Chapter 45

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With her hand laced in Mattia's, Elena made her way through the cemetery, a bunch of white lillies in her free hand. Their little girl skipped ahead of them, in her baby pink dress, with daisies threaded in her wavy brown hair. She knew exactly where her grandma's grave was. Directly next to her Uncle Jayden's.

Once they'd reached the graves, Elena kneeled down and gently laid the flowers in front of the headstones. A tear rolled down Elena's cheek as the memories from five years ago reappeared. The memories of her mother in her final moments had never really left her troubled mind. She felt Mattia's hand rest on her shoulder and quickly wiped the tear away, standing up again.

"You good, baby?" he asked, running his thumb over the tear streak on her face. She nodded her head, giving him a reassuring smile. She felt her daughter's little hands tugging on her dress, and reached out, picking her up in her arms. Mattia scrunched his nose at his daughter when she smiled at him. She had her Mother's brown eyes, but had his adorable lop sided grin. The perfect genes.

"We should get going babe" said Elena, keeping her eyes on their bundle of joy.

"Lets just go home and watch Netflix instead" he said, wrapping his arm around Elena's waist. Their daughter laughed loudly and threw her hands in the air, causing Mattia to laugh too.

"See? Even Mia agrees with me" he chuckled, taking the baby in his arms. He threw her up in the air and safely caught her again, making her scream with laughter. Elena watched them as her heart became warm.

Mattia had never left her side throughout the years. They still fought like a married couple, yet loved each other as if they were a couple of high schoolers. If it weren't for Mattia, Elena didn't know where she would've been right now.

It wasn't like her Father cared. Elena hadn't seen her Dad since the day of Leanne's funeral. He had left again, just as she knew he would. The news never came as a surprise to Elena. Even though she knew he was in England, she had chosen to lose all contact with him. Mattia had protected her more than he ever could.

"Come on Mattia, we're getting late" Elena said, walking over to their car. Mattia followed and placed Mia in her booster seat, before getting behind the wheel.


"Baby Mia!" squealed Vic, running over to Elena and Mattia as they entered the restaurant. Mia let go of her Dad's hand, running over to jump into Vic's arms. They had the closest bond out of all of Elena and Mattia's friends. Mostly because Vic would always offer to look after Mia on date nights.

"Auntie Vic!" yelled Mia, causing people to turn around from their meals and see the two embrace each other. Vic smothered her in kisses, before setting her down on the ground, allowing her to run over to the table they were sitting at. Mattia quickly hugged Vic before rushing over to make sure Mia didn't go the wrong way. Elena laughed as their three year old daughter ran rings around Mattia.

"She's exactly like you" said Vic, nudging Elena.

"I don't know, she definitely has Mattia's smile" replied Elena, as they walked over to the table. She hugged the boys and Adriana. After everyone had greeted each other they took their seats, and Mia climbed onto Mattia's lap.

"How's my favourite troublemaker?" asked Kairi, leaning across the table and giving Mia a fistbump. She laughed and shook her head at him, just as the waiter bought their appetisers.

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