Chapter 36

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Elena gently turned the page, the occasional tear slipping down her cheek, and onto the plastic cover. She traced her finger over the picture of Jayden and her stood by a pool. She had no recollection since she was so young. How did she miss something like this? She dabbed at her eyes with the now damp tissue, smiling at how much taller he was than her, despite only being 6 years old at the time. She heard the basement door open behind her, but didn't bother turning to see who it was. She stayed perched on the cold, tiled floor, gripping the photo album in her hands.

Mattia's heart dropped when he heard the news. But no one was as impacted by it as Elena was. Closing the door gently behind him, he walked over to her, lowering himself to the ground. He placed his hands in his lap and peered at the pictures, careful not to disturb his girlfriend. A long silence followed, Elena turned the pages, and when she wasn't turning a page, she was wiping her eyes.

"I just wish I could've met him"

Mattia looked at her, his eyes softened. She was broken by this. Her eyes were bloodshot red from all the tears, and she was shaking slightly every time she laid eyes on her brother.

"So do I"

He wrapped his arm around her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder as she wept quietly.

"That's my brother" she said, allowing the tears to fall onto Mattia's hoodie.

"Look, he even has my features" she said, pointing at his hair and eyes. Mattia bit his lip hard to stop the tears from falling. He had to stay strong for Elena, he had to guide her through this. Somehow.

"I bet he would've hated me" said Mattia sarcastically, causing her to laugh. A relieved feeling shot through him when he heard her laugh.

Leanne had explained everything to Elena. From the cancer coming back, to passing it onto Jayden, and even the reason for Hunter leaving. Leanne had forgiven him. Elena hadn't. If anything, it just made her regret ever inviting him back into their lives.


Mattia looked down at her, tucking a strand of hair out of her face.


Elena gave him a confused expression, as she didn't even get to ask her question.


"Yes" he said, smiling at her "whatever it is that you want, we'll get it, I don't care anymore, you're my everything and I'm not letting anyone stop me from doing anything. So yes"

Elena's eyes refilled with those same salty tears as Mattia took the photo album and set it gently on the ground, before pulling her onto his lap. Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

"Mattia I think we should get married"

As soon as the words left her mouth, his eyes lit up and his heart started beating a little faster. He never thought he'd hear those words again. Or at least, for a long, long time.

"How soon?" he said excitedly, holding Elena tighter in his arms.

"Well they say the cancer starts to kick in within the last week so maybe-"

Mattia cut Elena off by lifting her chin up so she was looking in his eyes. She looked slightly startled but there was something she needed to know.

"Your Mom will be at our wedding babygirl, there's no way I'm letting her miss it"

A grin spread across Elena's face as her cheeks turned crimson. He was honestly getting so good at leaving her speechless.

"Now let's get back to it, shall we?" he said, picking up the photo album and placing it on Elena's lap.

"I love you" she said, staring at Mattia as he busily tried to find the page they were on. He stopped for a second and smiled up at her.

"I love you more"

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