Be quick Amor, I don't like him" he said, glaring in Jackson's direction.

"Neither do I" I sighed, heading towards the exit. I saw Jackson sitting outside with a cigarette placed between his lips. He remained perfectly still when he saw me approaching him.

"Hey" I said, taking a seat next to him. He took a long puff before answering me.

"I'll talk later" he said, before standing up and putting the lighter in his pocket.

"Wait what?" I said, confused as to why he was leaving so quickly. But he simply shook his head.

"I'll just talk to you over the phone or something"

"Jackson there's something you should know"

I stood up after him and he turned around to face me. I bit my lip and wondered whether to tell him that he'd probably never see me again.

"There's something you should know too" he said.

"But Jackson-"

"I can't do this anymore" he cut me off, holding his head in his hands.

"What?" I made sure there was enough distance between us, cause a part of me felt like he was about to lash out on me.

"This" he gestured between us both "I can't keep being friends with you when there's something between us"

Very slowly, I took a step back and looked at him in confusion.

"Jackson, there's nothing between us" I exclaimed, but that just annoyed him even more.

"There has always been something between us Elena, you were my first love, and if hector hadn't ruined it, we would've been so much stronger"

My ears were burning over what I was hearing. I looked over at Mattia and he was stood in line, on his phone. He was my everything. The only boy I had eyes for. Jackson was nothing but a past memory.

"Even if I did have feelings for you, it would've never worked because I'm moving back to New Jersey with Mattia" I said, and his eyes widened.

"I mean at least I tried" he opened his arms "can I have a hug at least before you go?"

I contemplated for a second. A hug doesn't mean anything right?

I quickly wrapped my arms around him and he followed suit. I was about to pull away when I felt something sharp in my back. Terror rushed through my veins as I realised it was a knife.

"J-Jackson, please" I trembled, trying as hard as I could to stay still. But I heard him laugh slightly.

"Now you're gonna walk over to my car, and get in it, and no one gets hurt, understand?"

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